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Matt in TN

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Everything posted by Matt in TN

  1. People always have questions about scoring. I admit this can be confusing - especially since every Run N Gun is a little different. Scoring for THIS match reflects the priorities of the 5th Special Forces Group, so while it is pretty similar to what we did here in March there are a few differences. First, the similarities: Your total score is made up of 50% run time and 50% shoot time, so you have to both run fast and shoot well to score well overall. To break this down further - the fastest runner overall will get 500 points. Each runner below that will get a percentage of 500 points based on how much slower than that fastest runner they are. The fastest shooter at Stage 1 will get 100 points, and every shooter below that will get a percentage of those 100 points based on how much slower than the fastest shooter they are. And so on for all five stages. Since there are 5 stages, there are 500 possible points for shooting. So theoretically - if someone was the fastest runner and won each and every shooting stage they'd get 1,000 points and win the match. That has yet to EVER happen, so the actual match winner is always someone who balances shooting well with running fast - which is as it should be. Now, the differences (from March): For each target you Fail To Neutralize (FTN) as per the stage description, we will add 10 seconds to your shoot time for that stage. For each "No Shoot" you hit (once or multiple times), 10 seconds will be added to your shoot time for that stage. And since 5th Group never quits - neither can you. You have to keep shooting until you've either hit all the targets or your 3 minutes are up. You CANNOT just quit early and "take the penalty." The only exception to this is if you THINK you hit all the targets, but didn't. For example: you shoot 5 times at a paper pistol target, think you hit it all 5 times, and move on - but when it's scored they only find 4 hits. You'd have 10 seconds added to your shoot time as an FTN penalty for that stage. So even if you do not finish the shooting stage, you will still get some points based on how many targets you DID hit (unlilke in March). And two Match DQ penalties (you get a zero score for the match and get sent home early) that may be new to some: 1. If you get caught with a loaded rifle ANYWHERE but immediately after you are given the "fire" command or the start buzzer goes off 2. If you drop a loaded pistol ANYWHERE in the course Any questions?
  2. Only problem with this is, I and a lot of my friends are stubborn .308 shooters. Will the 1/4" hold up?
  3. 5th Group had a good week this week - picked up Spikes Tactical as a match sponsor and Trijicon as a stage sponsor. Just the first of many more to come, I'm sure!
  4. I know that everyone this week is busy and thinking only of the Rockcastle Shooting Center Pro Am, but while you are chilling at the BYO Pool Party or shooting awesome stages encourage your friends to come shoot the Legion 9/11 Memorial Match! Things you'll experience that aren't at most matches: Incoming "artillery strikes" Machinegun fire WHILE you are trying to focus on shooting Calling in your own JDAM strike Shooting while under attack (I'll let this one be a surprise!) Experiencing the "fog of war" and trying to identify friend and foe Rescuing multiple casualties Carrying all your gear for 5k while shooting and overcoming obstacles And of course all of the outrageous things that are only "normal" to Rockcastle: Shooting in the complete darkness of a cave Shooting from/around a vehicle Shooting and reloading on the move and from behind cover There are still some slots open - register NOW at: https://practiscore.com/legion-9-11-memorial-5k-run-n-gun/register And if you have absolutely no interest in carrying 20-50lbs over a 5k running course, but still want to experience the awesomeness of the shooting stages and support the 5th Group Special Forces Association, come on out to the Sunday 2-gun match where you can do exactly that. Even better, shoot BOTH matches back to back. You know you'll want another shot at these stages after shooting them Saturday, so you might as well sign up for Sunday too so you can try them fresh again! Here's the link for the Sunday match: https://practiscore.com/legion-9-11-memorial-2-gun-match/register
  5. Thanks Justin - I (and am sure many others) would LOVE to see what kind of loadout solutions you guys have come up with. Also please touch on WHY you chose what you chose or avoided certain things - the experience you guys have is invaluable!
  6. My father-in-law has Alzheimer's, and a couple of my Grandparents did. So I'm learning more and more about this disease. One interesting thing I've learned is that some of the things Doctor's reccomend to help stave off the disease sound a whole lot like memoriaing complex shooting stages and visualizing them over and over again. I've always said my mental game practice was better than any crosswords or sudoku that other folks do to try and keep their mind sharp, but I had no idea it was also helping to fight off Alzheimer's. I think we need some good medical research on competitive shooters and the development of Alzheimer's. Anybody want to write a grant? Maybe I can get my insurance to pay for my shooting habit as "preventative treatment"? ;-)
  7. I had to move some MOLLE around on my Run N Gun rig to make the change from FAL/G41 to AR10/G17 tonight, and I realized I have one less G18 mag than I thought I did. So I'll be ordering a G18 mag this week to finish this set out. A quick run around the farm and some rifle dry fire in various positions made a good basic gear test, but it needs more before I'm comfortable with it. How is everyone carrying the giant loads of ammo required for this match? I'm going with 4x25rd AR10 mags, 3x33rd G18 mags, and a 21rd G17 mag in the pistol for a total loadout of 100 rifle and 120 pistol.
  8. There are still plenty of slots left open - talk your friends into joining you, and motivate each other to prepare. Don't put this off - sign up and start training TODAY!!!
  9. I'll start: I've been stuck on hotel treadmills for the last two weeks "simulating hills". Tonight was my first run on a real road: 3.66 miles at a 9.1 min/mi avg pace (with no weight) on the hilliest route I could find close to my house. Goal #1 is no walking - check. Goal #2 is to average at LEAST 90% of my peak heart rate throughout. I hit 89% tonight, so I have some more work to do. The plan is 3 weightless runs a week and a weighted run on the weekends. Who is next???
  10. If you've never been to Rockcastle before, you should know that it has some wicked hills! Below is an elevation map of the course. Post here how you're going to deal with those hills to help keep each other inspired/motivated. You have FOUR WEEKS to get ready - post up when you do something for training! If you run four times a week already and this is no big deal, just post a weekly update so people don't get overwhelmed by your awesomeness but can still see what's possible. Extra points if you've never done anything like this before and struggle just to walk a mile. Post something here every single time you walk that mile! Don't worry about it not being "long enough" or "fast enough". All that matters is that you got off the couch and did SOMETHING. If you did more than you did yesterday, you win. Celebrate it here!
  11. I've had a few questions on how people can donate if they can't come to the match. You can donate to the SFA at anytime through their website, but that only goes to their general fund (still a great cause). If you want to donate to the Chapter that specifically takes care of 5th Group, it has to be done the old-fashioned way via snail mail. Here are the details: Check/Money Order TO: Special Forces Association, Chpt 38 NOTE: Legion 9/11 Memorial Match Mailing Address: Special Forces Association, Chpt 38 ATTN: CSM (RET) Frank McFadden PO Box 223 Ft. Campbell, KY 42223
  12. I got some more humbling news today: Gold Star family members who were directly tied to some of the individuals the stages are based on will be at the event. Gold Star families are those who lost an immediate family member in combat. Help me honor these people by not only showing up in great numbers, but putting your best feet forward and showing them how much we appreciate and understand their sacrifice.
  13. This match is not about beating other people, it’s about beating yourself. And your Self is the toughest opponent you will ever face. Start training. If you sign up, show up, and just START the match you’re ahead of every other “internet couch warrior” out there. If you FINISH the match, no matter how long it takes you, you win. One thing I can promise you – is that NO ONE will make fun of you for getting out there and trying. You will only hear words of encouragement and support*, pushing you to keep going and finish this thing. *Marines and Army Drill Instructors have their own special way of giving encouragement and support, and I have a few as RO’s. If they yell at you, know it’s because they love you. They are the only exemptions from this statement. If some lone douchebag tries to prove me wrong on this and makes fun of you for struggling, being too fat, too old, or too slow - give them a swift buttstroke to the side of the head with your rifle and just keep going. As you trample over their crying body, tell them "Matt says hi".
  14. And it turns out I lied about the obstacles - there will be SEVERAL obstacles in addition to the shooting stages. You'll crawl, climb, slide, and carry heavy things. This is gonna be fun!
  15. Registration opens at 10:00am sharp tomorrow morning. Below is the link for the 5k Run N Gun/Centerfire Biathlon on Saturday, September 9th. https://practiscore.com/legion-9-11-memorial-5k-run-n-gun/register Below is the link for the 2-Gun Match (the shooting stages only, with no running in between and no obstacles) on Sunday September 10th. https://practiscore.com/legion-9-11-memorial-2-gun-match/register And no, the registration doesn't work yet! Be SURE you register for the correct match, as there are two separate matches with similar names.
  16. There will be 49 required rifle hits, and 60 required pistol hits. I highly recommend carrying AT LEAST twice that many rounds if you're running the 5k - there's no going back to your car for more if you run out. And the 5th Group Guys usually have no idea what they're about to walk into when they get sent out, so there will be no stage descriptions released before-hand. The first you'll hear about the stage is when you run up to shoot it. I will tell you the most difficult rifle shot will be a 10" steel plate at about 320 yards, and there will be everything from extremely close and fast to 320 yds. I will also tell you that the shooting stages are based on actual operations 5th Group personnel have been through in the past - some of which are public knowledge and some of which are not so public. You will learn the true story behind every stage at the match - but they may not all be made public beforehand. Some of the details are sensitive and we don't necessarily want them blabbed all over the internet. However - as a "for instance": Read through this actual description of a Silver Star award for a 5th Group hero, and try to imagine how you might try to reproduce that in a way civilians could do it in under 3 minutes. And be thankful we have people like Master Sgt. Anthony S. Pryor on our side... https://www.army.mil/article/1662/sf-soldier-gets-silver-star-for-heroism-in-afghanistan
  17. I’m still short 3 RO’s for this match (both Saturday and Sunday – you can do either or both). So I'm putting out an open call for volunteers. The biggest benefit to being an RO is you can guarantee you get a slot in the match. The ONLY WAY I can promise you'll get to shoot this match, is if you agree to work for me. Please look at all the requirements and put some thought into this before you volunteer - this will be a hard match to work and a lot will be asked of you. First, the bad: RO's will shoot on Friday, so you need to be there early enough on Friday to shoot as well as run a stage or two for your fellow RO's. You will be stuck on a single stage ALL DAY LONG on Saturday. Bring anything else you might need to last the day in the field (chairs, food, binoculars to spot rifle hits, LOTS OF WATER, sunscreen, hat, jacket, etc.). There will be three RO's on each stage, so one of you can rotate off for a short period if you need a bathroom break or something - but keep it a SHORT break as the others will be depending on you. You will have to tell people "NO" and/or "Sorry, I can't help you" frequently. You will need to keep competitors doing NOTHING during their wait time but standing there waiting, exactly as they ran up - they cannot take off or rearrange gear, sit in the shade, drink water or eat, meditate, etc. You will have to keep a close eye on tired people, and may have to physically put hands on them if their muzzle is moving toward an unsafe direction. Verifying everyone's rifle is unloaded as they arrive and leave your stage is YOUR responsibility, and is of the utmost importance. You may have to DQ a competitor if they show up to your stage with a round in their chamber. If a competitor shows up to the stage AFTER yours with a round in their chamber - I'm going to DQ that competitor, and then immediately call YOU to find out how you let a shooter leave your stage with a loaded rifle. You'll need to read a short "script" to each competitor right before they shoot that gives a brief stage description. If they have questions you can stand there and talk as long as they want, but since the stage description will be part of their run time we need to keep it as short and CONSISTENT from shooter to shooter as much as possible. Now, the good: You will be guaranteed a slot at the match, and will not have to fight in the bloodbath that will occur the minute registration opens! Your registration fee is $0.00. You get to help out a great charity and a bunch of VERY deserving folks who have already sacrificed more than you can even fathom for you. This is your time to pay it back in a very small way. You don't need a special "RO Certification" to work this match, but since it will be a tough match to work I'll need folks who are extra squared-away. Preference will be given in the following order: 1. If I know you personally and know I can count on you 2. If you've RO'd a Run N Gun before 3. If you've RO'd at Rockcastle before (or have completed their RO course) 4. If you've RO'd any 3-gun or action pistol/rifle match before If you're interested, please send me an email at mstennett@twlakes.net and tell me a little about yourself and your experience. Sunday ROing will be much easier as you will be assigned a squad and you will shoot and move with them like a traditional 3-gun match. 5th Group will also be providing ROs too, so you’ll be working closely with them on both days.
  18. I swore up and down I was only going to put on one of these a year. But you don't say no to 5th Group! This one should be quite a bit more exciting/stressful than March's match, with all of the toys they're talking about bringing.
  19. For anyone who still doesn't know what a "5k 2-Gun" or a "Centerfire Biathlon" is, here's a video from a similar event we had in March. This one will be slightly different (see previous posts for details), but this should give you a better idea what to expect:
  20. Registration will open on Practiscore at 10am Central Time on August 5th. Telling you now in case anyone needs to make plans to be near a computer then. ;-)
  21. And for people who did the 3G4V Run N Gun in March, this event will be similar with some important differences you should note: 1. The shooting stages will be more difficult/complex, and there will be a higher round count overall. "I would NEVER shoot something only twice!" is what I was told when I asked how many hits should be required to neutralize paper. After some internal discussion, it was decided that pistol targets need 5 shots to neutralize and rifle targets need 3 shots (paper only - steel is still 1 hit). 2. There will be two divisions/classes: "Combat Class" in which you carry 25% of your bodyweight or more (simulating a full load-out), and "Race Class" in which you can go as light and fast as you want. Everything else is open. 3. The only obstacles are the hills. After shooting the stages, you'll understand this much better. More coming soon!
  22. Here are some more details for anyone who hasn't done a Run N Gun/Centerfire Biathlon before. These only apply to the Saturday Match. The Sunday Match will be a more traditional squadded 2-gun match in which you DON'T have to run between shooting locations carrying all your gear! Intro: The Legion 9/11 Memorial 2-Gun Match is a centerfire biathlon – competitors will complete a 5K run combined with a shooting competition. The event is a test of man and equipment alike. It is intended to give participants an idea of how being hot, cold, exhausted, and challenged by the environment affects their shooting, and to test the effectiveness of their gear under field conditions. This event is not intended for inexperienced shooters – all participants are expected to be familiar with the operation of their firearms, and to observe basic principles of firearm safety at all times. With the exception of emergencies, Range Officers (ROs) are not allowed to help participants in any way. Good attitudes are a must. If you are the type of person who gets upset when minor changes are made to a plan or when you don’t always get your way, this is not the event for you. Basics: Participants will receive both a score for their run based on how long it took them to complete the course, and a score for their shooting based on how long it took them to clear each course of fire. The run score and shooting score will be equally weighted in determining the participant’s final score. This is true run-what-you-brung field-style shooting, with only two equipment classes: “Combat Class” in which you must carry at least 25% of your bodyweight in gear (simulating a full load-out), or “Race Class” in which anything goes. For the most part, if you want to carry it for 5 clicks, be our guest. Shooters are expected to have all their firearms sighted in and all their gear ready to go on the morning of the shoot. There will be no zeroing at the event. Think of this as a test of how you and your equipment would perform in a Second Amendment situation if you had to go take care of business at your current state of readiness, whatever that is. Run order will be more or less random. We will try to be accommodating to participants who wish to share firearms or equipment (we can have one person run in the morning and the other in the afternoon), or to those who wish to run together. Equipment: The only equipment that is strictly required to participate is a safe center fire rifle, a safe center fire pistol, enough ammo to clear the course (at least twice the minimum required hit count is recommended), eye protection, ear protection, a flashlight, and some form of stopwatch. The rifle must shoot rifle caliber ammo (no 9mm PCC), and the pistol must shoot pistol caliber (no .223 “pistols” for the handgun targets). Everything else is up to the participant, but water and a pen and notepad are highly recommended. Shooters may use any type of gear they want to carry their equipment with, the only requirement being that pistols must be carried in a secure holster that covers the trigger if they are to be carried loaded. Rifles may be carried any way you like, as long as they remain pointed in a safe direction. You may not use tracers or armor piercing bullets that have a hardened penetrator core, as we will be using lots of steel targets that we don’t want to see damaged. To be safe – if your bullet attracts a magnet or has a green tip, leave it at home. Rules: First and foremost, all participants will be expected to comply with basic firearms safety at all times. If you demonstrate inability or unwillingness to follow basic firearm safety, you will be asked to leave, with no refund and no apology. Muzzles must be pointed in a safe direction at all times, and fingers must be off the trigger unless the firearm is pointed at a target. Rifles shall only be loaded when a shooter is at a rifle stage, after the RO has given the “fire” command. Shooters may leave their handguns loaded at all times. However, loaded handguns must remain securely in a holster unless the shooter has been given the “fire” command on a shooting stage. Some stages will be active, involving moving and shooting. Firearms may remain loaded during movement, but strict muzzle discipline must be maintained. Procedures: Every shooter will be given a score card that he will be required to carry through the course. The card is how we record your score. Do not lose it or we will not be able to give you a score for the event. When a shooter approaches a station, he will be required to show a RO an empty mag well and empty chamber on his rifle. If another shooter is currently on the stage when he arrives, the one who just arrived will be instructed by a RO to start his stopwatch to keep track of his wait time (this will be subtracted off the participant’s run time when his run score is calculated). It is purely the shooter’s responsibility to keep track of his wait time. The ROs have no responsibility whatsoever to help you do this. Even if a RO offers to help you keep track of your time, you have no one but yourself to blame if this is not done. When the shooter is ready to shoot the stage, he will hand the RO his score card, and the RO will record his wait time if any. The shooter will be given a quick summary of the course of fire. The RO will ask if the shooter understands the course of fire. If the answer is yes, the shooter will be given the “fire” command, at which time he may load his rifle and/or draw his pistol and begin shooting the stage. All stages will have a zone where the shooter must fire from -- either a particular hole in a barricade that you must shoot through, or a marked zone on the ground, in which every part of your body or equipment which touches the ground must remain inside of when you fire. Hits made from outside the designated area will not count toward completion of the course of fire. Every shooting stage will have a 3 minute time limit. This is to keep the runners moving and to prevent large backups of shooters waiting to shoot a stage. At the end of that 3 minute period, the shooter will be stopped and time penalties applied to their score for any target not fully neutralized as per the course of fire requirements. If for any reason the “cease fire” command is given, you will immediately cease fire, holster your handgun, and unload your rifle. You will do likewise when you complete a stage, or time out. The RO should tell you your time for the stage. The RO will record your time on your score card. You may want to carry a pen and notepad to keep track of your score in case you lose your card, or if there is a mix-up with the scoring. Every shooter must show a RO an empty mag well and chamber on his rifle before leaving each stage. A RO will give directions on where to go to continue down the trail. Shooters are NOT required to leave their rifle’s bolt open during the run… this is actually discouraged, as it will allow lots of that beautiful Kentucky red clay to accumulate inside the action. There will be ample opportunity for this to happen on the course. The Run: The total course length is 3.2 miles. The path for participants to follow will be marked with brightly colored flags and/or tape. Shooters must stay close to the marked path. Do not cut corners. Failure to follow the marked trail may take you into the impact area of a hot range!!! If the trail takes you through some difficult terrain, this is on purpose! Parts of the trail will be down a county road. Keep to the left edge of the road and watch for traffic. Your Fitness: This event is in a remote area, and you need to be aware of over-exertion. We should have some folks with medical skills on hand, but your health is your responsibility. If you start having problems, slow down... drink some water... listen to your body! There is no shame in walking the course; know yourself and your limitations. Accommodations: Attendees are highly recommended to stay at the onsite lodge for the full experience. There will be people on site all day Friday, as the ROs will be running the course. Porta-potties will be on site at most shooting locations. Registration opens at 6:30 a.m. and closes at 7:30 a.m Saturday morning. The safety briefing begins at 7:30 a.m. Anyone who does not get signed in by 7:30 will not be allowed to participate, so be on time. The first runner will be sent out at 8:00 a.m., and another runner will be sent out in a uniform interval thereafter. The ROs will have run the course the day before. They will be scored along with all the other contestants. After the last runner has crossed the finish line, we will calculate the results. The winners will be announced, trophies will be given out, and a drawing will be conducted for all the prizes contributed by the sponsors. How to Sign Up: The registration fee for the Legion 9/11 Memorial 2-Gun Match is $50 ($30 to Active or Retired 5th Group members). Registration will be limited to 55 competitors from the general public – all of the other slots are being held for 5th Group members. If you are 5th Group and have trouble registering, email me directly at mstennett@twlakes.net and I will get you in. Registration will be handled through Practiscore, and Rockcastle will collect the match fee and have you sign waivers the morning of the match. Make sure you are familiar with all of our rules and procedures before signing up. All participants must register under their true names. Tickets are non-transferable. Pre-registration is mandatory, and no walk-ons will be allowed on match day as space and time is limited. Directions: The start and finish line are both located at the Park Mammoth Resort Lodge at Rockcastle Shooting Center. The address is 22850 Louisville Rd, Park City, KY 42160. This is almost exactly halfway in between the Nashville International Airport (BNA) and the Louisville International Airport (SDF) – about an easy hour and a half drive from either.
  23. Spread the word! This event is designed to accomplish 3 things: 1. Share the heritage and legacy of Legion since 9/11 2. Challenge your rifle and pistol skills over a physically strenuous course 3. Raise funds for the Special Forces Association CHOOSE YOUR CHALLENGE: SEPT 9 – 5k Run & Gun Shooters will complete 5 combat-based stages over the course of a 5k route through the woods and hills of Kentucky, negotiating obstacles along the way. -OR- SEPT 10 – 2-Gun Stages ONLY Shooters will compete in the same 5 combat-based stages without the 5k run and obstacles. BACKGROUND: When the United States was attacked on September 11, 2001, the country needed a response. The Green Berets of the 5th Special Forces Group, known as “The Legion,” answered that call. From crushing the Taliban in Afghanistan, to dismantling Al Qaeda networks in Iraq, and combating the Islamic State in Syria, The Legion has carried the torch in the fight against America’s enemies. Many of the battles have been fought in the shadows, known only to those who were there. This 9/11, the Special Forces Association invites you to honor the dedication and sacrifice of The Legion by participating in the first annual Legion 9/11 Memorial 2-Gun Match. This match is an opportunity to test rifle and pistol skills in stages based on combat situations faced by members of The Legion since 9/11. All proceeds from this match will be donated to the Special Forces Association, Chapter 38 – an organization dedicated to supporting the Soldiers and families of the Special Forces Community. Registration Opens on Practiscore 05 AUG. More details can be found on their Facebook Event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1623...tab=discussion
  24. We had a sponsor (http://www.paratus46.net/) give a 30 minute class to all ROs at the Run N Gun going over very basic gunshot would immediate response (direct pressure, pressure points, tourniquet, pressure bandage, evac) before the match started. Several of the folks there were ex-mil or LE and had already had this training and more, but for the rest of us it was very useful. I came home and bought a tourniquet and pressure bandage and will take it with me from now on. Hopefully I never have to use it, but it's stupid NOT to have one.
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