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Posts posted by TRUbor9

  1. Check out shooters connection's blast shield they make one that attaches to the c-more. I'm starting to shoot open as well and I have a factory trubor i deffinatly need to get one!

  2. I have 9 mm smallframe mags and need

    someone to make spacers so it will fit and

    work on a large frame. Someone did this but

    cant remember his name. Willing to pay for the


    Ummm is it the kind that attach to the back of the mag?

  3. The midnight sun, the snowbound winters, meatballs, herring, Vikings and Volvos, ABBA and the Hives - whatever your pre-existing notions about Sweden may be, a visit to this multifaceted country is bound to both confirm and confound them.

    haha i know I've been there befor many times i love sailing

  4. Hello: The Tru Bor slide setup I just got will get a slide racker. I am going to mill one into the slide just infront of the rear cutout. Thanks, Eric

    but thats what im saying thats exactly what i dont want to do

  5. What is the dot like when you shoot it? Does it stay in the glass? Any side to side motion? I'm really thinking about trying auto comp as it's a good bit cheaper than my normal load of VV N105 (at about $30 per lb, there isn't too many that are more expensive!).

    ya really id like something to match my 3n37... great tracking with that tho

  6. The 170 mm mag that Dawson tuned, the first time I loaded it,

    all the cartridges fell into the magazine arould round 15 or so.

    I returned it with a note about the problem twice, and the third

    time I told them to keep it. The same identical problem all

    three times.

    I've heard? that if the last round is not stripping off the

    mag, that you need to file down the follower - may not be

    the mag being bent, if it feeds all the other rounds - but

    may just need to file the follower to make the last round

    strip off perfectly?


    Well i tried the follower from my mag that does work, the one that came in the gun, and it gets stuck too. but you'd think for the price we pay for those they should work... and try the tuned mag from shoots connection, thats my big stick and i love it!

  7. Soooo . . . the people that have the unlimited access to time and ammo in order to practice didn't rub a lantern to get it.

    They had to work their ass off to get good enough for a company to then make the investment in them. See, they had to scrape and fight for everything too. They just decided to take the risk on shooting, and for a few it paid off.

    You can't make someone want to be the best. Hell, someone can't make themselves want to be the best. It's not about wants, it's about choices. Focus, dedication, and execution. It's about choosing to win, not wanting to win. If it was just about wanting to win, then everyone would win.

    And just for a tick of humor - and clarity - shooting a million rounds a year based on a 365 day calendar yields about 2,700 rounds a day. I remember a good friend I used to shoot a ton with and I went through this exercise. Now, that doesn't include any downtime for guns. So if you "shoot out" a barrel in 50,000 rounds, you have to replace the barrel at least every 18 days. Based on that, you'd likely need several guns. Like . . . 10. All set up identical.

    Now you have to sleep. So for a good base here, let's say a workday is 10 hours a day. You have to shoot 270 rounds an hour. Every hour. For 10 hours a day. Everyday. And you can't even take Christmas day off. Oh, and if you're reloading . . . ugh. Best just to get a manufacturer to provide the BB's - who the hell wants to crank the handle 2,700 times a day????

    Yeah - anyone offers me a job to shoot 1,000,000 rounds in a year? They better pay me two dollars a round. Otherwise that would just begin to feel like work - and I thought most of us did this for fun : )


    and dont forget they have to compete very often too...

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