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Posts posted by justaute

  1. Update:

    Problem 1: Adjustable Rear Sight

    Summary - Well, my local gunsmith came through for me. He fixed the sight.

    Situation - I called Kensight this morning to do a warranty replacement and was told I need to first send in my non-working sight; was told they would either repair or replace it. So, I took my Shadow to my local gunsmith to remove the sight -- he previously installed my sight and loc-tite it for me. After he removed the sight, he told me he re-staked the windage screw and all is well. He said the sight innards looked fine and that Kensight would've likely done the same thing. Cost --> absolutely nothing and almost no down-time; I knew there's a good reason I gave him a 6-pack of expensive beer. :cheers: Should have let him look at the sight sooner. :( We'll see how long the repaired sight will last.

    Problem 2: Jam & Stove-piping

    I took the advice from all of you. I removed the extractor and cleaned it. It looked fine, but I replaced the spring, anyway. I soaked the extractor cavity in cleaning solution, brushed it, wiped it, and then blew it with my compressor. There definitely was a lot of gunk in that crevice. We'll see how it goes when I practice -- sorely needed -- this Friday.

    I'm hopeful the gun will run as new. While at the gunsmith/range, I shot my Fusion/Severns 1911 (9mm), my M&P Pro, and the Shadow. Well, you might have guessed it... I clearly prefer the Shadow to the other guns. While my 1911 is a very good shooter, I'm still more comfortable and accurate with the Shadow. I'm not a great shot, but I put 10 relatively quick shots in a 4-inch group at the 15-yard target.

    Recoil-control/Follow-up shot: Shadow > 1911 > M&P

    Comfort: Shadow > 1911 > M&P

  2. -- All: Thanks very much for your feedback and ideas. Will contact Kensight and CZ-USA tomorrow. I should know more about the status of my sights by mid-week.

    -- Trace: Thanks a lot for your offer. If my CZs are not ready by DTC (knock on wood), I can always shoot my M&P Pro, which I have as a backup gun. I got it as I just wanted a striker-based pistol in my collection. Missed you at JCSSA on Friday.

  3. Y'all are up late. :)

    ck1 -- on extractor spring, what is considered "a lot" of rounds? I have about 9,000 on the gun. How often should I replace the extractor spring?

    Jordan -- hmmm... that's not good about the Tripp sight. Please keep us posted. Good idea on the spare LPA-style sight. I'll see what Kensight says on Monday.

  4. I had a horrible day at my local match today. Although it's only my 6th match, I consider myself a decent, competitive shooter. Well, I think I had more Mikes today than those of all my previous matches combined. Below is a summary.

    Gun: CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow Target

    Ammo: S&B 115gr

    Problem 1:

    Shadow Target has an adjustable Novak-style Kensight. Well, several weeks ago, I noticed the windage adjustment screw crept out a bit, so I pushed it back in. This would occur a few more times; each and every time, I would push it back in. Yesterday, while practicing, I noticed the sight-blade moved to my right after just 10 to 12 rounds. Of course, I again pushed the screw back in; and, again, the screw would back out a few millimeters. Called Rob at CZC and he told me Kensight should replace the sight under warranty.

    So, I had figured the sight should last one more day, through my local match. Got to the match, asked an RO to let me sight-in the gun. Sighted in... another 10 rounds later, the windage blade moved to my right again. Well, after stage 1, everything just hits the fan. I took 2 shots at the first target of my 2nd stage, a partial about 7 yards away, then I peeked at the target to see whether my sight is still on-target; well, saw two holes in the black. Took two more shots, two more holes within about an inch from the first two holes. From that point, I had several Mikes on tight shots. By this point, the rear sight-blade has moved all the way to the right. Needless to say, today's match is just about worthless. For the rest of the match, I had to aim just outside the A-zone for Alpha. Suck, suck, suck,...

    Result/Action --> Will contact Kensight first thing Monday morning for a warranty replacement. The windage adjustment screw is the only negative thing about the stock, adjustable sight. I bought a Tripp Research adjustable, spring-less sight for my CZ 75 Shadow. Hope this sight will work out. Jordan O seems to love his so far.

    Problem 2:

    During Stage 2, where I first discovered how badly my rear sight blade has moved, my gun jammed twice. I think it was a feeding problem -- not sure which. In short, the next round was stove-piped by the chamber. This happened once at my previous match about 3 weeks ago. Not sure what is causing this. Prior to today's match, my SP-01 Shadow had run almost flawlessly.

    Result/Action --> Not sure. Any idea what I should do or check on?

    I have Double Tap Championship, my first Level 2 match coming up in two weeks. I need to soon figure out what to do. If I get my CZ 75 Shadow's slide back, after cutting the slide and installing the Tripp sight, I just might use it with my SP-01 Shadow's frame to shoot DTC. If not, then I hope Kensight can do an expedited replacement.

  5. Nice run, Brian. Look forward to meeting you at DTC...and getting my a$$ handed to me by many of you. It should be a great match for my first level 2.

  6. Now only if VZ Grips would make G10 grips with a similar profile to that of the CZ custom's aluminum grips, but with a more radius palm swell. This way, I wouldn't need to use any skateboard tape on my grips and it'd be light and anatomical.

    I actually called VZ Grips to make such a request, but it'a not in there plan yet.

  7. I have no experience with TS or CTS as I shoot a couple of Shadows. Nonetheless, assuming one is financially able, I subscribe to the idea of "buy once, cry once." Otherwise, the upgrade bug just keeps on biting. :roflol:

    I want to start shooting in Limited and I'm set on getting a CZ. I've shot a few and was very impressed. The one thing I can't decide is whether to get a stock TS or go all out and get a CTS.

    I've shot a TS and love the feel of it, I have bigger hands and even longer fingers so the size is great. My only concern with getting the TS is that I will end up dumping money into it buying all the stuff the CTS already comes with (sights, trigger work, grips, magwell). The only disadvantage I see with the CTS is I've never handled or shot one. I know the grip is reduced and the balance of the gun is different but is similar to the feel of a 75 (a gun I have shot)?

    I've read all I can find out about the two and I'm at a stalemate. Please help me out.



  8. A "zillion" rounds??? Wow, I have yet to load my first round. I have the XL650 from you all set up. Getting ready to do some loading in 9mm minor -- using Clays. I certainly hope it meters well.

    I'll finish up by saying I loaded a zillion rounds of 40 with Clays on a 1050, and it metered perfectly.


  9. Somebody from your club/area has to have an extra holster. If not, nothing a small piece of cardboard and electrical tape can't fix. :cheers:

    Interesting. I told BT I have a couple of local matches coming up and need a holster. She told me to just keep mine until the new one gets here.

    Like I said Luck You. I've got State Championship this weekend (as stated on my 4th post). Sucks to be me. Now I may have to go LIMITED minor . I can't use my G35 because i've been shooting my G34 half a year now.Got all my 9mm ammo chrono'd and ready to go.. :P:P

  10. Interesting. I told BT I have a couple of local matches coming up and need a holster. She told me to just keep mine until the new one gets here.

    I don't even have to send it in until I have the new one.

    Lucky you....I have to send in mines first......

  11. fourtrax...just came across your diary and am hopeful you don't mind my chiming in here. Coincidentally, your below items items are very similar to some of the observation I made about my own shooting. I'm a new shooter and just shot my fifth match. As I have a rather analytical propensity, I try to isolate my analysis. It's nice to read about others who are analyzing similar areas. FWIW... below is the youtube video of the stage where I made most of my observation. I use my youtube channel as my "range diary" and analysis.

    The Manny class was great! I learned a ton. Almost too much info to process. For me the big points were as follows.

    1. Prep the trigger. My trigger control and visual patience are not up to what they should be. Manny constantly stressed trigger prep and we all got a solid foundation in what is required and how it changes with different targets and distances.

    This will take some extra time and practice on my part. It is the basis for almost everything and NOW I get it. Manny pointed out several times the COST of an extra shot. He did this with the timer, so no disputes. I thought of a new MOTTO for me and that's "I can't make it up fast enough to win". A miss is costing me a second or more almost every time.

    2. The time between my last shot at a position and when I move needs work. I heard Manny yelling GO GO GO the instant my muzzle would lift on the last shot and the first couple times I'd swear that I wasn't moving until the 2nd or 3rd GO. I always thought I was fairly quick, but this illustrated another possible time saver. MOTTO "Dot lifts means gotta split" Yeah it's cheesy, but it will work for me.

    3. My off hand support was really lacking. I knew it needed work, but now I know it needs a lot of work. When I bared down considerably harder with my support hand everything was better. Now to ingrain it. MOTTO " Everything is better with a firm offhand"

    4. My movement through a stage is spotty. I need to learn when and where to stomp the gas and brake. I can move and shoot fine when I'm low enough. But, I'm bursting into positions to quickly and over running some things. This leads to misses and usually complete stops to regroup and nail the targets. I need to identify where to apply the brakes. MOTTO "Brake sooner equals shoot smoother".

    For me these are the main points that will really help. There were a ton of things and at time the info was overwhelming. Most of the drills I spent concentrating on these and other new techniques and my shooting was not the best. As an example, while shooting on the move my feet and gun were pointed in the same direction. Manny got me moving my feet straight in the direction of travel and turreting my upper body towards the target. While I've known this, I've never really put it in practice. I had to concentrate to get this down. Since I'm thinking about what I'm doing the shooting was very spotty at times.

    With practice, my new found arsenal of techniques will be better in the long run. All in all I am very pleased with what I have learned. I am also upset with myself for waiting so long to get professional help. I would highly recommend Manny to anyone and strongly suggest the sooner the better. I have some definite SCAR tissue that has taken me 7 years to develop and now I have some serious work before me!!! Don't wait like I did.

  12. I don't believe the "v" in and of itself has anything to do with the USPSA spc. It's just with the excessive buffing or removing of the materials, the measured distance from the nadir of the "V" to the bottom of the ejection port is greater than 1/2", which is the legal limit.

    Wow...very impressive Blade-Tech. Has uspsa officially said that the small v will make the black-ice fail to meet there rules?

  13. All,

    FYI. Just spoke to the Sales Manager at Blade-tech. BT is aware of the issue and is taking a corrective action. I believe someone from BT will post here soon to confirm this.


    - If your holster does not meet the 1/2" requirement, call BT customer service and it will replace the holster


    - When the Black-Ice is produced from the mold, the holster purportedly does meet the 1/2" requirement. It is both IDPA & USPSA legal.

    - However, to improve aesthetics, a few of the craftsmen filed down the channel/opening to create that "v" appearance; unfortunately, some of the holsters had too much material taken off.

    In short, bravos to BT for taking a quick corrective action.

  14. We need to confirm this. It's our responsibility to make sure our equipment comply with USPSA rules; however, Blade-tech certainly is not helping. I have three Black-Ice holsters.

    Me and the hundreds of others using them. When was it deemed illegal?

    According to the female who answered the phone @ Blade-tech "we found out just recently".

  15. Yep, same experience here. Easy fix. Just get a few of those thin rubber washers and place the screw through it, between the male/female cups. Now the pouches work perfectly.

    IMC87 -- those new RaceMaster pouches look great. I would wait for them if I were you.

    Have some DAA mag pouches that won't stay tight.

    In the heat of a reload, I wiggle the pouch a little a bit.

    Eventually, The screw loosens up and the pouch flops all over the place.

    Don't want to Loc-Tite it in case I want to switch them, adjust them, take them off...

    Anyone find any solutions as to keeping the mag pouches where they are without over-torquing or permanently securing them?

    Eventually going to practice enough to pull them straight out, like you're supposed to, but need a solution for now..

  16. Thanks, Pat. Great idea. So, you are suggesting using the new set of t-nuts/bolts in lieu of the regular nuts/bolts that come with the Strong Mount. Right?

    Doesn't that shift the pressure of the mounted press from "clamping" (bolt/metal washer/nut) of the workbench to "threading" (bolt/t-nut) of the workbench? Sorry, not much of a shop person -- just a curious mind.

    Your local Home Depot or Lowes should have T-nuts (do a Google search for T-nut if your not familiar with them). Buy four 1/4x20 tpi and install them in the bottom side of your bench after drilling 1/4" holes for the strong mount. You will also need four 1/4"x20 bolts the same length as he thickness of the bench top. It will then take about a minute to install of remove your 650 from your bench. Easy peasy.


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