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Posts posted by DocMedic

  1. Last night I had a chance to run the Sig MPX with the S3G trigger in match settings. I forget how fast this trigger can be and I feel my splits are even faster then they where with the Timney. I also put in a Seekins 60* Safety, I don't honestly feel it makes it faster to switch from safe to Semi but its Red, and Red means fast, so I'll keep it on there :)

    On stage one I did hit the one piece of line hard cover there was... it was on the 2nd target I've engage. What sad is I've always seem to remember when ever I get this type of target presentation I always put one in that small hard cover. I'm not sure if its target focus on the distraction or what, but I know this happens to me enough were I'm aware of it now. Also on the stage itself I didn't really put any emphasis on Aiming outside of the first target since it was hugging a no shoot, as you can see in the video I'm blazing as fast as I can once I get past the first target. This caused me to only have 7 A hits, and lots of C and D's. Even if I did ended up shooting the stage clean I would still had not won the stage.

    On Stage two, with the targets being so close I wanted to focus on getting good hit AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, You started seated so I wanted to get shooting while im going from the seating to standing position, I did not want to waste any extra time even if its just so little. In the second box there was a bit of lean around do to the wall and I did slow a little for the no shoot partial, but overall I felt strong once I started to get the gun going. In the 3rd box I didn't stop moving and shot the last 3 target array almost at full movement speed carrying me out of the box almost a good few feet when I broke the last shot. I only ended up dropping 4C's

    Stage three, was basically the same thing as stage two with one extra target in the middle and the whole left array removed. I tried to focus on getting the best hits as I could as fast as I could and I walked away only dropping 4C's again.

    Stage four, was CM 13-08 Disaster Factor. The only go was to Hero or zero it, since shooting PCC division the stage doesn't have the turn and draw expect of the stage. Unfortunately I flubbed the reload causing me to slow down a hair. Hit's were ok I did ended up dropping 2D's. HF was 8.82

    I'm coming to the conclusion that I'm just never going too shoot classifiers well (with any gun...) and I shouldn't expect too for PCC. The strength of the division isn't represented in 95% of the classifiers anyways. Some classifiers worked out better for PCC rankings then others, anything that requires a reload isn't one of them. But with that said It doesn't mean I'm not going to put in some work into them, I want the rankings but I want the wins more.

    Points are still important, stage 1 taught me that. However how long you wait to get good points is the question. If you ask most people about production they'll say you need to be shooting 90% of the points to place well, that's pretty well accepted ideology. When I shot production though that wasn't my goal, I wanted to shoot as many A's as I could the percentage didn't mean so much to me as the A counts matter more, and unfortunately it has put me in predicaments where I would risk a high penalty shot for the sake of getting better points causing big gambles that I sometimes lost. I'm going to need to do more testing in PCC and get more data, but I'm hypothesizing that on field courses that have lots of movement if you can stay above the 80% points shot mark going as fast as you can move your doing good, and on stages that have quite a bit of stand and deliver you better be hitting that 90-85% mark on points if you want to do well. Minors score is no joke it will eat away at your performance if you get too sloppy no matter how fast you are.

  2. So far I'm the only one running a MPX in my area and its a 8 inch and I do have to tele stock that comes with the Carbine version, but the others that run 16inch barrels are running JP's, they seem to not have any problems navigating through out the stages. But with that said I've been thinking of getting a 16inch upper for my MPX when they become available for when I have to travel out of state that does not allow SBR's. Putting my hands around the hand-guard isn't really that much difference then most of the hand guards I have messed with, you should be fine with that. Some of the Gen2 "pistol" mpx have been reported to be under gassed and some have gone to have the gas port open up. I'm not sure if the Carbine version will need the same thing done.

  3. From my experience frangibles run a longer Ogive on the bullet, you might be hitting the lands of the barrel before the bullet seats. With CZ pistols your OAL usually is a lot shorter then most pistols not sure if that's true with the scorpion.

  4. I just wanted to give my report running my Sig MPX with Timney AR-15 Competition Trigger. I was able to fire 2,000+ Rounds without issue until this past month. Several outings I had to occasional bump fire, yesterday I had failure during practice were then gun went full auto on me for 6 shots. I attempted to repeat the issue again after but I was not able to replicate the issue. I didn't keep a super accurate account of rounds down range but I would guess I'm close to 2300+ rounds as of yesterday. There have been reports that the Timney's are taking a beating in PCC guns and they'll eventually "let go"

    Right now I've switched out the a Geissele trigger as they have stated they will work in PCC guns.

  5. Welp! I had a little practice session with my PCC gun yesterday I was practicing some speed stages seeing how much "aiming" I can get away with on a 60 point stage with 4 of 6 targets where past 15 yards, 10, and 5 yard target. Nothing special, small wall the separated 3 targets on both ends, my best HF's is when I put priority on speed over points, best HF I was able to get was a 4.25 sec dropping 1'c and 2'd. As long as I was getting OK hits my HF was always better then it was going for points, best I could do when going for points was 5.2secs dropping only 2'c. My next practice session will be a stand and deliver style stage, I wonder if going for points then would be better then. Anyways on my last run of the day the Timney trigger I was mentioning in my last post finally went full auto, it was at my 5 yard target, putting a nice tight pattern of 6 shots in the A zone. I went to test fire it after it went full auto and it fired just fine. I heard reports on these triggers giving out in PCC guns about the round count I have in them so last night I took out the Timney and replace it with a Geissele S3G trigger, I'm going to try to get on the range this weekend to see how it runs, but so far I'm liking the smooth engagement of trigger pull.

  6. Well I figure we get this started it only seem appropriate since the Provisional division started this month.

    Not starting to hot barely snuck in a 67% (using Open HF's) on CM 03-12 :sight:

    PCC gun is a SIG MPX SBR'd

  7. This past weekend I shot a USPSA match with my SIG MPX for the first OFFICIAL time! For the match there was 3 of us and we were all on the same squad. I kept the "best PCC practices" with me incase someone that didn't know to much of PCC or Rifles in general wouldn't start us in a position that was subjective. Overall it was a very fun match, while I shot the classifier fast I did not get very good hits and with PCC being scored minor that one will be a low B classification based on Open HF scores.

    Scores can be found here: https://practiscore/results/23115

    Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/docmedlc

    I will upload video later but I did upload some 3rd person vids on my youtube channel. I'll change my signature to reflect the channel, but once I get a free moment I will upload 1st person view of the match.

    For the match I wanted to focus on one thing, and that was shoot on the move when I could get away with it and when it was a clear advantage. The match did have some really tight shots so in the videos you'll see me kind of tip-toe walk on some targets, I don't think they gave me any advantage and slowed down my actual second shot sight alignment. I'm going to need to revaluate if it would had been better to get planted and shooting in those spots or was it better shooting at targets as I was getting into the position and out.

    Points... On stage one I had the fastest time. 8.86 seconds, but I ended up dropping a crap ton of points, 1C, and 6D. And was marked for a Miss on my last target that was a full Metric at 5 yards away... I'm going to need to watch the video, but I remember getting middle of the target with my reddot and getting 2 fast hits on it and only seeing one hole, I was squared on the target. In my mind I thought "oh perfect double." it was not scored that way... I didn't argue it when it was called a miss, but it really made me wonder.

    This match I'd say at least 90% of the targets were in 5 to 10 yard range minus the steel and classifier, so it ended up being fast stages. Unfortunately I couldn't compare my score with the winning open shooters times... because the Winner of open was actually shooting his limited gun and limited setup, :surprise:. I can't wait to see what Stein does once his open gun gets built.

    I have 2 more Major 3gun matches to prep for this year, RM3G and the Resurgence. After I finished those I'll probably lay off 3gun Majors in 2017 minus a few favorites and really work on PCC. I had no idea that Area 3 was honoring PCC already as I just found out this past weekend! A 6 hour drive isn't to bad but I'm going to have to past as I don't have the correct ATF paperwork filed to take my SBR out of state just yet, and I dought I get approval in 2 weeks! lol, next year.

    I do feel like I can really push PCC at the highest level of competition. Maybe its the "new GF" ideology. But everytime I get behind the gun everything just feels right, and yet I know there is so much more I can do to become even faster and more accurate.

    Right now I need to make sure that the PCC gun stays running a 100%, which it has so far. I'm hearing reports that the Timney triggers are taking a bit of a beating in PCC's (not sure if this includes MPX) due to the heavy bolts violently slaming the trigger hammer down despite the initial reports saying Timney triggers where good to go for PCC, I know they just released a new "PCC" trigger that is a 2 stage. Not a fan of 2 stage triggers unless I'm shooting a majority of my shots past 200 yards. and really I do not have the money to go blow it on another $300 dollar trigger when SO FAR my Timney hasn't failed.. IF I see excessive wear I will switch it out with a Geissele S3G trigger as Geissele has officially put out that their triggers will work in PCC guns.

    Also I'm trying to do my best part to help clubs around here to adopt PCC and letting them know if they have question they are more then welcome to come to me and I'll try my best to get them answered.

  8. PCC start: Standing behind the wall, in the center, holding your loaded carbine in both hands, unshouldered, with the muzzle resting on top of the wall, on the mark.

    Ran it in 8.57 seconds...

    I did end up dropping a lot of points; 2A,4C,2D

    Overall HF was 5.1342

    Things I could had work on was actually aiming. That was way to many points to go down, also I went kneeling on the left side thinking it would give me more leverage to stay strong hand with the PCC gun, What I should had try was using the barrier as a brace so I didn't have to turn the PCC 90* counter clockwise.

  9. The issue with that Sarge is that you're assuming that those who ro lvl1 matches are RO'D certified to begin with.

    Then do something to certify MD's so they can train there helpers. My point is training should come from top down not bottom up.

    And remember, I'm fine with PCC. :)

    I think I'm coming across wrong, what I'm trying to get at is at least locally here we have issues with getting certified ro's to come out to locals and spread out in the squads. So normal shooters have to step up to Ro. I kept a copy of the best practice document with me in case someone had questions

  10. I also had a chance to shoot PCC officially yesterday just as a main gun. We also convinced another guy (it didn't take a lot of convincing) to also shoot PCC since he happened to have it in his car. It took a little coaching for the RO'S to understand the bagging procedure. The look on the RO'S face was priceless when I told him that I'm going to face uprange with my pcc pointed strait down and walk to my bag that was at the beginning of the stage to bag it. After a few stages the none pcc were getting the handle of it, and so much that I might have convinced another club to look at running PCC.

    Couple of stages from the match

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