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Steve Anderson

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Posts posted by Steve Anderson

  1. I played with power pistol a lot, and found it was too slow for un-comped guns, and too fast for comped guns.

    It has a nice flash and boom, though.

    I'm assuming you're using a comped pistola?


  2. Most important thing is SLOW DOWN and read the gun.

    Watch out for trigger jerk, as this is a problem in weak hand only.

    Most normal freestyle stances will have weak foot forward anyway, so you might be ok freestyle. Quartering is more of an issue for me strong hand only.

    Either way, dry fire and practice, and you'll grin at weak hand classifiers while your competition whines. :)


  3. Jake is right on. If you're shootin' a wheelie and tring to win limited, then the course is unfriendly to you. But all the six shooters have the same problem.

    I had to shoot four and reload in production in both of my last two matches. I practice a lot of reloads and it doesn't bother me at all to drop a mag with 6 rounds in it.

    Seems like course designers are putting 12 shots in an array just to mess with us. :)

    I am looking forward to shooting some open with, what, 28, 29 rounds? Cool.

    To win your division, it doesn't matter.


  4. Shooting for score, you MUST watch the gun closely and call a-zones as fast as you see them. The draw and reload are the places to hurry.

    Get a 1.2 draw and 1.2 reload and A's and you'll be in good shape.


  5. I suffer from classifier-itis occasionally...Focus on A's and go too slow, try to hot-dog it and throw a D or M.

    Need to just SHOOT.

    The great thing about the el prez is that Bill drills are easy after 45 minute of el prezzing.

    I'm also seeing things I've not seen before with irons. The gun becomes one of those sing-a-long bouncing balls and I just follow along, watching the gun on target to target.

    This applies well to our normal 2x per target.


  6. It's important to have the support of an established company behind a new product.

    Would you want to call croatia for customer service or repair? Not me!

    My point is it's not the name, but what the name offers by way of support.

    Plus, you could play TGO so much easier...:)


  7. I plan to work on it two ways.

    One similar to the breakout drill where I set a par of 5.5 - 6 and shoot all a's.

    Then just W.F.O for speed.

    Two mindsets, two drills.

    I'll chart the progress and see what happens.


  8. I put 100 rounds thru a rental 4" model and liked it a lot.

    It fits my hand better than the Glock, and I like the trigger better. (sorry Flex)

    If I ever switch from Beretta in production (not likely), it would likely be to the XD, after they get better sights and custom trigger work is available.

    Very little flip, and fun to shoot. Can you rent one anywhere?

    Now on the Glock side...legendary reliability, accessories Galore and membership in the hard-core Glock club. Plus you can shoot GSSF.



  9. I guess 03...Haven't got the calender out yet. I'll let you know.

    But Jake...you'll be distracted by girls for the next few years, won't you? 17, right?

    I'm married, and therefore not distracted by hormonal impulse...I'm Grand Master of my domain.


  10. Ahh shooter grrl, makes more sense now.

    I was serious before. I will be SERIOUS now. My dedication at one level got me where I am now, my new level of dedication will take me where I want to go.

    I finished my workout this morning, and then did 100 reloads in my workout clothes with the velcro belt aroud my gym shorts. Last month I would have just jumped in the shower. Today I spent another 15 minutes dialing in my reloads. It will pay off.


  11. It's all in the turn. The right turn should only be a tenth or so slower than the normal draw at 10 yds.

    I would suggest 50-100 dry turn and draws a night to a sight picture. No trigger pull. set the par time to .9 or 1.00 and get there. It works.


  12. Why? I gotta say, I'm surprised to read that in this forum...

    Any way, someone posted the following remarks on the IPSC list about the BIG dogs. It was in response to a thread about whether "pros" should have their own division since nobody can beat them. It had a big impact on me. here it is:

    "Most of these top guys and gals became champions because they paid the price to get there while still working full time:

    They didn't magically become champions. They worked their asses off and made huge sacrifices to get there - stuff most of us aren't willing to do. We want to stay married, be balanced, have a life, and...be jealous of people who have gone farther than us.

    Jerry was an electrician, e.g, who had to balance work, wife and kids, and shooting to get to the point years after he began shooting to become a pro by offering classes in 1987. As Jerry said to me one time, "I don't go to a match to shoot. I go to win. That's my attitude. SHOOTING IS EVERYTHING TO ME." But he started out as a crappy shooter like the rest of us.

    Todd used to get up at 5am, dry-fire for 2 hours, then go to the gym and work-out for an hour, then went to work for 8 hours, then came back to live fire and dry fire for another 5-6 hours, then reload for an hour, then go to bed at 11 pm - did this for years and years. He used two video machines to tape himself dryfiring so he could work on weaknesses, etc. His second wife died of cancer only weeks after he won a championship. You can probably bet he had to do a little soul searching about priorities. I was with him recently and suggested he might need to take a break and go "have a life" by going out with the fellows for a drink. He said matter-of-factly, "THIS IS MY LIFE" and stayed home working on his gun.

    Travis still works as a detailer in his father's Porsche dealership. He comes to our matches periodically and is the first to go tape, pick-up brass, etc. He kicks our butt big time but he used to dry fire 6 hours a day for over a year when he started. Hard to ignore the fact he paid his dues more than the rest of us. Have you EVER spent 6 hours dry-firing?

    JJ is going to college and entering med school soon and working while shooting.

    These people were (and still are - just work for different outfits now) working stiffs like the rest of us who overcame inertia, lame excuses for poor performance, etc to climb to the top. Only THEN did they get financial backing and the accompanying griping from people who aren't champions jealous of their success. Very hard earned success at that.

    I don't care if they shoot in the same divisions as the rest of us, because in most cases, these people earned their way to the top while working like the rest of us. They just paid their dues more than most of us are willing to.

    That is the attitude that gets anyone to the top. They were the best when they weren't being paid for their knowledge, product endorsements, etc. They still are. They set a standard and a challenge to all of us that is phenomenal and I don't mind that they shoot with the rest of us.

    Just one guys opinion. "

    (quote over)

    I believe any of us can reach that level. If we want it bad enough to work for it.


    (fixed, because cutts was right, I couldn't properly express myself earlier...)


    (Edited by Steve Anderson at 6:20 pm on Oct. 13, 2002)

  13. AND...

    Did Glock or any other pistola go 1-2-3 in the Ohio match, therefore demonstrating its complete dominance and universal "BESTNESS" for a particular division?

    Production shoulda been called "Langdon's disciples get down and dirty and crush Gaston's goons!"

    Best I can do....still pretty feeble, and fitting gmiprod's description of who can benefit from rollover prone more every day...:)


  14. "This battle was lost when three of you wimpered about the mud."

    This from a guy who I believe was GOING to shoot Saturday...but somehow got switched to Sunday. Hmmmmm?

    One more feeble attempt at retaliation:

    Oh Yeah? Least I can shoot 200gr bullets in a .40 without full body armor and a welder's face shield thingy.


  15. Plus, I am pretty freaky about the Berettas, and I just traded two guns for another Elite 2. That makes:

    2 E2s in 9

    1 E2 in 40

    1 E1 in 9

    1 Inox 92 w/ night sights (bedside piece)

    2 model 87 Ts

    1 Billennium

    1 very smelly Beretta hat.

    Best comeback so far: You call THAT a trigger?

    Weak, still working.


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