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Steve Anderson

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Posts posted by Steve Anderson

  1. Also,

    we may be going apples/oranges on the times comparison.

    To draw and fire one shot is a task you can focus on.

    To draw and fire the first shot of a long field course is a different task altogether.

    Another question to get you thinking about the importance of a FAST draw:

    When was the last time you lost a stage by 3 tenths of a second to a guy who had the EXACT same points?


  2. Was new guy more curious about the long slide than the caliber choice? I know I am...

    The single stack 45 has, what, 100 (!!!!) years of reliability testing and subsequent improvements?

    Our generel thought on slides is that lighter is better, so the long slide would cycle in the face of that theory...

    Quick, all BE.com members channel all your mental powers to Robbie, he may answer...

    (rob, rob, rob, rob, rob, come in, rob...:))


  3. TIS, Been there...in dry fire. Thats my cue to chiil a bit on the speed. :)

    I don't have one as embarrassing as SG's, but I did draw my docter beretta (in front of Flex) and proceed to engage steel with the damn dot cover on...TWICE in one day. Hell, this was last week.


  4. Some moderator you are! :)

    Seriously, if you had told me that was the problem, I probably would not not have had the awakening then.

    This feeling and seeing cannot be explained, it must be experienced.

    Again, I though I WAS ALREADY doing it. It took relaxing and watching to really experience it.



  5. I though I was already doing it, but I discovered yesterday morning what it really means, and it will take me to the next plateau!

    I noticed AFTER, that what I had been doing was following the front sight around from target to target.

    So yesterday, I was running the classifier "front sight" as a drill for transitions and it happened. I channeled all my awareness to moving the gun to the next target wth my eyes ALREADY THERE WAITING FOR IT.

    This worked BEAUTIFULLY. my times dropped and more importantly the hits improved.

    I ran the forward facing portion at 2.65, looked at the targets and grinned like a fool. All A's.

    I wish I could explain in greater detail how this happened, but this is the best I could do:

    Call the shot, look at next target, find the gun on target. Repeat.

    Do not follow the sight from target to target. You'll use the wrong focus and hits and time will both suffer.

    Thanks Brian. I had read this in the book and tought I understood it before. Now I do.


  6. I have an excuse for the mods...

    My Beretta Elites have a thicker slide than the normal beretta, and the damn things won't fit at first.

    I have a 92 air pistol that's a little biger then the reg. gun. Jam that in there, put under a lamp for 3 hours, let it cool, presto.

    The snick of the kydex releasing may contribute to the feeling of speed. On my cr speed, the snick of the release sure sounds fast...timer will tell.


  7. It's amazing to me how we think we "solve" these problems and then are so surprised when they occur again.

    I'm on a pretty good streak of relaxation.

    After tanking the Penn tri-state because my head was !!!!!!?????*****%%%%$$$$$$###@@##$$, I realized that everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong, and no match could ever be that bad again.

    Now if I get anxious or tense, I just tell myself it ain't as bad as that day in Pennsylvania...

    Kinda like jumping out of a plane, I guess. ( never done it) But after you land safely, Ladders probly aren't very scary anymore.

    I think about rushing like this (today)

    I have never lost a stage because I shot too slow.

    I have lost MANY stages because I shot too fast.

    But, I don't belive we ever "solve" this, and I'm not sure we should try too hard to do so.

    Instead, confidence in ability should remind us that we can do this stuff.


    (Edited by Steve Anderson at 9:35 pm on Oct. 24, 2002)

  8. The wilson practical is leather lined kydex with suede on the inside.

    Scooped in the front for faster barrel exit.

    I got one for the Beretta before they discontinued it for Beretta. Gotta still be available for 1911.


    I've never tried full kydex, cuz everyone I see use one is slowed by the snap in the molding as the holster shape releases the gun.

    The wilson has adjustable tension, and the kydex inner means you can heat lamp it to loosen it even more.


  9. Called to place the order, left message with order and a question...went shooting.

    Got done shooting and Brian freakin' Enos had left a voice mail confiriming my order.

    Called him back on the way home.

    Now, chatting with Brian Enos on the way home from the range with your shootin' buddy is just about as good a day as a shooter can have.

    Plus, a discount on my Dillon Gear.



  10. My new caspian open gun in 38 super comp has .355 stamped on the barrel.

    Should I other experimenting with .356 or just shoot .355 9mm bullets?

    This has been covered before, but...It's stamped on the feakin' barrel like they're trying to tell me something! :)


  11. I like both with and without, would not want either exclusively.

    Having a buddy of similar skill helps duplicate match anxiety, and teaches how to shoot through those feelings.

    It also helps to have witnesses when you both hit steel plates at 100 yds. :)

    Shooting alone give me incredible focus and determination, shooting with Flex helps me perform under pressure. Both are good.


  12. Is it aggravated by numerous draws, or just shooting?

    I used to get a bad one on my right hand, but I adjusted my draw at sides position and it cleared up quick.

    If it's a draw thing, starting with your hands a little higher, arms slightly bent helped me get the gun without rubbing the finger.


  13. I tanked my first big one this year, ALL due to a bad mindset, and dwelling on misfortune.

    When you set out to WIN, you may have doomed yourself.

    Maybe should set out to shoot your best (just shoot), and let someone else keep score.

    Flex always tells me that if I just shoot clean (no penalties) I'll do fine, and he's right.

    "I'm fast enough, I'm accurate enough, and dog-gone-it, I know how to shoot" is a good self-affirmation before a match, and tends to quiet the demons. It also meks me grin, and that relaxes me.

    (I sometimes get a Bill Seevers demon on my shoulder that tells me to shoot faster than I can, my benos angel smacks him around )


  14. Are you not allowed to check the pistol before stage 2?

    Or is one LAMR given for the whole thing?

    Most I've done locally will show clear, and go next door for a new lamr.

    I don't really care, but I practice with a hot range, and am used to starting with less than a full mag. Keeps one on one's toes...

    Just a different challenge, a memory stage in itself.

    I like the comment about figuring what's designed to distract, then just ignoring it. Gonna put that in the mental bag o' tricks.


  15. Trying to win is like TRYING to do anything.

    When you try, you admit that you may fail.

    When you DO, you just do...

    Shoot, and let the scorekeepers worry about who the winner is. When Robbie and Brian just shot the match, they went 1-2,  miles ahead of the pack.


  16. I don't know if it applies, but I have done extensive testing in 9mm minor.

    My faves are

    3.7 tightgroup under a west coast 135

    3.3 tightgroup under a 147

    3.9 universal under a 135

    3.8 clays under a 115

    Should apply to a super somewhat...


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