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Thanks Derrick.

I took 2 firearms to a match last night and returned home with less ammo than I took so I assume I shot something. I was too exhausted to care. Note to self: sometimes rest is more important than shooting.

Who said that?! :o

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Last night, I was the MD for my home IDPA club's 5th Thursday BUG match. 26 guns, 5 stages, including a Swine Flu related one. I think everyone had a good time. I really enjoy putting BUG matches together. It's a real challenge to make it interesting/fun.

My baby Kimber rocked, as usual. Tiny gun with giant bullets, it's one of my favs. :devil:

Scores and stage designs attached. The gun grab stage was used for stage 5 and I altered it to speed things along. We started at contact distance, gun at low ready, at buzzer fire 5 shots into the head while retreating. The rest of the stages were shot almost as designed. I made slight alterations on the fly to save time.

I encouraged all shooters to make loud pig squealing sounds while the bad pigs were being engaged. A few actually did it. :lol:



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Got my Summer carry out (Alloy lightweight SingleStack in 45acp) and decided to give it a workout at my home IDPA club's Thursday night match. I used carry ammo, carry mags without slam pads, etc. Holy crap, the recoil on the first few shots definitely woke me up. I got used to it fairly quickly though and didn't really notice it after that. Summer gear check, PASSED. Bring on the heat. :wacko:

Side note: I installed the Hogue Aluminum Mag/Grip setup and REALLY like it. It barely adds any size to the gun but makes for a much easier reload then the mag opening alone. It also shaved 3 oz off the guns weight. After 5 stages, the grip screws are all still tight, too. Unlike what I've experienced with aluma-grips

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It was a full weekend of shooting. I have started shooting a Glock again, not because I am particularly fond of them but I know I can let it live in the bag and not worry about cleaning it, or whatever. It just runs no matter what and I've been crazy busy the last few weeks. No time to maintain equipment and barely enough to load ammo.

I focused mainly on not breaking shots without the front sight and not leaving the front sight until AFTER the shot broke. I can tell I'm making forward progress in those areas.

Anyway, got some good trigger time in with 5 stages on Saturday and 7 on Sunday. There was a match Sunday night but I just ran out of gas.

Tonight is "Tuesdays after Work" steel plate match at the Dallas Pistol Club. Our own joseywales (Aka Mr Speer) just started it last week but I got called out of town and missed it. I'm not going to miss it tonight.

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The Tuesday after work plate match was excellent. I have no idea how I did score-wise but holy cow, I had fun. this is the kind of shooting that gets me excited about loading, dry firing etc. even got to shoot a version of Rhonda's "can" stage from Tulsa last year. That was a hoot. :lol:

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USPSA match in Waco got rained out Saturday. Major bummer. That makes two months in a row.

I did manage to get in some trigger time today, though. I shot a local IDPA match out at Quail Creek. For grins, I took the magwell off the G34 and shot SSP. It's been a really long time and I thought the lack of magwell would hurt but it didn't make much difference at all, if any. I could tell that my hand wasn't getting forced into as high a grip as usual but it had no effect on my POA and reloading was a non-issue. I got my hits, was smooth and everything flowed well.

I'm getting better at staying relaxed throughout the match and it's been showing on my score sheets. Now I think it's time to start pushing a little harder in practice. I need more speed. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like I hit a pot hole today. Shot a 4 stage plate match and just never connected with the gun. It was a strange feeling. I've used this gun and load in several plate matches before and feedback from the sights was great. Tonight, the feedback was almost zero. I felt like the trigger control was there. The rounds just weren't going where I knew they should.

I have not seen the scores, but even if I came out okay overall, I am not happy with my performance. I can and will do better. I'm thinking some quality time with the 25 yard plate rack will get me back on track. (I hope). -_-

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, D. I had a much better run last Tuesday than the one before. For whatever reason, I decided to start slapping the trigger. I worked through it in dry fire and on the plate rack and all the planets are back in alignment. No more trigger slapping. :)

Today, I finally got to run my G24 in a match. I'm very happy to report that it ran 100%. My ammo, and gear all performed as needed. Not one single surprise. I managed to pull off 5th overall and 3rd on a stage. So far, that's the highest I've been able to get in a USPSA match. I'm having a ball putting all these bullets downrange. N. TX is a practical shooters paradise with all the opportunities to shoot we have here.

Next Saturday, I'll be dragging my carcass to Greenville. I can't wait!

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  • 4 weeks later...

A few weeks and a few matches later, I'm still having fun with the G24. It's definitely not a 1911 trigger. The grip angle was easy to adjust to but man, that trigger is taking longer than I expected. Saving my pennies for a 6" 2011. Maybe in another year or so I'll have one.

Shooting Limited is a lot of fun. More time to focus on the shooting and less time planning reloads. Still UC in Limited but that should change on the next cycle. Shot the 1st four classifier stages while still adjusting to the Glock format and my scores were much lower than what I've gotten with a 1911 in SS or L10. Then I check the classifier calc with my HF from this past Saturday's classifier (CM-99-07) and it says 90.1045%. I'm thinking that's not right but won't know for sure until I see it on the uspsa website. If it is right, then that's the best I've ever done on a classifier.

The weight loss has stalled at 33lbs. Been eating some bad stuff and the heat hasn't helped me want to be outdoors. Got to get back on the path and back to making forward progress.

There's a lot of drama in my world right now but competitive shooting and spending time with friends is keeping me going.

Tuesday After Work steel coming up tomorrow. Going to be hot but It'll be a blast!

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I was surprised with my % on that classifier as well. if they come in as the calculator suggested, then I am in deep shit and going to Master class. Not a good thing.

You have accuracy, now build on the speed, and you will be fine, just fine, GOMER.

I watch your one stage posted on youtube, my suggestion is work on getting into and out of position quicker, movement is the real time sucker.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've spent the last couple of weeks focusing on speed more than accuracy. Some tiny details that I hadn't really noticed before have been revealed to me. Example; Putting more importance on the reload(s) in my stage planning has resulted in real time savings. I always thought about it and I know how to do a reload but apparently I wasn't looking at it as closely as I should have been and was leaving a lot on the table.

Seemingly insignificant points are now appearing LARGE. It's like a big light came on. I can see the road ahead is long but the map is getting easier to read.

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I'd had about all I can stand of the Glock trigger guard busting my knuckle. Got out the dremel and made the grip and trigger guard fit the way I want. Suddenly, it points a whole lot better, hits improved, scores improved. 10 minutes and zero cost. Wish I had done this sooner.

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Shot a home grown action pistol match yesterday, it was fun. More movement than usual for this match which I definitely need. A lot of laughter and ribbing on my squad, nobody was immune. Made for a good time.

Sat out on the matches that were available to me today and got a lot done around the house. It was a pretty productive weekend overall.

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I installed a trigger over travel stop to shorten the reset, changed the SS guide rod to a tungsten rod and went to a 15lb recoil spring in the G24. I could see a significant improvement in the timing of the slide and it shot flatter than before. Took it to a match this morning and shot better with it than in any previous outing. No Mikes and only 2 D's in the entire match. No penalties and no malfunctions. The only LTD shooter that beat me (Catfish) was HOA. :D

I'm confident that I can make A in LTD with this gun now that it's in a configuration that handles the way I want it too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, D.

Today, I was the MD at 1 of 2 of my home clubs monthly outdoor IDPA matches. I've MD'd before but only small matches at an indoor range. This was a lot more work than I expected. Thankfully, several club members jumped right in to help, A LOT. We got 20 shooters through 8 stages in about 3.5 hours. There was steel, bowling pins, a drop turner, clamshell, bear trap, ports, empty gun starts, a camp cot and various other distractions. I had a blast.

I suspect that a few folks will be seeing bowling pins in their nightmares for some time to come. :lol:

As for the shooting, it was a good day for me. Tied for least points down, won 5 out of the 8 stages and was 1st overall. Before the match, I told myself that I was absolutely not going to pull the trigger without the front site, no matter how much I had to slow down to get it. I saw the front sight on every single shot and ended up going faster. Fun stuff.

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I found the front sight in Waco on Saturday. Let the FS drive and did a lot better. If I know that I need it, why do I keep ignoring it? This is really driving me nuts. :wacko:

My right forearm has been giving me some grief for the last week or so. People have suggested that it my be tendinitis, just what I need. Alieve dulls the pain somewhat but my grip strength is obviously affected. I may take a few weeks off in September to heal up and get ready for Area 4.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the info, Paul.

I went to my Doctor and he put me on steroids. So far, they seem to be helping. I haven't fired a shot from a pistol in 10 days, nor have I done any dryfire. Today, I did go to the range and get some trigger time with a rifle and felt no ill effects. Tomorrow I'm going to shoot a carbine match and if I don't experience any pain in my right forearm, I will shoot the Steel match on Sunday. Crossing my fingers.. :wacko:

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