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How do you spend your time

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Heck, I don't know where I fit in on this one entirely.

I like to talk to people, enjoy them for the most part. I get a kick when people ,including me, say stupid things. I am inquisitive and curious about most things that others do for fun or work, so I ask ALOT of questions. I like a crowd but can't handle the all-day music festivals anymore. (Went to my last, last week)

But my favorite time is spent alone on my bike climbing hills, reloading( I hope that doesn't get old anytime soon!) shooting, matches, and hiking. When I am with peolpe though I like to be with my wife and the girls. They love me and put up with so much that I would be a fool not to want to hang out with them. I especially like teaching them footwork with the ball. They are learning so fast how to dribble and pass! Our baby Jillian is my biggest fan and today she followed me around the back yard while I reorganized the irrigation in the backyard.

So yes, I enjoy and cherish my alone time and the quiet it brings and the room to think. Yet, I really like the busy and chatty life with the girls, watching them grow and change before my eyes.

Lately I have been helping an old enployer who is under the gun to finish three interiors before the end of the year. This is ultra high-end cabinets and furniture that you see inside the homes of Architechtural Digest. So I have been working 5AM to 10PM. This has cut down my me time and my family time. So my dryfire and reloading has been put on hold until we get his thing out. The extra money is good, but the people who work for him are not the top of the gene pool. His good eployees do his installs now and that leaves only one good fabricator to work nights and help him get his things in on time.

So let me say that I like people, I love my family, i like alone time, but what I really need is some sleep! :yawn:

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So I was going to post this in the "starting a conversation" thread in what I like. But my post would have simply been thread drift so I decided to ask a new question that is quite meaningless but curious to me.

I'm one of those guys that tends to have VERY close friends, of which there are only very few, and then a ton of acquaintences (SP). I'm not much into people. And those that don't add value to my life really end up at the bottom of the totem pole for me.

I am passionate about what I'm passionate about. I don't get it when people don't get it - and that frustrates the hell out of me. Which means I don't instigate conversation much. I'm not huge on building a network. The acquaintences I have are due primarily to the life I have to live in order to live, or due to the hobbies I have and the efforts to learn in them.

So as a mini demonstration - my wife travels a bit. She's out of town now. I'm certain some in my position would see this as an opportunity to go hang out with the boys, or go to a "club" - whatever. Not me. I get home, I tend to work a little, I tend to read up on some things that are top of mind, I tend to hit BE a bit, and then I just chill. I like being alone. I almost prefer it outside of my wife and daughter. I like being alone - that's all there is to it. I can sit in front of the couch and watch TV. I can read. I can build a flight plan if I want. No interaction is a better bet for me than meaningless interaction.

I'm just wondering fellow BE'ers - what are you like? What are your preferences with people?

Is a good conversation worth the many worthless that you'll have? Or is no conversation worth the loss of a potential meaningful one missed?

Just wondering. Because I don't start conversations. I just don't. If someone starts one with me I'm more than willing to enter - but given the choice I'm a stage right exit and enjoy a little time on my own.



Hey Jack,

The fewer humans the better... thats why I live in such a big state with such few people....lots of elbow room...you know, you use to live up this way. I enjoyed the couple of days I got to pop caps with you a long time ago.

Anywho, I still love competing when I can with the local crew.

My favorite thing is to be dropped off in the middle of nowhere by a small aircraft. Just me my rifle, fishing pole and survival gear.....when the sound of the airplane motor fades away. There I am....just me, the wolfs, bears, moose, caribou and such....If I don't hear another human noise for at least 10 days I am fully recharged and ready for the rat race once again.

My best friend is my wife...not sure why she sticks it out with me.....seems she calls me an a_-hole a lot, she has the right after 25years...I have lots of acquaintances but no close friends.

My wife and I are going to Bali this year to celebrate the 25th......I am dreading the flight time, rubbing elbows with humans I don't know...... I begged Mike V for a slot to the WS and he gave me one........should be a blast, then again maybe I should just spend a few days in the bush instead.......

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