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Shooting while sick


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Or in the alternative, not being able to shoot because I'm sick. Basically I friggin hate being sick.

I felt drag ass tired the third and fourth days of the Limited Nats. I didn't know why, two days of shooting shouldn't have made me tired. On the third day I had a mike and no-shoot because of a loss of concentration which cost me. Then on Wednesday night at the awards I was crabby, irritable and plain no fun to be around. Little did I know I had a high fever. Then I had to drive home that night and take my wife away for a 4 day weekend at the Four Seasons for our anniversary.

Well, I've been sick for exactly two weeks now. Ruined our weekend and I haven't been able to shoot because I don't like the possibility of a safety issue because my brain isn't working right.

The past two weeks have sucked.

Now, other than a little mucus, I'm much better and will be shooting this week. I can't wait to get out there.


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I can relate to this. I was part of the staff for Area 1 this year and was CRO on one of the stages.

Day 1 (staff match). I start getting sick.

Day 2 (staff match). I'm so sick...I'm shaking like I drank 10 cups of coffee...can barely keep the gun on target.

Day 3 (1st day of regular match). I'm now chasing shooters on the stage....and getting sicker.

Day 4 (2nd day of regular match). Bronchitis starts to set in.....fellow RO's on stage threaten to take the timer away from me.

Day 5 (last day of match). Fellow RO's succeed in getting the timer and relegate me to taping targets and not talking!

Then it took 3 weeks to get over the crap I got. Getting sick while shooting sucks!

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MS IDPA State match 2 years ago.

Thursday- Slight tickle in throat.

Friday(SO shoot)- sore throat, low grade fever. Temp in the 40's and slight drizzle.

Saturday(match day)-No fever, but terrible cough, congestion and headache, and also no voice.(So hoarse I could barely talk)

On the other hand, a bad day shooting or a good day at work?

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