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Irresponsible Pet (dog) Owner


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Here is my 2 pennys. If you have an animal that is charging you. You need to be the aggressor. If you are protecting someone or another animal, You need to present a target. It is like a Knife fight ( No one ever wins). Once a dog gets a hold of a target, As long as it is moving, He won't let go. You need to decide what target you want to present, Not the animal.

I have worked as a ( Agitator) Helper with numerous breeds of dogs. I have owned 5 Rotties and have caught Shutzhund 1-3 dogs on a sleeve.


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He couldnt shoot it in the head because it had Buddy's neck in its jaws

Any animal suspected of rabies, including agressive dogs should not be shot in the head. A negative finding of rabies can be made only if a complete cross section of the brain can be examined (see http://michigan.gov/documents/Clark_Pres1_159036_7.pdf or google "rabies test brain" for some information on this).

If you shoot an agressive dog in the head, and vaccination records cannot be obtained, the rabies vaccination series may be indicated as a precaution - even though you have the body.

My best wishes to buddy and buddy's buddy for a full recovery. You so often hear of dogs protecting their people, that it's good to see our species do its part every now and then.

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That really sucks. We've got some idiots in our neighborhood that keep a german shepherd and a pit bull chained up outside, no fence. Dogs have ways of getting out of their collars if they really want to bad enough. I try to always have it with me anyway, but I always carry my gun when I walk our dogs. We have toy poodles, so I'm not about to let an aggressive dog 10 times their size near them if I can help it. I'd hate to have to kill an animal due to the stupidity of its owner, but I won't permit our dogs to be harmed.

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I don't think anybody should judge if Bruce's actions were "tactically" correct or not. Like BBB said, this is something we normal-go-to-work-at-a-computer-all-day kinda' people don't train for and much less expect our daily routine go south SO FAST!

Another thing is that the first reaction of a normal law-abiding citizen (this excludes the people that we so much read from and about that live their lives with one hand on the grips of their carry 5" 1911's) would be to go through the mental process of "WTF's going on?". At the time that question finishes going through your mind the attacking dog will already have your pet by the neck. Bruce thought he would be able to help his pet without having to draw his gun or shooting the pit. It didn't work like that.

He confessed to me that so many times he'd taken Buddy for his walk of the same route, unarmed. That day he decided pocket the Sig. Good! He also says it happened so fast that when he realized what was going on, Buddy was already hurt.

For me (or anybody) to judge if his actions were right or not I'd have to have a pitbull attack me while I was going through my afternoon routine and wasn't expecting it. Only then I'd be able to test my "Comic Book Stand Ninja Anti Feral Animal Attack Techniques".

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