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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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A friend has a very old gun (passed on from his dad). It's chambered in 401 power mag. Apparently it was a wildcat that carried the Herders name and made by a German company for them. He needs dies, components. and reloading data. How about it people?


Ray, do a yahoo search on .401 power mag and it will take you to load data. How about a 165 gr lswc in front of 22 grns of accurate #9 at 1608 fps. Thats a pf of 265. Thats pretty spiffy. Better have some hard lead. Elmer Keith would be proud.-------Larry


Thanks Larry, that is pretty good info. Anybody got some old cases and maybe a set of dies in the back of the closet?


Ray, there was a source for dies there, dont know about cases. You know that cartridge is not all that old, 1960s. Try starline for cases, they have suprised me more than once.------Larry

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