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SP-01 SAO and magwell update


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Thought I would post this in case anyone was looking into either of these options. I just added the CZUB magwell and thin aluminum grips as well as the SAO tacsport style trigger. Here are the before and after pics so you can see the difference in trigger position. I'm using this gun for steel challenge and IDPA ESP. I never use the DA, so this will suit me better. I like the trigger reach and feel much better now. It started as an SP-01 shadow custom from CZ Custom. I bought the magwell, grips and trigger from Armory Craft. I had to change the base plate on my magazines to fit the magwell, on the stock 19 round mags I could just trim the stock plastic, but changing them is easier. The IDPA thin one from CZC works fine, I have 2 more coming from Springer I need to test, especially for the 17 round mecgar mags.y4mXUewRWwfVRpQtdWWzOIML4AS4lgg8x4MjJ0dgy4m4RIrIOFzbDM9ml4Pe0kGI1gIpiLpSyD7t4GNz 

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That magwell requires fitting which is why you had to trim the base pads. I had to open the  the front of the funnel because it blocked the magazine opening in the frame. Springer 140mm extensions rubbed the rear of the magwell so that area was also relieved. 



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