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Movement Drill Diagram


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I've come to the realization that yes, my movement.....sux.

So building on what Burner and TJ tried to pound into my head I have been looking for a simple layout I can leave up for a while and work movement a couple of different ways.

Check this out.

Whether you want to practice launching out of boxes and entering others, setting up to shoot on the move. Move sideways, forwards, diagonally or even backwards, this little "home gym" should let me do it.

I don't want pure 1993 box to box, but I want to practice getting to a spot, and being ready to shoot; hence the larger "shoot on the move" box in the center.

Obviously I can vary the distance and arrays based on what I want to work.

Have a look, make suggestions.



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I do it much simpler usually.

I set up 4 poppers (non falling) in groups of 2 at 10 - 15 yards...usually about 6 yards in between them. Stand in front of two...shoot both, move until in front of other two (without boxes so you have to judge your footwork like an actual stage) and shoot them.

Doesn't really matter how far apart you run.....whether you are moving 5 feet or 50 feet you need to be exiting and entering the same EVERY time.

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Looks much like a "permanent" version of the stuff I've been known to setup to work these very things. You can pretty much work any possibility in that fashion - move from any box to any other, with or without shoot on the move in between. Besides distances, you can obviously alter target and array types, as well.

Most of what I set up was two boxes or charge lines, with a shoot area in between, if required (and possibly delineated by one or more charge lines, too - but, I'm in practice here, it doesn't help practice to game my own practice stage :) ). I just reconfigure it all around to work different directions, etc. I try to keep it as simple as possible to focus on one skill at a time - like, box entry or exit. Then I'll stack a couple up into a "mini stage" at the end, etc...

You can do a *lot* with that simple setup....

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I agree you don't need boxes, and while I whined a little when TJ and Burner were forcing us to practice box-to-box I am beginning to see the light; if you can hit a box quick and precise, you can find "your spot" in a field course. MY movement needs work, to get that result. Right now I feel I shoot field courses pretty well, but find THAT spot quickly and precisely and being ready to shoot A's is a big weakness. My whole theory on improvement is to identify weakness and make it strength. Thus the movement practice.

That's why I put the big box in there, so you can find the start of your area to shoot, again quick and precise, then shoot while moving.

Lastly, I have played with the non-falling poppers, but I tend to point / hose them too much, and I need to get away from that. Hence the partials.

I have accepted lately that even when I back up to 25y I am still practicing speed. I need to get back to aiming at a single point in stead of an area (like a popper or an A-zone) and then judge the results by how close I came to that point.

Again, seeing what you need to see. It's like the little site thingy on Ghost Recon, (if you'll pardon the video geek reference); the more you settle the smaller your circle gets until you are pin pointing where the round will go. Sometimes that large circle is fine, sometimes it ain't.

Once I know, really KNOW what's what, what takes how long, then I'll have something.

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