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RNT Bolt Release Issue


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Hey guys, I was working on my quad loads last night and discovered that as I really sped up and dug in, my fingertips were catching pretty badly on the end of my RNT bolt release tab on the first pass (with the 2nd set of shells held in my fingertips beside the receiver). It got to the point where the tab actually started to bend out because I was catching it so badly, not to mention it hurting my fingers.

Has anyone else encountered this issue with the RNT tab or the other oversized bolt releases? Is this a technique issue? I thought about cutting the tab back a little so it wasn't overhanging the button so bad and thus creating less of a potential snag point. Another option would be to install a TTI, Nordic, or other large button. Then again, the only time I'm going to use that button at speed is if I have to load from my Matchsaverz and I tend to load more conservatively than that. So, to that point I'm considering ditching the whole idea of an oversized bolt release.

Thanks for any thoughts or feedback!

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One of the women on the English standard team was having those exact issues with the RNT tab. She narrowed it on the bottom of the receiver side and did decrease the overhang. It now works for her. I can't speak for the other types of tabs or levers, but I do know a couple of quad loader guys who won't run anything, but i don't know if that is normal.

Here is what I would do, mod the hell out of it, if it doesn't work and you find you still want the RNT type tab I'll send you one for the effort of trying to make it work.

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One of the women on the English standard team was having those exact issues with the RNT tab. She narrowed it on the bottom of the receiver side and did decrease the overhang. It now works for her. I can't speak for the other types of tabs or levers, but I do know a couple of quad loader guys who won't run anything, but i don't know if that is normal.

Here is what I would do, mod the hell out of it, if it doesn't work and you find you still want the RNT type tab I'll send you one for the effort of trying to make it work.

Hey Kurt, that's awesome, thanks! I'll try modding it first and see where that gets me.

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P.M. me your address if you need a new one. If it works out let folks know how to do it. The tab was made long before quad loading was thought up, and it may not be the ticket for that style.

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