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TACCOM Duelin Dueces

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Since I started shooting 3gun 3 years ago I've been using the Taccom Duaload caddies and they've served me well. They were affordable, pretty much bombproof and simple enough for an average shooter like me to use without any practice. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of guys on the forum like me that just aren't able to make the time to practice much, if at all. I've got a 50hr a week job, a 5 acre place out in the country to maintain, a wife to keep happy and a 2 year old boy to keep entertained. Throw in my other hobbies and shooting disciplines and that really doesn't leave me any time for practice. In fact the only live fire shotgun practice I've done in over a year was 10 slugs just to check my POI prior to the Nordic Shotgun Championship.

Last year I started seeing a bunch of my buddy’s just tearing up reloads with the TACCOM Qualoads and thought "Man I gotta do this to keep up". Well in truth without applying any real practice I never got good with them. The risk was beyond the reward, even when things actually went well. And yes it was frustrating, but I only have myself to blame. The spoils go to those that put in the work. So I just kept going back to my Dualoads and they were reliable for me even when I hadn't touched them for several months. So that's where I stayed. The biggest set-back with the Dualoads is they take up a lot of real-estate on the belt. I could only get 16 shells on my belt with my normal 3gun set up, which for about 99% of the 3 gun stages I've seen, 16 on the belt is all you'll ever need.

Not too long ago I saw TACCOM come out with a new system that would let me get about twice as many shells on the belt in the same real-estate, so I ordered a 3 of the Duelin Dueces loaders just a week prior to the Nordic Shotgun match.

First thing I noticed trying them out is that I was upsetting the next row of shells some of the time just because I was used to wrapping so much of my fingers under the shells using the Dualoads. Since I was so close to grabbing 4 by accident I decided to take another run at quads. Holy Crap…..Success on my first attempt! After a few more tries, I rotated the caddies so the shells are almost parallel with my belt line. Now with the way the shells come out at an angle it allowed me to basically just grab four shells and pull straight up on them. When I pull the shells straight up, the bottom row of shells helps support the top row, keeping everything perfectly lined up as they go into your hand. I believe this is the key to me having such good luck loading quads with these new caddies. The trouble I was having with other quad load system was that if I didn't get a perfect grab on the shells (because I suck and don’t practice) they would come out wonky and it was a fricken yard sale. With these, everything comes out straight, therefore goes in the gun straight.

Hit the Nordic Tactical Shotgun Championship a few days later with maybe a total of an hour practice on my new caddies and a confidence level that was a little less than stellar. It actually went OK, I only had one major screw up with my loads on the duck tower stage (it was Muck’s fault, he jinxed me), other than that things pretty well as far as loading goes. Last Sunday hit a MN3Gun Group club match and went through the whole match without a single bobble. They do a great job retaining shells too, I don’t think I’ve lost a single shell since I started using them.

Prior to getting these, I had seen a post somewhere (maybe Facebook) in which Tim talked about the angle. At the time I really didn’t give it any thought. I just wanted a caddie that held more rounds in a smaller package. Well there definitely is a difference between these and every other caddy I’ve tried and right now I can honestly say that I really love my new TACCOM Duelin Dueces.

Edited by Shooter115
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