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Daddy/Daughter time


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My out-of-town daughter made a surprise visit recently.

I got my evening out with her and made a spur of the moment suggestion. "Want to go to the range with me?"

"YEAH!", first surprise of the day - she has professed more than once that she "doesn't like guns".

When we got to the range I asked the RO's if they would take a few minutes and give her "the talk", this was her first time with any gun let alone a handgun. That conversation covered, we proceeded to our lane where they spent a little more time in indoctrination.

We loaded up the .22 auto and she proceeded to drop 10 rounds into the X ring on a standard 7-yard silhouette. Loaded 10 more, and did it again. Then on her own, she pushed that target out to 7 yards and with a few fliers put 20 more down range all but the fliers in the X or 9.

Big grin and the light went on. She even tried my revolver but between the trigger and mass it was not as much fun.

She made a point of telling me that she gave herself a CCW class for her birthday. She doesn't know it yet, but Dad will be helping out when she decides to purchase her first carry weapon.

A little daddy/daughter time and I'm beaming. It seems we have another interest to share.

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Our relationship in her teen years was pretty rocky. It didn't help that my marriage was dying a slow agonizing death in the same timeframe.

She's matured greatly since then and I suspect that in her eyes I've gotten a lot smarter. Typical parent/child stuff but I count this experience as a significant breakthrough for us.

Nox' I sincerely hope you can share that interest for a lifetime, it will bring you closer together.

Niceash, yes it is especially at your daughter's age. Most of the time they want to get as far away from us as possible, don't they?

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  • 1 month later...

She called me this weekend to inform me that she took the CCW training, passed, and submitted her app for a carry permit. I don't usually hear from her unless she is sick, is in a bind, or needs money. Having a little common ground works wonders.

Her instructor said that she is skilled beyond her experience. A natural.

Daddy strut...

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Yessir, and now Dad needs to get off his behind and do the same. I believe that whether I make the decision to carry or not, I should exercise the right.

Nothing like a little family competition to crank it up.

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