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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

That which goes bump in the night...


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I was sound asleep just a few minutes ago (3:00 am), when all of a sudden, the most horrendous crash I have ever heard occurred (it sounded like 1000 glasses being hurled at a brick wall - just feet away from me) :o . I was sleeping in my lower level alone (I have an early wake-up call), and jumped to my feet, pistol in hand to address the situation that I could only ASSume was an intruder :huh: . Keep in mind that I am using a Sure-Fire light to scan the area, and identify the individual. As I am trying to advance through the room, I am met with excruciating pain in my feet. I then fall forward into my reloading bench, face-first :wacko: . After gathering myself up, I shine the light down on the floor, and I realize that the floor is glistening, and that I am walking on freshly re-mixed range brass (approximately 30,000 previously-sorted rounds). The realization hits me that I had an employee tidy up the area earlier last week to accommodate an ATF inspetion (explosives license), and in his infinite wisdom, he loaded my Accro-Bins top-heavy with my precious sorted brass. It is now 3:30, and I have finished picking the brass from between my toes, and sweeping up the entire mess. The wife is now done whisper-shouting at me for improper oversight of my employees, and I am nursing a black eye <_< . Fortunately for me, the children are still fast asleep, and probably don't realize that in doing so have probably spared my life, as that would surely have put my wife over the edge (she has a gun too, afterall). :rolleyes: I am now going to return to my slumber, and dream about a first-class ass-chewing that I will be issuing in about 4 hours :angry: . But, for now...I need some ice. :( I am definitely not feeling the love.


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I don't know if I should laugh my a... off ( like I'm doing...) or feel sorry for you, your wife, the kids or your employee?

I guess I'll keep on laughing - it was afterall you who employed and didn't check..... :lol:

Hope the eye heels soon....

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Well, at least the swelling stayed down on the eye...but I'm still feeling the most pain in my knees where the brass embedded itself when I fell. Man, talk about seeing stars. Wifee was right though...if I hadn't been so lazy as to have him bring the brass downstairs after our lost brass match, it would have never happened. But it was 15 gallons worth dagnabit!!! Now it has cost me all my sorted brass as well. :angry: All that brass that Josey and Jesse got me from the Buckeye is mixed in there also now!!! Man, I gotta get a case sorter, this hand sorting is for the birds!!! Pride truly do cometh before the fall.


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