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Trigger Finger (Tendon Inflammation)


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I am not really sure where to post this so if this is the wrong area, I apologize.

Unfortunately my "trigger finger" in my right middle finger is coming back (I am right handed). I actually received a cortisol shot August 2010 for it. For those that don't know what trigger finger is here is the Webmd definition:

"Trigger finger and thumb are painful conditions that cause the fingers or thumb to catch or lock in a bent position. The problems often stem from inflammation of tendons that are located within a protective covering called the tendon sheath."

I have been dry fire training consistently (about 4-6 days a week for 6 months) which includes draws, press outs etc. Only until last month did I start feeling like the tendon was getting inflamed. Now this week the base of my right middle finger is sore and I can't make a fist. I can grip my service Glock 19 pain free but it is uncomfortable gripping my Glock 34 (I assume because the Glock 19 handle is minimally wider?).

I also powerlift 3-4 days a week for about 4 years consistently. For those that don't know, competitive powerlifting consists of the Big 3: Squat, Deadlift, Bench. I have not competed yet but enjoy the challenge of increasesing my lifts and finding new ways to achieve it.

So I whether it is lifting or shooting, I am always gripping something. Has anyone else here had "trigger finger"? If so, how did you get over it (cortisol shots, rest, grip rehab, etc)? Any exercise suggestions like captain of crush or other grip tools? I am about to buy some bands to help with finger extensors (which I do neglect) from ironmind. I would prefer not to have surgery but if it gets worse I may have to.

Edit: On the bright side of things, I get to train weak hand unsupported more. :)

Edited by blazeops
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I feel for you. I have a tendon injury in my left wrist that has really affected my shooting. I too am hoping to avoid surgery, but if you can find a good orthopedist who specializes in hands, why not go speak with them?

I've seen one doc who shot my wrist full of cortisone, and gave a preliminary diagnosis. The cortisone helped a little, but his conservative treatment regimen wasn't successful. Now I've scheduled an appointment with a hand/wrist specialist, and I'm hoping to get this thing figured out. I did need a push from a good friend to finally schedule the appointment (I hate seeing doctors), but I think in the end my friend was right - it's better to actually know what the real problem is and what your treatment alternatives are, than to wait and hope it gets better on its own (while possibly continuing to injure yourself).

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I have it in my right ring finger.

When my hands aren't really stretched out if I make a fist and don't bend my fingers on a specific way (I have to roll them up finger first and then go to a fist)....

My ring finger gets STUCK. Something with that Knuckle.

Years of punching things maybe? Nah :)

Avoid cortisone as much as possible,

It weakens the connective tissue.

Don't get into a pattern where you constantly take anti inflammatories so that you can continue to Shoot and Lift weights as much as you want.

What helps me is to flex all of my fingers and my wrists backwards.

One finger at a time, in pairs then all at the same time.

Stretching the opposite way of the injury.

Ice after workouts.

Check out a book called "Muscle Medicine" by Rob Stefano.

Helped me a lot

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I got a Massage today and the Therapist was heavily working my Pectoralis Minor


She said that lots of Carpal Tunnel and general tension STARTS there.

Funny because I am always pressing in that muscle to kind of "reset" my arm when I get tight.

About the Trigger Finger issue, she was saying what I knew already...

the connective tissue in your hand gets tight/inflamed and pulls your joints loose.

ICE is your friend. Throw a couple of water bottles in the freezer.

I am a musician and used to tour full time.

My hands would go straight into an ice bucket right after a show.

The next day before a show I would use Heat and sometimes Moxa Sticks (google Moxibustion) as I had an Acupuncturist that used them on me to good effect.

It gives VERY targeted Heat.


Another Heat item I used was a Wax Bath.

Feels GREAT on Hands and Feet.

You might also look at TENS units.

I use one on my back (muscle tear)

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Don't spend too much time on this one. 5 minute procedure under local anesthetic, reasonable commonsense recovery, get on with your life.

You can spend lots of time and money on "alternative" treatments for this simple anatomic problem.

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Don't spend too much time on this one. 5 minute procedure under local anesthetic, reasonable commonsense recovery, get on with your life.

You can spend lots of time and money on "alternative" treatments for this simple anatomic problem.

The getting on with your life part is the "catch".

He is a Power Lifter and Dry Fires a lot.

First question my doctor asked was "any activities requiring a lot of Grip?"

Surgery is a last option for me as I don't want to risk numbness in my fingers and I don't want to do anything to change my range of motion/fine motor skills.

I have problems in my wrists, shoulders, back, knees, one hip, feet.

They are all from repetitive motion, holding grips a long time (Stick fighting, boxing, grappling, breaking boards when i was a dumb kid, guitar, drums for me).

15 years ago I was having SEVERE trouble that was keeping me from working.

Now I am able to keep it in check without having to be on a daily dose of CELEBREX.

I have a good friend that has had two knee surgeries (same knee) has a fracture in his elbow that can't be fixed and just had surgery on his wrist to repair tendons.

We have to learn how survive our hobbies and jobs :)

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Don't spend too much time on this one. 5 minute procedure under local anesthetic, reasonable commonsense recovery, get on with your life.

You can spend lots of time and money on "alternative" treatments for this simple anatomic problem.

The getting on with your life part is the "catch".

He is a Power Lifter and Dry Fires a lot.

First question my doctor asked was "any activities requiring a lot of Grip?"

Surgery is a last option for me as I don't want to risk numbness in my fingers and I don't want to do anything to change my range of motion/fine motor skills.

I have problems in my wrists, shoulders, back, knees, one hip, feet.

They are all from repetitive motion, holding grips a long time (Stick fighting, boxing, grappling, breaking boards when i was a dumb kid, guitar, drums for me).

15 years ago I was having SEVERE trouble that was keeping me from working.

Now I am able to keep it in check without having to be on a daily dose of CELEBREX.

I have a good friend that has had two knee surgeries (same knee) has a fracture in his elbow that can't be fixed and just had surgery on his wrist to repair tendons.

We have to learn how survive our hobbies and jobs :)

I hear ya. Real life feedback is typically, "Wish I had done that sooner" not "I really should have stuck with the massage/medications/PT/copper bracelets/special gloves."

I'm just sayin'...


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I reluctantly made an appointment with my hand surgeon for a cortisone shot. I honestly prefer not too but I caved in. He is a great doctor and did a wonderful job on my left middle finger which I broke while playing football.

I deadlifted yesterday and wasn't in any pain. I use the normal Olympic bar with rubber kg plates. I grip the bar a little loose (keeps the range of motion a tad shorter and I activate my glutes and hip flexors sooner). My hand felt a little uncomfortable but no pain. I can probably make a fist but I am scared of getting stuck. There is still soreness at the base of my middle finger.

KungFuNerd, I use to take trumpet lessons until my neighbors complained. I actually made a homemade Renuzit mute so I can practice quietly but haven't had the time to because of overtime, dry firing, lifting and making time for the wife. I have to add stick fighting to that list eventually as well. I have been neglecting that part of my training.

I also forgot about ice. I actually picked up some bands from Ironmind and did some extensor work...very light band 3 sets of 12. I am going to ice my hand once I am done with this post.

Surge, I have thought about surgery. I am a LEO and a bit worried about the surgery, even though I have a great surgeon. I am going to keep my options open. I was transferred to headquarters six months ago and would have to get the surgery done on my vacation.

My normal reaction to an injury is "can I schedule surgery today?" I tore my labrum 3 years ago playing rugby. Once I received the results from the MRI, I scheduled surgery the week after. I recovered quickly. I trained efficiently, safely and heavy. I am definitely stronger now then I was before (of course I attribute that to training smarter). I am reluctant now because I am working at HQ now and can't let down the person that got me there.

I probably won't do my planned live fire session this weekend. I am a bit disappointed because my case of 147g Atlanta Arms reloads came in and I really wanted to test it out.

Edited by blazeops
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Just try to find the balance.

Surgery can certainly work as PART of the treatment but you are an athlete with an appetite for destruction (me too).

And I'm being a total "do as I say not as I do".

3 weeks ago my back went out and I was on muscle relaxers and 2400mg of Ibu a day.

Just got home from a class and my back is a little sore because I was demonstrating takedowns on a guy that is 6' 5" 290 :)

By the way....stay away from Grip exercisers for a while too.

It isn't Therapuetic for tendonitis. Just makes it worse.

LATER you want to do exercises that increase Mobility and flexibility all around the old injury.

I found some good Joint Mobility exercises on a Scott Sonnon video

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Ouch, 6'5 290 is a mountain of a man.

I understand "do as I say not as I do." I cook in bulk and bring food to work. I eat fairly healthy and give advice at work to those who ask. Everyone sees me eat healthy but when I get home from a long day...I see my wife eating ice cream or fried foods...healthy goes out the door. I usually pay for it the next day.

I iced my hand last night. I didn't have time for a warm soak this morning to lube up the joints. I am not in pain or discomfort but I know if I attempt to close my fist my finger will lock.

Yeah I need to stay away from my captain of crush and imug grippers. I haven't dry/live fired since July 10. I will be doing weak hand work this weekend.

Which vidoes from Sonnon do you suggest?

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