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9mm Major load for Glock


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G'day All.

I have outfitted my G17 for IPSC Open.

It has a EFK Fire dragon barrel that has been threaded and fitted with a Comp.

It has an Optima riding on the slide.

I would like to try some major power factor loads thru it to see how it shoots.

All the loads that are listed here and on other disscussion boards use powders that are not available in Australia or are too expensive.

So, Does anyone have a major factor load for 9x19 using winchester powder or ADI mulwex AP powder?

I know that some ADI powders are sold in the U.S. as Hodgden (Spelling?) powders.

Also, in Australia, Teflon coated lead bullets are the norm for reloading 115gr to 147 gr.

Jacketed pills are very expensive.

There is a bloke called Top Score Projectiles in Sydney. He has just started to make copper plated pills for 9mm. They weigh in at 133gr and are round nose. I intend to try these pills for a major load.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.



Regards, Trevor


G17, G17A, G34

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Winchester is still selling 540 in Australia?! Are they still selling WAP there too?!! I think the closest IPSC powder for open class 9mm cal is WSF, it's faster burning than WAP and 540. It works but it gets you to high pressure faster than N350. I use it for 38 super, but not 9mm major. josh

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my wife used a Tanfoglio P19s for 9mm major for many years.

She used 7.3gn W540 and Blackhawke 145gn projectiles for a PF of 177.

With the new PF at 160, I'm sure you can find an easy load. AP100 would be a good bet. Starline brass held up the best for Major loadings.

The Topscore 133 plated projectiles should be good medicine.

W540 is no longer. Some gunshops still have a couple of cans though.

WAP has gone down the same road.



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