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Conversations that find new shooters


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I called my insurance agent this morning to check on a coverage issue on my guns, and got the new agent in the office instead. While he was looking up my question, he asked me a few questions about what kind of shooting I do, and told me he spent all last Saturday watching season 1 of Top Shot. He was especially interested to learn that we have a couple of USPSA clubs in the area, and asked me to send him the schedule so he could come out and see a match.

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This Saturday after shooting a club match I stopped at KFC for lunch and Guy and his wife came in after me. While I was eating the guy said he noticed the shirt I was wearing (Area 3 RO shirt) and wondering what type of shooting it represented? I told him it was and said that I had just gotten done. After I told him where the club was he said that he only lived about 10 miles away and didn't know there was a club near by. He said they watched Outdoor channel and had seen some programs abouse USPSA. I told him about the USPSA website and when our next match is

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Great thread! This is one of my favorite things, too. Especially finding shooters who are into reloading AND shooting. Seems like everyone else I know is into plinking aluminum cans at 10yds. I would put that in the "what I hate" forum, but a shooter's a shooter and I just want to keep the sport alive by keeping people shooting! :cheers:

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Awesome thread!

I've talked to a lot of people about USPSA and IDPA, and many express an interest. Few actually show up and participate. I've had a lot more luck bringing new shooters to Steel Challenge matches. I think the lack of movement and the similarity in the stages are a lot less intimidating than the typical USPSA stage.

It's also a lot safer to let someone shoot a .22 from the same spot, compared to turning them loose with a .40 and hoping they can run and gun while remembering the 180 and everything else it takes to make it through a stage without any problems.

We have to keep bringing new shooters into the sport(s).

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