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I've reached a milestone

Kyle O

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Figured I'd post this here as it may very well benefit my shooting skills.


I started in April 2010 235 lbs, moved to the country and decided to walk around the "block" one night. It took about 2.5 hours, measured the next day it was 5 miles.

Decided to walk it the next night the other way / backtracked. I liked the way it felt to walk, so I started doing it every night.

After one month, it got to be a little boring, so I started throwing a little jogging in, say to the next telephone pole, or that mailbox up there. Just a few hundred yards and I was winded. Changed my diet some, by some I mean like an apple instead of a snickers bar, or some popcorn instead of chips, and not piling it on for supper. And, not "out to eat" as much.

By the end of June, I had lost 35 lbs, down to 200 (haven't weighed that in 13 years), so I continued to increase the jogging increments little by little. I found that I was no longer getting winded, but that my legs were burning were the reason for my rest/walking periods.

Weight loss was never really the goal, I just wanted to be healthier, and it turned out as a great side effect. I have since cut the distance down to 3 miles, followed by some upper body stuff on a Total Gym "Chuck Norris Machine" as I call it. I typically do 4 nights a week, some weeks 5, some 3, just depends on whats going on.

So anyway, last night I warmed up and stretched a little bit, then I ran 2 miles without stopping, or becoming overly winded. I've never done this even in my youth, and it feels really good. Seems like it may be an advantage after a long 3-gun course that finishes with long range rifle while I'm supposed to be overly winded.

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I think that is really good! I lost about 45 pounds (I gained it back) one semester when I was walking about 6 miles a day on campus. Now with two small kids, its hard to go walking. Your story will get me out walking tonight.

Thanks for posting your story!

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Take it slow at first, when one of the neighbors, and my brother saw how much I was changing they wanted to come, at that point I was jogging a lot of it, and they were trying to keep up.

They ended up on the injury reserve list, brothers feet were hamburger, and the neighbor pulled somthing, and we didn't see him for about 2 weeks.

I actually prefer it alone now.

OH, I got 2 little ones as well, so I just do mine after I put them to bed. It's been straight "night ops" for me since I started.

Good luck!

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Nice. I always love hearing stories like this. I'm lucky....skinny, tall, always involved in sports. But even with some graduate work in Kinesiology, I know how hard it is to fight fat. I finally got down to 190 this year and can't wait until next summer when I'll be racing bikes again and possibly doing MGM Ironman in the Trooper category. My knees don't hurt and I move much more quickly. Even at 200, I was able to bike well, but other sports I wasn't so hot. Even noticed it moving around the range.

Keep up the good work. If everyone was like you guys like me wouldn't get frustrated watching shows like Biggest Loser. Ha! This is the first season I've ever watched that show and even though I think it's ridiculous, I seem to keep tuning in every Tuesday.

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went for a little half mile run tonight after work. about killed myself doing it tho, haha. was sucking wind for about 15 minutes after i got back home. Going to walk it for a couple days then start to work up to more running.

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Boys, its time for you to order P90X and put on some Yoga tights! :unsure:

The wife and I are doing it together and I must say it is kicking my hind end. I never thought I would do Yoga but I am now a sun salutation specialist!

The first week or so I couldn't even hold my gun up at times. One day I barely could walk. It is amazing the workout you can get in an area that takes up less space than your dining room table.

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Boys, its time for you to order P90X and put on some Yoga tights! :unsure:

The wife and I are doing it together and I must say it is kicking my hind end. I never thought I would do Yoga but I am now a sun salutation specialist!

The first week or so I couldn't even hold my gun up at times. One day I barely could walk. It is amazing the workout you can get in an area that takes up less space than your dining room table.

Ive got the P90X series as well on my computer. I've done a few of them and they are TOUGH! Im planning on getting back into them once i work myself back into shape. the last time i did one (Chest/arms) i couldnt lift my arms to adjust a hat on my head for 2 days.

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Boys, its time for you to order P90X and put on some Yoga tights! :unsure:

The wife and I are doing it together and I must say it is kicking my hind end. I never thought I would do Yoga but I am now a sun salutation specialist!

My last year of college, i discovered that I needed a PE credit (despite the fact that I taught rock climbing 5 days a week). On a fluke I signed up for ballet - I thought it would be an easy credit, and that hanging out with a bunch of pretty girls in leotards wouldn't be too bad. What I didn't count on was how much of a workout it was, or how much all that stretching and fine motor control would improve my rock climbing. I enjoyed it enough to take a similar class when I was in grad school for a year or so. If I had the opportunity to do something similar now, I'd do it again. I'd be willing to bet it'd help my shooting and overall fitness, but walking around the farm is as much as I can fit into my schedule these days.

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Yoga does an exceptional job of helping flexibility and balance. I know that "everyone" says it but when you experience it, it is a night and day difference. The first two days I was litteraly falling or having to catch myself on every move. Now, I can do every move and am solid.

One of the reasons I did this is that I injured my back to the point I had to go to the Doc. He said that my hamstrings were way too tight and that I needed to stretch them as my back was doing the work that my hamstrings couldn't do because of their lack of flexibility.

At my last match I blazed through low ports being able to get in/out of a very low lunge that I wouldn't have been able to do as well before. Prior, I could get in/out of a low lunge but I wasn't solid and didn't have as good of a platform as I do now.

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.....in a high pitched creepy old guy voice..."You better stretch out those creamy hamstrings. You don't want to hurt yourself dancin'." Quote from the creepy old guy on Family Guy to the kids at some school dance.

I've got a simple yoga routine takes 15 minutes. It's amazing the difference it makes in my day. I do it every morning and sometimes in the evening. I used to totally make fun of that hippie yoga stuff, but it really helped my performance in mountain biking and it makes a HUGE difference running around when I'm doing agility stuff (like playing with my dog).

Incorporate some power yoga and the difference in core strength is pretty amazing.

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