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Posts posted by M-TRAIN

  1. Congrats to Max. Beyond that, the reason why Eric lost doesn't matter all that much to me. It also doesn't matter to me if he made an excuse for it or stated a reason for it (a very thin line there anyhow). When it comes down to reasons of performance, I just look at my own in a (hopefully) objective manner. It doesn't help our shooting at all to hear why shooter A won or lost unless it is strictly from factual events that happened on the range. And by that I mean in an analysis of shooting performance.

    The reason why Eric lost is he did not shoot as good as Max. Period. Full stop. End of story.

    I'm curious/interested in Eric's post game analysis of why he thought he lost. I think there's a lot to learn from his reasons. Just saying someone else shot better than me, doesn't cut it for me. The fact he took the time to tell us what went wrong is awesome!

    Mick B

  2. This is hard to explain but hopefully you get what I'm trying to ask. Let's say on an array of 3 targets in front of you, you are required to shoot 2 shots each target (kinda like the el presidente), there's always seem to be different kinds of shooting style that I see and both of them end up just about equal time.

    1. BANG.BANG ..... BANG.BANG ..... BANG.BANG


    Hopefully you get what I mean

    Which one of the 2 is used under what circumstances.

    I never use No1 anymore for anything. I find I have far more control of my second shot by using cadence (No2).

    If the targets are close, my shooting is based more on timing then sight picture. The splits and transitions are equal.

    If the targets are say 7-10metres away, Ill still shoot with a cadence, but Im following my front sight like a bouncing ball. The splits and transitions will still be very similar.

    In general my splits will be marginally slower than someone using the...BANG.BANG... method, but my transitions are usually considerably faster.

    Mick B

  3. So I've always been taught to "grip the living daylights out of it"

    That's how I do it and that's how I teach it.

    I apply what could be described as 'equal' pressure with both hands. I squeeze the 'life' out of the gun and use a good solid stance (bent knees), with both arms locked out. Oh and a bit of skate tape where my left thumb pushes against the frame.

    Mick B

  4. Hey Phil. Good to hear you might be coming back to Oz to shoot!

    Having been forced to shoot minor for the past few years...and now shooting my .38 super standard gun in Major at the moment...you'd be mad NOT to shoot Major...if you can!

    I havn't shot .357 sig major loads before, but I can shoot Major loads as fast as I was shooting Minor loads. If you have an 'SVI' like I do...you basically just have to drop a barrel in and acquire sum ten round mags.

    As far as loads, keep an eye on the M-Train website, as Stu and I will be posting as much info as we can. We'll be trying to 'stuff' the biggest lump of lead (180gr) we can find, in them!

    I've been through this whole Major v Minor thing...like Flex said..."...shooting Major rocks!"

    Hope to see you in Melbourne next year!

    Mick B

  5. Being an apprentice to this sport but not to dealing with men in competition I will give you my thoughts even though i may be unqualified to do so.

    Reading through this forum regularly you get to know people a little, their goals and how they want to achieve them, ect. And the people who have a mental game plan are by far the ones who succeed the most often. I remember a post where Micah had a video where he started on a bike and he said it was kind of a pain in the butt or some such comment and Steve A told him don't worry about the props, they are designed to take your mind away from shooting. It appears to me he has taken the mental game seriously because of the advice from some on this forum whom he respects, and the results speak for themself. Reading about the Nationals and these stages where you must carry a box "normal luggage fashion" and all the cries of these stupid things shouldn't be in our primier event, bla bla bla has led me to believe most people didn't bring their mental game with them.

    Lets look at a few things about your run of the mill GM.

    Can they shoot A's almost at will: yes

    Can they break down a stage and analyze the best way to complete it: yes

    Can they competently move through a stage with a minimum of wasted effort: yes

    So what's left to mess with, Their head.

    The Nationals is exactly where those props should be. Reading some of the after action posts you hear about missed opportunity and mental mistakes that cost people points and time. Remember last year (?) the coin in the bucket and what Robbie said about it. (how many missed it and did you chase it).

    The people who appear to have done the best are the ones who didn't let the distractions of the bullsh*t get to them. The others let themselves be taken out of their game zone and couldn't get back in which is probably what the designers wanted because the competition is too close to just judge it on shooting alone. You want to be champion you need to have the complete package. You want to find out how to be a champion, don't ask one what he does for practice. Ask him how he thinks.

    I enjoyed reading what you had to say.

  6. quote name='George' date='Mar 29 2007, 08:44 AM' post='533331']

    MTrain, with a pit crew like that, I wouldn't be spendin' much time on the actual track ;-)

    Here is the day to day wear on my pegs and boots. When I ride her to her limits the front pegs get folded up and I use the passenger pegs.

    M-TRAIN I really need to meet some of your pit crew.

    Some more of my..."Pit crew!" B)





  7. There seems to be quite a few shooters with knee and shoulder problems around here. I hope everyone heals up and gets rid of their pain.

    But I have to ask, could anyone give any tips to those of us who don't have joint pain yet, but would sure as hell like to prevent it?

    I was considering starting running for cardio, but I'm not so sure now.

    Check out Nathans "Morning wake up call" to see how he prevents injuries.

    Hopefully I'll have some more of his physical training techniques up soon.

    Mick B



  8. I can't take leave to shoot. There are too many things going on at work to take off. Oh well. I will make it to Australia one day. Hopefully, I will be able to shoot when I go there.

    Thanks for the invite.


    No probs man! If things ever change...drop us a line and we'll try 'n help out.

    I've seen the stages for the State Titles...they look good.

    We should get heaps of pics 'n stories from the shoot.

    Mick B



  9. In fact, I can't wait for the weather to clear so I can go practice firing "controlled pairs." Thanks for the clarification.


    Hi Joe

    The drill I use for practicing "two fast shots"... is three targets side by side, one metre apart, at five metres. Hands by sides and try to get six "A's" in two seconds. Thats with my standard Infinity.

    Hope it helps.

    Mick B



  10. Mick

    If I am shooting where you go, which is likely, and you have S_I's and want to shoot high caps in Open or Limited you can borrow mine. Heck we can probably find something for any gun.

    Thanks mate, we appreciate the offer!

    Mick B

    Depending on certain work committments, we will travel to fit in with the right Match.

    The idea of squeezing in extra matches is also appealling.

    2007 is definately out of the question, way to busy. So it will be 2008.

    The Targeting Ed match sounds like a pretty cool setup.

    Mick B

  11. M-Train,

    I have started the planning phase. I will leave Korea on 15 March, arrive on 16 March, shoot pistol match on 17 and 18 March. I will leave on 21 March. I plan to stay at Holiday Inn Darling Harbour on Harbour Street in Sydney. I know the range is about 35km. I would have to arrange some type of transportation to the range. Who do I need to contact to start the coordination?


    Hey Dude

    I spoke to Stu from Team Mtrain, he lives in Sydney...email him at stu@team-mtrain.net.au

    and he'll help you out as much as he can.

    Mick B

  12. Thanks for all the feedback guys.

    We can only use 10 rd mags here in Oz, so as far as any restrictive laws it shouldn't be a problem. I'm not sure of timings, we'd make the effort for the right match. Nath wants to go see New York while we're there, I'm keen az to try an do the Nationals, the Florida Open sounds good, as in the International flavor...I'm surfn' the net looking at vids of some of the matches...it's early days yet to decide, I'll keep researching and planning! :wacko:

    Mick B

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