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Finally read the FAQs

Finally read the FAQs (3/11)

  1. Does your bolt lock back? Can you manually rack and eject shells? If so, I would say that the problem is on the front end, not the back end. I assume you “cleaned” the hell out of “everything”? Did you check the piston itself to make sure there wasn’t any debris blocking the spiral cut on it? Likewise, chips/debris in the gas ports aren’t as easily spotted as you’d think. Run something through the ports to make sure nothing is clinging to the sides. If you still find nothing, keep shooting it. Break in is totally different for everyone. Let us know how it goes.
  2. Just as you said...remove it all. The gas piston is way worse than the barrel or bolt will be. The bcg comes through the front after the barrel is off.
  3. I got bored...
  4. I was wondering about you...glad to hear you got the fit issue cleared up!
  5. Honestly the cerakote looks pretty rough as is and the barrel is covered so I wouldn’t really care. Must of us throw our guns in barrels and buckets all the time not to mention breaking it down and “fixing” everything....so to answer your question, I’d keep it and get started making it work
  6. so I got bored and took your advice. Now I just need to test four weight combinations times 4 spring combinations...what’s that 4 million options...! Lol. I didn’t include the buffer spring in my weight totals
  7. I’d just take a flat file and make a single pass at a time until it fits together well. Check and make sure there’s not a blemish under the finish where that back pin block is on either the upper or lower. If there is I’d try to remove it...otherwise just smooth the upper portion that goes into the lower portion. Should be easy. The finish comes off easy and clean
  8. If it is an issue with the bolt, just pull the barrel. You’ll want to anyway to clean the whole thing out.
  9. Yes 59 pages seem excessive but you’ll gain so much insight on the gun so quickly you’ll run through the pages and want more! Main thing is to break it “completely “ down and clean it like your an archeologist unearthing aliens. Then just buy a case of the cheapest crap you can (Walmart) and burn through it. I didn’t bother sighting in or anything until the gun started to work. I did the break in with a buddy...1 loaded a mag while the other dumped the mag and vice versa. Don’t shop any parts yet just clean/shoot till it starts working/ clean again. They should include a case of shot with the thing! Everyone goes through the same “is this broken/ ever gonna work” moments...keep shooting it! Have fun!
  10. So the taccom buffer is longer. But if I put it through a 1/2” drive socket, you still have the use of the inner spring. Yeah the socket sounds sketchy but it saves me getting other weight buffers turned down just to try something. If it wasn’t such a good fit inside and out I probably wouldn’t want it in there but as is, it’s just a sleeve that fits the buffer.
  11. So I was thinking...I’ve got an 11/16 deep well socket that’s the same od as the fat part of a buffer weight. The original buffer slides inside the socket, resting against the shoulder, and the spring rests against the bottom of the socket. You’d end up adding about an inch of spring to the overall length in stock configuration. It’s ads instant weight but not more than a rifle length buffer. If I wasn’t going out of town I’d give it a try this weekend. Easy way to test the added weight theory. Now let all the “OMG don’t do that” people chime in... I think it’s worth a try, but maybe not for everyone. I’m going to see if the taccom buffer fits in the socket the same
  12. Nelson, do you happen to be able to shoot on your property or do you have to travel like me?
  13. Same here. I’m hoping someone will have insight on the lack of buffer weight though. Maybe save me some time
  14. If I turn the face down a tad I think it would. I went a different route than most and put a rifle length tube on mine so I have a lot of options open to me...sometimes too many options...lol
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