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Everything posted by Matt939

  1. What response do you get from the BT module when you issue the AT+BAUD1 command? AT+BAUD1 response is error. I can change the baud rate with AT+UART=9600,0,0 (setting baud at 9600 or else, setting stop bit & parity bid as you can see in the first example I linked above
  2. I'm not sure what terminal software/connection you're using, but when I was configuring mine the AT commands typed into the terminal window were not echoed (i.e., you couldn't see what you typed in the terminal window). They also had to be in ALL CAPS and typed very quickly. So, I typed the commands out in a text editor then copied and pasted them into the terminal window. Having said that, from the Guide: If that doesn't work I would take a look at the USB-to-TTL module. As mentioned in a previous post, connecting to HC05/06 chipsets with anything but CP2102-based USB-TTL converters is sketchy. You might want to check out the reviews on the Virtuabotix BT2S page and their configuration guide for some additional info that could help. I succesfully get answers from AT commands. I succeed to change baud rate, device name, changing from master to slave and such (the device was answering to AT commands), But could not decrease it below 9600 (I could set values above noproblem) I used tera term (for windows), everything went fine. Before I tried (unsuccesfully) Hyper terminal and others on both windows and mac.
  3. Well, I nearly got crazy to have the blutooth & serial working. I bought a Hc-05, which can be both master & slave. I succesfuly have it answering AT commands (after lots of trial & errors) following this https://alselectro.wordpress.com/2014/10/18/bluetooth-module-hc-05how-to-pair-2-modulesat-command-walkthrough/ and this https://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/BlueTooth-HC05-HC06-Modules-How-To using an USb to ttll Btooth board is "KEYES BT_board_2.0" UNFORTUNATELY looks like this board can't be set to work at 1200 baud, can change succesfully down to 9600 but nothing less will be accepted.
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