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Posts posted by AustinMike

  1. Gotta have my caffeine, I'm a wreck without it. Takes a LOT to give me the shakes, but everybody is different. I'm not a morning person, so I generally have at least 4-5 cups of coffee before a match. Any less and I'd probably shoot myself in the foot on the first stage. :P On the bright side, I don't seem to be taking in near enough to take me out: Death by Caffeine :lol:

  2. I have the Gold Hunter version in 28".

    Sounds like I have the same gun.


    I got this gun several years back in like-new condition for $475! I'd like to keep it to where I could still shoot skeet with it from time to time. At a minimum, what would I need to do to it to shoot in a 3 gun match? 22" or 24" barrel? Extended mag (I assume those can be easily installed/removed.) Any links to where I can get recommended parts would be greatly appreciated. I've only been shooting IPSC and Steel style matches for a few months and know virtually nothing about 3 gun. I saw some footage on Shooting USA recently and all I know is it looks fun! :D



  3. I picked up a Glock 17 for production shooting and really like it. I bought a factory rebuild and I highly recommend that route. It saves you a large chunk of money to buy ammo with. Check out Summit Gun Broker. Mark is a great guy to deal with. Currently the G17's are $365 with 3 mags. Best deal I've found and the guns look like new, with full Glock lifetime warranty. I liked mine so much, I went back and bought a rebuilt Glock 22 for a limited gun. One of these with an Uncle Mike's holster and mag holders (about $15 each) and you're ready to rock! :D

  4. Heh, I'm too mathematically challenged to even venture a guess as to why a little extra barrel/slide length would make such a big difference. :wacko: I'm sure there's a good scientific explanation, but somebody else will have to do it. ;)

  5. This must be a problem with the longer slide Glocks? I just put Dawson front and rear sights on my Glock 22 and had no trouble getting dialed in. I've got my rear sight raised a touch, but then again I like to aim at a 6 o'clock position, at least at targets 10 yards out or more.

  6. I hate that I'm having to miss my favorite steel match this morning! :( I had a mole removed from my arm a couple weeks and they found some abnormal cells. So, I had to go back in last Tuesday and they removed a good sized chunk o' skin. Apparently, they went fairly deep and wide to make sure they got it all, since they stitched me up inside and out.

    I'm trying to behave myself and give the wound time to heal. I've had something like this before and ripped the stitches out playing drums a few after surgery. The cut is up near the shoulder, so drawing the gun moves things around too much. Feels a lot better today and I thought about gobbling some Tylenol and going for it, but I'm guessing that a morning of fast draw and recoil wouldn't be prudent. Sigh...

    Next weekend, I'm shooting two matches, including the extreme round count Coleman 4-H match, no matter what!

    On a positive note, my lastest flesh donation looked OK under the microscope, so I'm back to "normal." :wacko: I'm fair skinned, so I'm more susceptible to this sort of thing. Yeah, I wear long sleeves in the heat of summer for reasons other than insanity, Austin folks. ;) Take care of your skin and slather on your sun screen!

  7. I've had season tickets for five years now. B)


    Yeah, we've had season tickets in the past, but since moving to Hutto we just try to get to the Saturday games, maybe Friday occassionally. It's tough for us to get home from work and make it back down to the Expo Center by game time. My wife usually plays hockey on Sundays. She's into hockey like I'm into shooting. B)


  8. The talk radio station here was taking calls this morning regarding an incident where local police subdued a suspect with non-lethal methods, but the guy died later at a hospital. The guy was allegedly beating senseless his wife/girlfriend in the middle of a street. Apparently, a couple of cops were injured trying to restrain him. They used pepper spray to no avail and had to taze him down. For reasons yet to be disclosed by an autopsy, the suspect died later.

    So, this morning people were calling in and saying that this was police brutality, that they must have acted in an excessive manner to cause the "gentleman" to die. Argh!!! Look, a gentleman does not beat a woman and put up a big enough fight to injure several men and require a tazer to settle down. Yet, you've got people stepping up to say, "oh, he was a good boy, never hurt anybody, blah, blah." Geez, I'm tired of hearing that crap! :angry:

  9. I can give a specific example - N310 is not recommended in .45ACP with 230's, yet I just had to try it.

    Are you using an older guide? The VV load guide I have (January 2004) lists data for the .45ACP with 200gr. SWC and 230gr. FMJ. I've been using it with both bullet weights.

  10. I was lucky enough to get my order in before he ran out of stock. Wow, what an improvement in the Glock trigger! I dare say it's better than my 1911 trigger now. Scary... :o The striker spring seemed real light and I was skeptical at first. But, I ran a box of WWB and a box of UMC factory ammo through it without a single light primer strike. Sweet! B)

  11. As far as clean or not clean that one has been kicked to death.  It's a reaction of combustion for cripes sake and one of the by products is soot and crap.
    For the price, I could live with the "dirt." It's recoil impulse that bothered me most. Faster powders feel softer at the same power factor and seem to burn cleaner as an added bonus. My gun, my experience, YMMV. ;)
  12. Why shouldn't I use Titegroup powder for a 45acp load?  Seems no one is really using it.  I'm currently using Bullseye, but since I load Titegroup for my .40 loads I was wondering if there's any problems using it for my .45 load as well.  I'm just starting out loading a 230gr FMJ bullet.  I'm switching from a 200gr LSWC because I want to get away from touching all that lead.



    I tried it with 230gr. bullets and didn't really like it. The recoil was harsh, it burned dirty (heavy soot and flakey residue on my forearms), and the brass and gun got VERY hot. Faster powders like Clays and VV N310 work better with 230gr., in my experience. Titegroup did a bit better with 200gr. bullets and will push them to major at lower charges and less pressure than the faster powders. I'd still take N310 though. From a pure economy standpoint, it doesn't get much cheaper than Titegroup. ;)

  13. I was experimenting with TiteGroup in my .45 and noticed that things got quite a bit hotter than with my Clays loads. The brass gets freakin' hot with TiteGroup! Ouch!!! :o I may drop it for the heat alone, since other powders can do the job at cooler temperatures. I've got some test loads with some single-based powders (VV 310 and 320) to try out this weekend.

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