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Posts posted by MKuhn

  1. How come you and I are ok to hot reholster it’s the other guy.

    Every outlaw 3 gunner that “I” know is a USPSA member (even most newbes) and every outlaw match “I’ve” been has been MD’ed by, and the future ones most likely will be MD’ed by a USPSA member.

    The iron clad wavers are only worth paper, having an auto accident on there private property is grounds for suit.

    Not being sanctioned certainly has not adversely impacted the turn out.



  2. How do figure that the dreaded outlaw matches are unsafe?

    After shooting in over 20 three-gun matches under both USPSA / IMG I know that the safety rules are virtually the same from match to match and some green bean will error in every match, I will wager that when you were a FNG the same applyed.

    As for as hot re holstering, you start every USPSA pistol stage by hot holstering, I feel confident that I will not blow off my leg, and like wise the people I shoot with. The newbies, we OR extra close on the stage and keep an eye on them the rest of the time, as a we should. Stress reloading can be controlled by the RO, if sees the shooter struggling slow him down.


    Mell Kuhn

  3. What a shame that this would happen, I sure hope that this is not the sour end to what me and the wrecking crew considered a great time.

    Thank you Shawn for putting out the effort and the money to in entertaining us with this match. The three pieces of Soviet armor were very cool, damm good stage, However what was the US tank crewmen doing in front of a Block BMP.

    Thank you Benny for the night of hard drinking and hard to believe stores and I am sure you would have been right in the foray if those boys hadn’t changed there minds and decided to throw down on us.

    Now that’s how you ride the fence.

    Love Mell

  4. The intent of He-man or what ever, is what it is. Just like every other class/ division it is a separation of different tastes and even limitations, keep in mind that this is a game not the real world.

    If you want to or have to shoot through a scope you have two other options, if you desire to shoot an auto loading shotgun you have two other options.

    The thought of tailoring the rules to suit everybody’s desires may be a little unrealistic. It kind of appears that some may be shooting for something other than the love of the sport.

    There are shooters who like it so much they save their money, come to the matches, don’t bitch, never trophy and walk the table last!

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