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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by Gunski

  1. The very very unfortunate situation at NIU is prompting the Illinois papers and TV media to use this to further misinform that public that stricter gun laws will eliminate crime and the situation would never have happened if we had more gun laws. Below are 2 sites requesting a vote on gun control. Please vote to ensure that Illinois does not turn into England! http://wgnradio.com http://www.myfoxchicago.com/myfox/ Please cut and paste and vote on both. pass the word to friends and other sites, we need help in Illinois.
  2. Prior to my PC passing away, I had a site saved where you can practice dryfiring, a target would appear and then disappear, you could set how long the target showed. I cannot remember where the site was, any one know of the site and can post the website? Thanks,
  3. Has anyone made the investement in the Bullite Laser training tool for dry fire training and if so, is it worth it? Any insight would be appreciated.
  4. Anyone receive and use the new 550 casefeeder? Comments?
  5. Is the Springfield XD 9 valid for USPSA Production? The IPSC site says no, but as I understood it, it also did not list the Gloack 34 or 35. Robbie's site listed the XD 40 as his production gun. Is the XD in 9 valid for USPSA Production? Thanks.
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