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Posts posted by mulrick

  1. I asked this over on the 1911 side but since this is spring specific I thought I should ask over here too.

    I have a Caspian high cap. I have Grams Tanfoglio 11 coil springs and followers in the mags to get 20 reloadable in .40.

    I need new springs and on Grams website they are not showing on the website anymore


    My question is, will the TTI SV/ST springs work for the tanfoglio? Anyone ever do this?

  2. That's funny, I literally just got done writing an email to Steve. I am in the exact same boat, I called Steve back in December 2014 After he came highly recommended by others on this forum. I talked to him for almost an hour, he was going to build me a custom kydex holster in special colors, specifically for a 6" Custom Caspian High Cap. He said it would be done in 2 weeks, that he would send me picture to approve before he mailed it out.

    Well now I am here almost 17 weeks later, holster-less... I am going to wait to post our email conversations to see if he responds to my email that I sent a few minutes ago. However I can say this, since I know it to be fact: my Check was cashed within a couple days of it being received (Jan 3rd) and I have yet to receive a tracking number, picture, anything... Steve and I exchanged a handful of emails but communication has left much to be desired.

    I checked here on a whim just to see if he or someone else had posted anything to maybe explain the delays. Seems a few of us are in the same boat...

  3. I know a few guys who run battle belts. No one bats an eye.

    We did have a guy show up to a rifle match (first timer) this weekend in a plate carrier (no plates) a shemagh, and cool guy patches everywhere, a keltec su-16, and 5.11 tac pants.... Bought everything during the "scare" no one said a word, even let him squad with the "super squad" everyone gave him tons of help. I think we probably picked up a new monthly shooter coming out.

    Basically what I am saying is come out, shoot, find your weak points, see what works for others and then make your decisions based on that.

  4. I just got one of these and put about 100 rounds through it last weekend. Really nice, clean optic. The reticle is a bit busy for my taste, but it should work. The only issue I see is the BDC seems kinda wonky and too flat shooting... what load are people shooting to match those ballistics?

    If you are interested in a better reticle, you can let Burris know. This optic was designed to be used with a trippler, and in that role it is excellent, but we do want a little cleaner reticle for shooting 1X divisions in 3Gun. James Casanova designed a reticle that is excellent and we have sent that to Burris. It might take some requests to get it put into a production version.

    If James designed it I'll back it. Got something we can include in an email to Burris?

    Me too, Ive been looking for a 1x with a BDC for my limited or whatever we are calling it this year rifle.

  5. Email Robert at Fusion, they have a great selection and he will cut a slide to your specs. His turnarounds are quick and the products are top notch. I think he does sight cutting once a week in big batches, so if you catch him he can pull a slick sided frame out and put it in the batch.


  6. As for the handgun, I didn't say the glovebox was a suitable "locked container." It is, however, a separate part of the vehicle. So, if you want to keep the hangun in the glovebox, it has to be unloaded and in a locked box before it is placed in the glovebox. Then the ammo can be stored anywhere in the car except the glovebox.

    You're right about the ammo not having to be in a locked container; just the handgun. I didn't say the ammo had to be in a locked container. It just can't be in the same container as the handgun.

    Glove box is indeed a no go unless the gun is also in a locked container. Just keep it out of there. The trunk of back of the car is where you will get the least hassle.

    You are however very wrong on the ammo in a separate container. you can have loaded mags or ammunition in the same container as the gun, it just cannot be loaded in the gun. If anyone from out of state has questions, the Calguns Wiki pages are the most up to date with the legal information.


  7. Unless you can see stress cracks splintering off of the main peen mark, I wouldn't worry about it honestly.

    STI will most likely take care of you if you want to deal with the hassle of sending stuff back. You could on the other hand any smith should be able to file the sharp corner off the TS and also clean up the frame and it would be fine (less than an hour of work.) You can very easily do it yourself as well just go slow and be careful... the TS is a pretty integral part of the fire control system. That being said, its design is basic and once you understand how it works, it becomes very easy to do the work

  8. I would assume he has some very experienced smith helping him. Just because you know how to run CNC equipment, doesn't necessarily mean you can build a gun that runs. Oddly, this is the first time I've even heard he's building guns. When did he start?

    He's been building guns for the last 5 years or so. Jesse is a very talented machinist and welder, probably the most naturally talented welder I've seen. He has no problem looking for the best, most talented people in their trade to learn from.

    This^ Exactly why I'm curious the hate.

    I get not liking a guys personal life/decisions etc. But he is building one off Damascus guns by hand (anyone who knows the work involved gets it)... I kinda thought guys on here would appreciate that more than others, guess not... Which is fine

    At the end of the day the those of us that weld/machine and understand the talent and skill involved to do so will appreciate the art that is building things by hand more than others concerned with a brand or a name. Had this been made by Cheely, Dettelhouser, or Akai everyone on here would be praising it. Now please don't get you panties in a bunch, I AM NOT comparing JJ to the likes or Rich or Shay... I'm just surprised the flack given due to a persons past or a perception of their character or style.

    i don't dislike his work, and if he's a douche in real life I could care less. What I've seen is his name on something makes it cost more to me than it is worth. I get it, and people are happy to pay for brands. But I drive a Toyota and not Lexus mostly because that's my style.

    Funny cause he sold this gun to a guy for cost (around $2K) and he was offered $35K for it by a guy with more money than sense and turned it down so he could give the customer what they wanted at the agreed upon price. I know this because I know the person who purchased said gun.

    He did not get into this business to turn a profit... he did it to build things that he loves and is passionate about (As an entrepreneur and someone who appreciates craftsmanship, this is kinda the dream)

  9. 1st off... ^ this...

    Second of all, before you go using a file, try a course bench stone. It will help you keep things level if you are not confident in your filing skills and they are relatively cheap and have tons of uses. I would venture to say my bench stones are one of the most used tools I have as far as versatility. I use them for everything (knives, guns, cars, moto... the ability to take .001" off precisely is priceless)

  10. +1 to what he said ^

    I would call STI, they will take care of you.

    Look at the contact surfaces of the safety and see where it is contacting the frame. Look for any defects or spots that look unusual.

    Could have also been a piece of debris (that has since fallen out) stuck in there and when you racked the slide it wedged in there enough to chip the frame.

  11. whoops, just realized the JJ was for Jesse James. Nevermind.

    I'm curious why you said that... While his guns are not really my style, Jesse James is a fantastic example of the american entrepreneur, and more importantly an american craftsman. He built multiple companies from the ground up, and a lot can be learned from him, He's a fantastic business person.

    At the end of the Day the guns he makes, he hand stamps a little JJ with a hammer somewhere on the frame just so you know he actually built it. And he does beautiful work to restore old WWII 1911's. Take a look at some of his instagram pictures. Each gun is hand built to exact specifications for each customer. He has even been learning from some of the best like Jim Garthwaite.





  12. Just like you, I learned the hard way to never put a patially loaded magazine on my belt. They go into the bag until loaded.

    It really isn't remembering to load your mags, it is to not put fired mags back into your holders. I learned this same lesson years ago and now I never put any mag back in my holders after a stage. I do my ULSC and stick the one I took out of the gun on a magnet on my belt and hold the others in my hands until I am scored and then get back to my stuff and clean and re load them.

    Funny is I never really thought of this before. I know I had heard someone say it once, but I just never really had an issue.

    I like the idea of putting my partial on the magnet and holding the rest until I clean and reload.

  13. Most do, so then my next question is how big of a safety is it, I have a couple guns with the Wilson combat extra wide competition safety... That is big enough that you can actually exert a lot of force on that contact surface and over time could develop the symptom you are showing. I typically see this in lightweight frames more than steel.

  14. Nice.

    A local gm last year did it with no mags. Unloaded start and didn't notice until the beep. 145 points down on the first stage of a 2 day match.

    Did this guy not have any friends?!? If I'd have noticed I would've said something and then started with the jokes!

    Right??? I feel like as an RO I would have to ask, "So you planning on shooting this all with the force or what?"

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