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Posts posted by carinab

  1. I have the martha stewart version. Use a hunk of flower foam (or the top to that styrofoam cooler that you accidentally destroyed tripping over it in a drunken stupor) two paper clips, and a marker. Bend the paper clips in place to hold the marker in place. Push a round into the foam to the proper depth to get the marker on the body of the round. Drop check the ammo with a gauge, give it a twirl in the foam, throw it in the match ammo box.

    Now that's a good thing!


  2. 6. That's Okay : This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can

    make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before

    deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

    9. Don't worry about it, I got it : Another dangerous statement, meaning

    this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is

    now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's

    wrong?' For the woman's response refer to #3.

    Actually, I use "that's okay" in response to queries about the household fix it list when the answer I get is "I haven't done it yet." He never gets a "Don't worry about it, I got it" warning - oh no. If I actually can't do it myself (or I don't want to do it), he gets to see a bill from the fix it guy instead. That usually takes care of it however this process does seem to repeat itself every 12-15 months.

  3. Speaking of embarrassing, did anyone see the pole dance?

    Got any pics?? :roflol:

    No. :blush: Camera was in the bag at just the wrong time....

    There is video but the person who has it said he "wouldn't do that" to a fellow shooter. I think the "dancer" has a good enough sense of humor that he would think it was funny. He certainly laughed at Dale's comment. Perhaps he'd chime in on this thread and say so....Hint Hint....

  4. This was an amazing match! Those of you who didn't go - :P Nyah - Nyah! :roflol:

    The stages were fun. The match ran sooo smoothly. The prize table and awards were a model to be followed by all others!

    We each got a list of the prizes numbered. As people were called in to the room, the number of the prize the took was then called out. You'd check it off your list and so by the time you went in, you knew what you could get (and what you wanted). It sped things up considerably!

    Got to do a shout out to the supper squad as well. It was big fun and I'd shoot with you all again!

  5. Here's our '91 ZR1 at a high speed driving class we took down at Texas World Speedway. My hubby is the driver (in the retro white helmet). It's a hoot to drive! Hubby is eyeballing the '09 ZR1's as well but the pre-orders are going at 15-20% above MSRP....and there is no guarantee you'll get one. Better to wait a couple of years and try to buy it used....Hubby scored the '91 in 1996 at about 1/2 MSRP....with only 20K miles on it.

    The picture...post-4300-1216698304.jpg

    ETA: Waxman....you definitely got the right name! I think hubby and I are best categorized as racers...not waxers... ;)

  6. Thanks Carina! :D

    Last I heard our squad was down to you, Jim and Nanci and me. There are a couple of guys who are riding with me who are not listed on that edition. So I was looking for a newer version.

    May be a small squad in size :closedeyes:

    But I could not ask for nicer company :cheers:

    I aint ready :unsure: but Ill be there :D


    Uh, why did everyone drop out? What did I miss? Z isn't coming and neither is Cheryl and Rod?

  7. Anyone have a current squad list/ link to current squad list?

    Or who's going and when are you shooting? Several people have either wimped out or, due to circumstances beyond their control, had to cancel.

    I'm still going and shooting Saturday. :)

    Uh...Dale...check this thread....right about here Squad_Matrix.pdf

    or here ....looks to be similar to the one phil sent out...

  8. Fu** Crossfit, I am doing this workout....

    Dude.... time to get a sports bra.... ;)

    Uh, I wear a sports bra....Oh wait, I'm a chick...I'm supposed to wear one! :roflol:

    I screwed up thursday's work out because I forgot my bit of paper. I did it at the range after my live fire session. I got the dips and push ups reversed and since I didn't have a bar to do the push presses, I subbed pull ups. Anyway, four rounds in fifteen minutes. Deadlifts were 135# and I'll have to knock out the pullups tomorrow...

  9. Frankly, even with a magnifying glass I can't tell if her finger is on the trigger or just visible through the trigger guard (i.e. beside the trigger). There is no way to tell from the photo if she is about to engage the target (and maybe moving to put her finger on) or if she is taking her finger off as she moves. If you look at the vids of this stage from the match, you'll see people swing from the tgt on the right to the one on the left behind the barrel moving a half step. Others shot everything from behind the table and then scooted up and engaged the tgts behind the barrels. If I'm not mistaken, benefit of the doubt goes to the shooter. Since EVERYTHING at the double tap is run and gun (which is within the rules - finger on the trigger while engaging targets and moving), I would have to assume she is setting up to engage the targets behind the barrels as per the stage description that EERW posted.

    ETA: The description isn't visually the same as the set up was...these targets were powder burn distance at max 5 yards. I would say she was definitely moving and engaging.

  10. After live fire at the range today, I did today's wod. The rifle range is conveniently 100 yds deep with a nice shade overhang to do squats under. Four rounds of a 400 yard run with 35 squats took 15.23. That's 3.5 minutes slower than last time <_< Of course it was 98 degrees at the range versus the refreshing 75 degrees at the gym. Gee, think that had something to do with it?! :P

  11. The doc finally ok'd me to start working out again. I started back about two weeks ago (with bikram yoga) and after 3 weeks off and OMG, I was so sore...I scaled everything too... <_< I forgot to post this last week so forgive me while I play catch up. Once I write it down here I can throw away all those little scraps of paper on my desk! Wednesday 7/2 was three rounds for time of: 45 pound Deadlift, 15 reps 45 pound Hang power clean, 12 reps, 45 pound Front Squat, 9 reps, 45 pound Push Jerk, 6 reps. Probably could have gone heavier but didn't dare to on the first WOD back. Time was 14.30 with the HPC being the slowest bit. Thursday was yoga and then I only managed 8 rounds of the continuous clock pull ups. I didn't do any of the CrossFit game wods. Monday was more yoga. Angie was scaled and I did it after my live fire session - the shade overhang on the bullseye range was built with pipes. My intention was to go for 50 of everything but I ended up at 25 because pull ups are the weak point. Around pull up number 15 I had to convert to jumping pull ups. By 23 I had blisters. Overall time was 9.40. Crossfit total was 155 squat, 45 shoulder press, and 135 dead lift. I ran out of time on the run jog and could only complete 3.25km in about 21 minutes (including 2 minute warm up). I have Sat/Sun's wod's to fit in this week.

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