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Everything posted by JCT

  1. JCT

    P320 X5 Thread

    Great, appreciate the help!
  2. JCT

    P320 X5 Thread

    Looks great - was thinking of going with the RHT for my first competition holster as soon as I can figure out which belt will fit (5'3", 115 lb female). Are you happy with the new front sight? I'm definitely struggling with the factory sight on mine, it is *really* small.
  3. Definitely a serious plus for the 550. If I take to the Dillon my guess is that I will also load .38 on it leaving the LNL just for .45ACP. I started on a Lee Turret that I still use to work up new loads. I'm a big fan of removable die heads and separate hoppers. The less fiddling the better!
  4. Great input, very much appreciated! 550B is ordered via Brian, decided to go with the Strong Mount and just picked up some lumber to build the 550B it's own bench to get the height just right. Thanks Steve RA, I had seen reference to that concern with the Lee dies, appreciate the precise details. And yup, I was being a bit ironic re: extravagance . I know from my own experience that switching calibers can sometimes discourage me from reloading (imagined time/effort) -- so for me, it just works better to have a separate press per caliber, easy since I only shoot 9mm/.45ACP and 38 Special. Doesn't take advantage of the flexibility of the press, but oh well. Thanks, JT
  5. Great - that was my gut feeling. And yes, I considered the XL650 - not quite ready. Yet. JT
  6. Hi all, Shooting more (and more) 9mm of late and want to add a second press (currently running a LNL for 45ACP). Since my reloading time is limited, the less fiddling I do the better, so while it's a little extravagant to add a second press like this, I'm going to go for it. I was originally going to go with the SD, but decided to go with the RL550B since the price differential isn't huge (and everyone seems to love their 550B ) My main question has to do with the dies, I have both Lee and Hornady 9mm dies (also the Hornady taper crimp). I know that I can use them on the 550B (will likely use the Hornady) - but since the Dillon dies are only $65, I'm willing to buy them if there is a strong suggestion that this is the better or easier way to go. I've been happy with the Hornady on the LNL, so the Dillon dies seem redundant. Opinion? That is basically my main concern. I'm going to hold off on the Strong Mount for now as I am only 5'3" on a good day, plus I have a RockDock Mount already, so I will just plate it directly. Unless someone thinks there's an advantage even for us vertically challenged types. Will go with the aluminum handle, though. Any other input appreciated. JT
  7. Thanks for the welcome guys -- since I'm a woman who shoots I don't have too many like-minded buddies to discuss this stuff with. Most of my friends are *horrified* by this hobby of mine. It's nice to be able to share my enthusiasm a bit, even over the 'net! I'm going crazy this morning trying to re-arrange all my Sunday errands so I can try this firearm out! OK, I've lurked here quite a bit and have gone through Brian's store countless times as I plan for my future reloading (absolutely going to reload .45, Sarge -- been collecting brass constantly.) But I never realized he sold the Wilson 47ds. Duh. Going to order 3 today! Yes, I am a little reticent about changing the front site right away. I'm going to try it stock, *might* add a dot of paint to help acquisition and then see how I do. I'm right-handed and left-eye dominant (and wear progressives) so I have challenges to work through. Oh well, just means more lead downrange. Darn. You know, Sarge, I hadn't even considered buying reloads -- thanks for the idea! And holsters for women are no fun at all, though since this is by no means meant for CCW (I'm laughing at the thought, I'm about 5'3" and 115, good luck with that). I finally bought a Crown Kydex OWB (for my XDm) that works well. But I will probably try leather for the 1911. Or maybe lined Kydex. Want to try to be nice to my new firearm. Very excited, as you can tell.
  8. Hi all, After digging around I finally found a Range Officer for a decent price, so now I have my first 1911. I'm pretty thrilled. As soon as I get my vision issues hammered out (working with an Optometrist who's a serious shooter) I'm thinking about trying some match shooting. I know a few of you have the RO and I was wondering if you could give me some advice! It's my first .45 ACP as well. 1. I want some extra mags -- any suggestions? I'm not too impressed with the supplied ones 2. I'm sure I will end up reloading, but until then, any suggestions for target 230 gr ammo to try? My neighbor sold off his 45 ACP and gave me a couple of boxes of WWB 230GR HP, but I think I saw somewhere that it is better to start the pistol off with FMJ. 3. I am likely going to have to replace the front sight, optometrist is suggesting a FO (and I will likely do this on my XDM), I'm a bit hesitant to do this on the RO. Any other ideas? Is it a straightforward thing for a decent gunsmith? Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thanks! JT
  9. OK, I've got a plan -- will save a little longer and start with a basic RL-550B. Will add the bells and whistles as needed (and once I'm living in a house again. Plan is to probably start with the Eliminator unless I decide to put things off another month to start with Brian's digital scale. Since I have to wait a little longer will invest in a couple of manuals and Brian's DVD to get ready... Thanks guys! JT
  10. The ironic thing about the digital scale debate is that I just signed off on 2 new scales for my lab -- $1500 for the analytical and $500 for the "standard". As noted by XRe and Shadowrider, airflow is paramount, we even shield off the standard scale (and the analytical is, of course, enclosed). I already own a nice dial caliper (I restore old film cameras) -- so that might do the trick for now. Hmmmm. If I went with the Dillon Eliminator to start and used my dial caliper, I could probably use the initial savings to get a basic RL-550B. I suppose I can build it up over time. So, really guys, a newbie can start with a progressive like the RL-550B? I *am* good with my hands, but am a little concerned about the progressive to start in terms of complexity. And hah, re the tumbler, Bill. Good point re: dust -- I figured I would probably run it in the shower... And heaven knows what my neighbors think -- I work these crazy long hours and have blacked out the back of the RV bunkhouse to use as a darkroom already. Maybe I will investigate alternate brass cleaning methods. Looks like it is time to start going over those gear spreadsheets again. I have really gone back and forth on this press decision! JT
  11. Well now I know *why* I was puzzled about scales -- lots of real world experience here! At least I wasn't asking an obvious question. I have a colleague who is a Marine reserve officer and he brought up the chrono almost immediately - so that point is well taken. A few folks have suggested the Dillon press from the get-go (vs starting "simply" with the Lee Classic Turret) and in all honesty I have gone back and forth on this endlessly (leaving half-filled shopping carts all over the internet ) I am operating under 3 constraints. (1) Until this summer I am living in an RV (waiting to move into a house) -- so space is a huge consideration. I *could* just wait (and might), but since I am living on my own for now, I have time in the evenings to fill. Seemed a good opportunity to learn with no distractions. I will have to use a B&D workbench as my "bench" -- so the compact Lee Turret seemed a good fit. (2) Price -- just don't have the scratch in-hand for the full "beginners" setup for the RL-550B. And, for example, can't imagine how to setup the strong mount in this limited space. It seems to be highly recommended ... So I figured I would "part up" slowly and then spring for the RL-550B if I need the volume. (3) Now this one is "funny" -- not really, it's annoying. The place where I am living doesn't even allow handguns. I've broken this rule (sorry, I'm living alone), but I may have to forgo some internet purchases (might be a little SUSPICIOUS to have this stuff delivered ). So availability is important -- luckily I live in AZ and go up to the Phoenix area often. Hmmm, as I type this, might be a Dillon advantage. I know, odd circumstances. But I think I can make this work. I've been collecting my brass and will buy a tumbler next week to get the ball rolling. Any and all advice always welcome and appreciated! I'm very glad I found this forum, originally stumbled on it trying to learn about the different shooting competitions! JT
  12. OK -- that was darn funny you two. In general I have no problem with spending a bit more at the outset. I'm a serious photographer as well, and the classic "how much to spend on a tripod" question is pretty similar. Basically the advice is to just spend the bucks, because you *will* trade up. I think if I spread out the purchases bit, Press kit, then scale/caliper then supplies, this should be a reasonable start! Thanks, JT
  13. Hi guys, Thanks for the welcome! And yeah, it's kind of a funny role reversal re: the ammo costs. But I *have* actually spent more on ammo than shoes in the past month I'm also much more of a "tinkerer" that he is, so my guess is that I will enjoy the reloading and he will just be happy that I'm keeping a long-term eye on the budget. Actually, the first time I took my pistol to the range (it's an XDm 9mm 4.5") the guy in the next lane assumed I had borrowed my husband's gun (I'm a pretty small woman) -- should of seen the look when I told him my better half had never shot a handgun ever. NTD -- I had seen your thread and was going to ask you where you were going. I am going to check out Pima when I get a free weekend! JT
  14. Hi all, I currently shoot 9mm and would like to get better and I'm seeing the writing on the wall re reloading . Not to mention the fact that my next firearm will likely be a .45 ACP and I can only imagine my husband's reaction to THOSE ammo bills. I'm going to start slow as I learn -- likely with the basic Lee Classic Turret for 9mm, but I am going to get the best accessories possible. If my better half takes to shooting like I have (he's still back in NYC for awhile while I'm in AZ) and once we have a house, then I can imagine I will invest in a Dillon RL-550B. So I am going back and forth regarding a scale. As far as I can see, I will only be loading pistol (9mm and .45ACP). I would like to buy from Brian because of all of the help I have received here and the chance that I will eventually go up to the 550B. I'm technically pretty adept (research scientist by trade) so the *idea* of a balance (the Eliminator) doesn't trouble me, but could folks weigh in (OK, horrible pun) -- and compare and contrast the two options (Eliminator vs Eno's high end digital) for me given my reloading goals? Much appreciated, JT
  15. Hi all, Been lurking and learning for awhile, learned to shoot a revolver back home in CA back in the 80's and then moved to NYC, so haven't touched a handgun in almost 30 years. Just moved to Tucson for a job, have to live alone for awhile (husband won't be able to join me until the summer) and decided to learn to shoot again and buy a pistol for home defense. Predictably have had a GREAT time at the range of late and am already planning on my second firearm and maybe some competition shooting. I'm technically adept (run a research lab during the day) so I am intrigued by reloading, that will eventually keep my better half from bugging out over the ammo bills . These forums have been great so far! JT
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