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Posts posted by MstngLX50

  1. Bing congratulations on choosing the finest combat handgun in the world. First off the poly coat on a CZ is pretty tough, but any production division holster will wear the finish, I started in production and transitioned to limited. I used a Fobus Kydex and my pistol shows more abuse marks than it does holster wear. I tend to treat them like a tool. I think any of the kydex holsters, and mag holders will serve you well. A wealth of info is available at the CZ forum, link below.

    CZ forums

    Czechnologically Superior,


  2. Have you tried shielding a CRT monitor? On a 200 acre hunting plot my buddy located his trailer as close to high tension lines as he could get it, for reasons he couldn't adequately explain, and this is what we resorted to there. And though we know with reasonable certainty his mental state was pre-existing just to be safe you might consider shielding yourself. All kidding aside here are a few places I've found deals.

    Pretty good selection of computers


    Pricier but with Apple warranty

    Apple Store

    Probably not gonna help for the computer, but invaluable to Mac users


    Alan Elam

  3. I was in Dallas over the weekend and shot an IPSC match with Ferris Practical Shooters. I was at UT Dallas, I am not the least bit familiar with the DFW area but it took me about 30 mins to get there down 45 if that helps, or about halfway to the strip at Ennis(if only there was a dragstrip/gun range I would be in heaven). Maps to the ranges are also on the site. It was a really nice range setup and nice people. Also the match started at 11 so that was cool. I just spent 3 and a half years waking up at 5:30 so sleeping in is nice. I don't remember the specifics but somone mentioned that IDPA matches are run at that range. I found out about it at the North Texas Section website, link below.

    North Texas Section

    And should you find yourself with an empty N2O bottle on a saturday I can tell you where to get that filled as well.

    Good Luck,

    Alan Elam

  4. After reading the Rudy Project warning(a product I was unfamiliar with) I realized that everyone may not be from an industrial area and may not be aware that comfortable ANSI approved protective eyewear is available in any number of different styles and lens colors from industrial safety supply stores for as little as a dollar a pair.

    Below is a site I have ordered from before and found to be unusually quick in their service. I prefer the CK2's, but order a few different styles and see what you like.

    Safety Glasses

    Hopefully somebody finds this useful,

    Alan Elam

  5. This obviously won't help for club targets but you can get giant rolls of kraft colored butcher paper for next to nothing and cut your own targets. I have more free time than I do money, so this probably doesn't appeal to everyone. By taking a regular target and cutting slits in the scoring lines you can make quasi zones on your target using a dark brown spray paint. I make mine intentionally smaller for practice.

    Alan Elam

  6. It's nice to hear that I'm not the only one who often finds themself saying "now this is a stupid a** problem to be having"

    I have CZ's and I have Tanfoglios. Some CZ mags will work in Tanfos, some Tanfo mags will work in CZ's. Not all mags will work in both. If the above information is known to be true then why do I continuosly try it anyway?

    a.) Because I'm an idiot (Format used without permission from the SAT)

    When gearing up for a match twice now I discovered I have the unique ability to disregard all magazine markings that I use. I am now resorting to blaze orange initials for the pistols each mag functions in. So if anybody sees me at a match thinking my initials must be CZ since I am shooting a Springfield P9 please feel free to ask, or slap me, your choice.

    Alan Elam

  7. Bruce,

    That is how I would like to see the rule applied. I would not have a problem with 20% being removed from only the targets shot out of compliance with the course description. In my oppinion should be reworded to reflect this as it's intent.


  8. I just posted a pic, only one I could find.

    This is me at the local 3-gun. At first I thought I was overdressed then after seeing some of the other competitors I realized I forgot my nomex balaclava and goggles. :rolleyes:


    Me about to board a helo, you be the judge.


  9. That's interesting, I feel the same way about the internet as I do vehicles. Everyone’s license plate and screen name should be their phone number. I think this would cut down on the number of poseurs on the net and the abhorrent manners of those on the road.


  10. Does this apply in USPSA: If the request is approved by the Range Master, a minimum of one procedural penalty, up to a maximum penalty of 20% of the competitor's points “as shot” (rounded up to the nearest whole number), will be deducted from the competitor's score. For example, if 100 points are available in the course of fire and the competitor actually scores 90 points, the special penalty is a deduction of 18 points.

    If so I am not taking issue with it and find it acceptable

    Here is the rule I take issue with, if it has been superseded/amended then all is well. If a competitor is unable to fully execute any part of a course of fire as a result of incapacity, or previous injury the competitor may request a penalty in lieu of the stated course requirement. It is permissible in this case to apply a penalty by deducting 20% of the competitor's target points as shot. This penalty should be specified prior to the start of the stage and shall be at the option of the Match Director.

  11. I was stationed in California off and on for the last three and a half years, after crossing the state line for the last time I vowed to never again return. I have seen more restrictive places, but they were in the third world. I remember the first time I realized just how bad it was, i had just gotten out of boot campand was going to see the Pacific for the first time and the sign of prohibitions on the beach was taller than I was. You can't even smoke on some of them now. In California you can watch a liberal turn into a fascist instantly by simply lighting a cigarette in their zip code. There were pleasant parts of California, but I have no doubt that those will be regulated into oblivion in the near future. And now that I'm out of the state I feel safe revealing that there was no emissions equipment on my car whatsoever. Take that Nader.

    It's all a bunch of tree huggin hippie crap,


  12. I'm not sure if it fit with the supplied inserts or if he had to modify it but I saw a guy with a 226 in a Rescomp CR-Speed holster. It was the model "A", not sure if the newer one fits or not. I'll try to get by my dads and check this week, he's way into Sigs.


  13. After downloading the USPSA 14th edition and reviewing it myself I find no mention of "entire" stage. While I appreciate the example I am curious as to where it came from (newer handbook perhaps). If the purpose is to reduce the procedurals incurred by being physically unable to comply with the course description then why would the 20% penalty be imposed on all targets shot? If only a portion of the targets were not shot in the manner specified by the course description then it seems unfair to remove points from the whole, procedurals are not given for all targets on the course so why does the 20% not follow the same guidelines. It is my contention that "as shot" can be construed to mean "as shot in violation of the course description". This to me would seem more fair by far than a blanket 20% for the entire stage, as such I hope this is the way it was intended. If I'm to take procedurals for every shot fired what is to stop me from shooting freestyle? There is no mention of strong hand only in addition to the penalty, this would give me an unfair advantage and I would not even consider doing so.

    Unless I missed it in the book, computer scoring software is not allowed to make a determination as to intent of a rule. As such I find that a groundless argument. If the rules were perfect and set in stone there would be no arbitration process, and certainly no need for a Board of Directors to vote on amendments to said rules.

    While I am not familiar with USPSA rulebook interpretations per se, in other sanctioning bodies when a rule is left intentionally vague it is done so to allow applicability to be determined on a case by case basis.

    The rule(, is incredibly vague and I find it hard to believe that anyone intended to take more points from me than necessary. As 3quartertime pointed out the advantage of shooting strong hand only is, in my opinion, countered by the fact that performing reloads and stabilizing the gun are now far more difficult. Though I do disagree about a disabled scoring division, I would much rather compete with everyone else to the best of my ability. However I feel as interpreted by Vince Pinto is unfair and prevents me from doing so.

    I intend to request interpretation from USPSA/IPSC and failing satisfactory results will submit a first party protest on any and all such occasions that 20% is removed from my total stage score.

    Sorry for the rant but I am very disappointed by this unfairness in what I find to be an otherwise very enjoyable sport.

    Alan Elam

  14. The military medical system being what it is I didn't have any glasses with a proper prescription so I went to Iraq with a brace of disposable contacts, instead of glasses. After a blast injury(80% corneal laceration/slight penetration) to my left eye I now have a slight astigmatism in that eye. I've been trying the Toric lens for about 4 months now and am pleased with the results. I never really liked hard lenses as I tend to disregard all prevailing wisdom and only replace/remove lenses when one falls out or tears. I understand that this isn't the smartest thing to do. I was forced to wear glasses for several months until my eye properly healed and just don't like them. With contacts I'm not looking around in the mornings for them, and things like swimming, diving, and a generally active lifestyle seem better suited to contacts. I'm now thinking of a Lasik procedure as one of my fathers friends performs them and I personally know several people who are extremely happy with the results.


    Alan Elam

  15. My mother was involved in my decision to leave High School, she reluctantly agreed that I was no longer benifitting from it. And once my school refused to let me take classes at the local community college as a dual enrollment student because it would have meant less money for them from the state, she signed the paperwork to make me a home school student, instead I enrolled in College. I decided after my 18th birthday that I needed a break so I joined the Marine Corps. It turned out not to be a break but it was the best experience I could have ever gotten, in addition I earned more money for school. And parents if your children are spoiled and unappreciative let me assure you a few years in the Marine Corps infantry will cure that. Now as I'm returning to school I have a drive and a focus that I would otherwise not have. It's also a pretty big eye opener to get to a college campus and hear the petty things everyone is worrying about. To me a weekend party is no longer life and death, I gained a whole new perspective, and I like it.


  16. Flex,

    I'm now competing in the Texas South Section, I shot Saturday but no weak hand was required and I just read somewhere that it will be for the upcoming Space City match. I appreciate everyones support and quick response to the question.



  17. I am not the least bit familiar with STI's and the like but I run the buffers on my witness and CZ's. I had minor teething problems at first but attributed it to the loss of slide travel caused by the buffers. My solution was to remove a corresponding amout of the underside of slide where it would normally contact the frame(now the buffer) to regain the lost travel. I personally found this to be very effective on my setups and haven't run into trouble since.


  18. I'm 23 and feel compelled to speak on the matter of public schools in this country. I was so disgusted by the lack of education actually taking place that I dropped out when I was 17. The schools are no longer treated as a place of learning but more of a daycare so parents don't have to worry about their kids during the day, mine resembled a penal institution more than an educational facility. The only reason the administrators are concerned with student attendance is the money they receive from the state based on it. The standard tests are constantly being dumbed down to hide the fact that kids with no business in High School in the first place are actually graduating. You'd think that after leaving at the end of my sophomore year, getting a GED and enrolling in college I would be at some sort of disadvantage. Instead it was the best thing I could have done for myself. This isn't even that uncommon where I live. What did turn out to be uncommon in the eyes of the Texas Education Agency was the fact that I along with about 30 other "dropouts" were still on school records as attending students. In addition to the fraud being perpetrated by the district they added abuse of power and coercion to the list of charges. They approached my mother who teaches intermediate school in the district and told her in no uncertain terms that her job was at risk if I didn't widthdraw my sworn affidavit that I was no longer in any way associated with the districts educational facilities, and I use the term educational loosely. I didn't and many of those involved are no longer allowed on any school campus in the state of Texas, a few were brought up on criminal charges, and some still work there to this day. Where was the public outrage at the current state of education? For those of you with school age children I would strongly urge you to pay attention to what is actually happening in their schools. Dropping out is no longer for outcasts and misfits, it is becoming the only option left to those actively seeking an education. I was a National Merit Scholar in honors classes and found it to be entirely a waste of time for anyone not receiving a check from the state.

    Sorry about the length, but this is a particularly touchy subject for me.


  19. I just got back into competing after being wounded in Iraq. I don't have a rulebook and have been told several different things about how I will be scored. I lost the most of the thumb, and from the 2nd joints on my index and middle fingers to an IED in Iraq. I also have diminished use of the rest of the hand. As such I am no longer able to shoot weak hand. In a stage calling for weak hand only I assume I shoot strong hand with some sort of handicap placed on my score.

    I have been told everything from 1 procedural for every shot fired(better not be) to various percentages of the score removed(I think this is more likely).

    Hopefully somone here is familiar with the scoring used and who needs to be notified at a match.



  20. I'm unclassified and the club I shot with a few times in The PDR of California apparently never sent in any of my scores. Just got back to Texas so I'm guessing that should change.

    Shooting Limited Minor:

    46pts. 10.34sec. Hf 4.4487

    What should I expect to get classified as if this is representative of future qualifiers. (hopefully it's not as it was the first time I had fired a handgun since I moved two mos. ago.)

    Thanks in advance,


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