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Ken N.

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Everything posted by Ken N.

  1. Jim - yes, there is a Classification Update item when the match type is USPSA Pistol. Do this off the Sync page. There is a section for Classification Update. Ken N.
  2. Wow Bob! I did it for 1 match, and then... PractiScore got invented, with Palms as a stop-gap. I thought my wife might offer to help out of pity, but none was found.
  3. re: classifier / activity updates... It isn't adversarial at all, just needs to be done sooner. It's causing too much work on everybody's part. Mine as a stats guy at big matches and club matches, and mine as a Niftybytes guy trying to support a clunky process. Thanks for the pointer on the root kit with market access. We will try that. I'm already seeing problems with updating Nooks at clubs I shoot with. Regards, Ken N.
  4. Thanks Jim. I understand their reticence - activity reports are where most of the revenue comes from. But given the amount of use PractiScore is seeing, it's time. We don't want to send files without their cooperation. Yes, we've generated activity and classifier files after reverse engineering the format, and we are confident what we can generate is correct, but it's best if we do it with them so any format changes can be done in concert. It's all friendly - but I do confess that the end of weekend calls and e-mails on ezWinScore import/export - as necessary as they are now - are a big source of frustration for us. Ken N.
  5. Another weekend, another set of phone calls and e-mails for PractiScore support that was really ezWinScore support. Not how we like our Saturday/Sunday evenings. And definitely not the speedy experience people see on non-classifier weekends. I've asked this before ( I think), but if you want to help us move this app forward then you please contact the USPSA and ask them (politely) to support it as well. Write or call your Area director, HQ, wherever. Keep it polite. We need to have direct access to update classifiers and send activity files. I've asked numerous times in the last 1.5 years and have been rebuffed, including as recently as this recent SHOT show. Very frustrating, especially when I'm fielding phone calls and e-mails during the show about ezWinScore importing. Anyway, as another match season approaches, this is important to FIX soon, or a lot of people are going to waste a lot of time when they could have just pushed "Submit" in PractiScore. Ken N.
  6. It has to be a time plus, or time-plus with points match. Under Enter Shooters, at the bottom, is "Set Match Divisions". Ken N.
  7. I'm looking for a Practiscore guru, and you know who you are, who might be interested in taking the weekend stats job for Area 1. You will shoot Wed/Thu, with Devin, iOS engineer for PractiScore, handling stats. He will then work with you Fri on the main match, and optionally Sat if needed. Somebody with extensive large match PractiScore experience would be the best fit. Contact me at kn@kennelson.com This is a staff position, you get free match, hotel, free banquet, and other perks as I invent them for the staff. I don't have budget for travel, apologies. But if you can get here, we can treat you right (-: Thanks, Ken N.
  8. The work around for Android division editing is to create the match, or synch it to an iOS device, edit there, synch back. The bug is on the short list - right eugene? Ken N.
  9. Rob & Mark - thanks. Understood. We WANT feedback. The cool part of the PractiScore project is that it's being done by professional software folks who make other software for many tens of thousands of other people. We use the same techniques in our "real" jobs - and we VALUE feedback. As long as everybody knows this is our side gig, it's all good. Thanks! Ken N.
  10. It's quite possible the docs are a bit behind. That's my area, and I'm permanently swamped. WRT IDPA feedback from Rob - thanks. I've sent that feedback to Devin, Eugene sees it here, and they can sort out between them changes to the output. SSI input... my only direct experience is indirect, now that I read back on it, I guess it was export to CSV and then some slight mods to column headers to align with PractiScore input needs. Ken N.
  11. Rob, Thanks for the kind words - glad it worked well. Eugene and Devin can comment more precisely on the timing for the technical changes. I'm the "head" but I defer to their personal schedules on development issues and I do not pressure them, other than to prioritize what work they can do on the system. It's all part time for the 4 of us working on it. Me, Eugene, Devin, Bryan (web), and Dave (web). On your specific questions/requests: Android IDPA support is being worked on at this very instance. It will come, but Eugene who is working the Android version now has just come on to the squad. I'm very impressed with his skills, and know it will come out solid - but he's got a learning curve, so it will come when it comes. But I'd expect it to be pretty soon. Spreadsheet export... I'd be interested in suggestions as to what to export. I mean we can expose the JSON underbelly with ALL information. Or simply put the stage scores out in a CSV form. Ideas welcome. I'm currently beta testing online registration system - well if beta testing means running HaH multigun, and 680 registrations so far Area 1 championship. Its working well for me and we will be making public access sometime early in 2013. It also has slick squadding, and the match management features are at our facility this year. The only thing keeping me sane as I do Practiscore, my real job, Area 1, HaH, regular USPSA matches, 3 steel matches a week, and prep to do 2013 back to back Nationals at our facility. Managing area 1 really is pretty simple with it, a few minutes a day to keep up with changes. Shoot N Score, a perfectly fine system, is in use by a number of clubs and they have a direct export to PractiScore. My development of a PractiScore branded system doesn't reflect anything on their system other than I needed specific things to manage the large matches I run, so I had one of my guys whip something up. I'm tired, long day - so I'm not following the procedurals by stage question. I'll look at it again tomorrow when I'm rested, but if you have time clarify for me I'd appreciate it. Its probably obvious, and I'm just dense at 11:30 tonight. (-: Thanks again, and I hope Santa is good to you! Ken N.
  12. The challenges are hard, but doable. I think we only had one shooter opt of of the water cans (neck issues). The penalty for not completing a stage task (physical challenge) is 90 seconds, pretty steep. There is also a "Lameass" 30 second penalty added if you did it for strategy rather than physical issues. In a couple cases we made minor accomodations, like not asking a small person to lift ammo cans higher than there shoulders (the table was tall). She could place them on the ground. The challenges were all accomplished by a 100 pound lady - they are all doable by normal people, unless you have an injury of some kind. It's all carefully thought out to be doable - the only difference is your pace and how much your shooting is affected. Regards, Ken N.
  13. Send your videos/pics to me (kn@kennelson.com) or share them to the HaH facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/HardAsHellMultigun
  14. HaH! back at you Steve! BTW: Maybe it's just my browser, but I'm not seeing videos in your post.
  15. Well, that was fun! Results, pics, and videos can be seen at www.purgatoryflatsmg.com If you have video/pics, send links to kn@kennelson.com and I'll get them up there. Mark your calendar for 2013 - first weekend of December for HaH 2013! Ken N.
  16. The stages are up, and they are... FANTASTIC. Pete Rensing (our stage designer and build master) really out did himself. We've used 21 of 24 bays, and 2 natural terrain areas. We dug 2 foxholes/bunkers, 2 tunnels through berms, filled and placed 200+ sand bags, installed 10 Cooper tunnels, set 2 automatic clay throwers for 6 aerials, 180 walls, countless steel, knockdowns, and paper stands. And... the gator you will shoot from on Stage 6 is gassed and ready to rumble. We have 3 or 4 spots available to balance squads if you want to come shoot it... And if you are coming: - it's a bit more than the previously stated 100 shotgun, bring extra, there are 2 spinners in the match now, both shotgun, and we added some shotgun to time stages equally. - we added a 2nd loaner .223 in for those shooting Rimfire divisions. Total .223 round count for rimfire division is "officially" 14, but bring 40 or 50, the shots are hard. First shots from an early squad tomorrow. Rest of the match, be there at 0700 Sat to register or drop by Friday to watch the early squad and register. www.purgatoryflatsmg.com Ken N.
  17. A few topics going on at once here... a) randomization - we will add an option for automatic randomization. It will be in the current list "Alphabetic, Hit Factor, Random, Random When Stage Changed" squadding - for monthly matches, I register people as they show up. I don't bother with squadding. Devices go with squad leaders. I make sure the squads roughly are the right size. They then shoot from All Shooters, or squad on just their device. Their call. c) protection against an already entered score. Yes - we need a confirmation before editing occurs. If a reshoot, then clear the score for easier scoring. Another feature from Stagescore we will add is locking a device to a stage as well. This would have helped me a lot at a recent big match I scored. On the last day a very competent crew of ROs somehow scored all their shooters on the wrong stage. This happened because I don't synch scores to the stage devices. I will until we add the stage lock feature. Happy Thanksgiving! Ken N.
  18. Good tip JYC405 We test on the Nooks, but I'd never really used them in a match. But I used Nooks at a recent hosefest, 60 round stage, match in Las Vegas. I was very worried they wouldn't keep up. So worried I brought 10 iPods and 4 iPads with me "in case". I was pleasantly surprised at how well they kept up. They have a couple UI oddities, especially with scrolling through 30 targets, but once you got accustomed it was no problem. I'm going to go to our local B&N and score as many of these $59 dollar ones that they will sell me. My plan is to keep using iPods / iPads on our USPSA matches, but to use Nooks for our Tue, Thu, and Sat steel matches. I still do not recommend them for registration, too slow/awkward, but for scoring, fine. We used 2 iPads to register/confirm registrations and then synched to 8 Nooks. Ken N.
  19. I thought it was the other way, that he wanted it to randomize when he changed stages automagically. Cha-Lee - clarify?
  20. Cha-Lee - we will add mode for automatic re-randomization.
  21. We've put flagging re-entries on the short list.
  22. Cha-lee - it is that way because some folks like to randomize the order, but then keep it and shift one shooter down from stage to stage. I suppose we could make it an option, as there isn't a way to satisfy both desires.
  23. Classifier lookup... on the list. I'll explain a bit more on that in December after we have some tech meetings with USPSA. Flagging Re-entries... Hmmm... it shows the shooter with Division in the name field if it is a re-entry. Let me know more what you are looking for here. support@practiscore.com
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