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Posts posted by kcobean

  1. Yeah, I know that the EAA mags will work in the 38/9mm gun (my son shoots an Aluminum framed Caspian gun that started life as a .38SA and is now 9mm.) I know that tuning is a part of life with any "race gun", I just hesitate to get into playing these "deform the magazine" games to overcome what I would consider to be a design defect.

  2. Not many changes for me in the rankings after missing a few months because I amputated the tip of my strong hand index finger. Had a smokin' (almost M class) classifier in our last match of the season which will probably bring me up to around 65%, but still a long way to go. Will be doing lots of dry fire during the winter months here!

    Good luck everyone!

  3. As I progress in this sport, I've realized that the method of "run, stop, shoot, run, stop, shoot" is not going to get me to the level I want to be. I've watched lots of videos of the top competitors and one common theme seems to be that in *most* field course, there is very little static shooting.

    So, I was wondering what exercises people are doing to both physically and mentally increase the ability to see (and all that goes with it) and take shots while moving.

  4. I know that all Caspian frames are essentially built around the .38 super round. After much research, I believe this causes a serious issue for people wanting to run .40S&W for Limited Major on a Caspian frame.

    The issue is that the Caspain .40 magazines are too narrow to accomodate a "perfect double stack" of .40 rounds where each round touches the one directly above it. Because the magazine inner dimension is thinner than the round stack, this causes two problems:

    The first is that instead of the pressure from the magazine spring exerting pressure directly upward through the stack, the pressure gets exerted outward against the magazine walls as the stack tries to fully compress.

    Second, because there is no room for the bases of the rounds to "spread out" due to being slightly larger in diameter than the mouth, above 14 or 15 rounds, a large gap develops between the case mouths and it gets bigger with each successive round. The top round in the mag sits against the feed lips but the round below it will sit effectively in line with the bore axis. This causes the rim of the top round to hook into the extractor groove of the round below it. When the slide comes forward, because the top round is "hung" on the round below it, the top round rotates downward and nose-dives into either the front magazine wall, or into the feed ramp, stopping the gun. Even using a Lee .001 undersized die to try and fully eliminate the wider base will not fully eliminate it, I've tried.

    I got a mag tuning guide from a very nice guy on the Caspian facebook group that advised putting the mags in a vice and squeezing them front to back to "bulge" the sides of the magazine to make it wider to overcome the aforementioned problems. I checked the internal dimensions of both STI mags and XDm mags, and both are considerably wider and both run my reloads with no problems.

    I'm curious if anyone knows why Caspian doesn't fix this issue. I have heard from several people now that have had to do this to their mags to get their Caspian to run. I love the gun and the way it fits my hand, but this magazine flaw will pretty much prevent me from buying a Caspian-framed gun.

  5. Yeah, Jay Worden taught our class and he was very thorough about "extra shots are called at the line and extra hits are called at the target", and the answer you gave is what I believed to be correct, but this is the fist instance of this I've run across since the class, so I wanted to make sure my understanding that it was two penalties, not just one, was in fact correct for future scoring.

    Much appreciated.

  6. VV320 and Lovex D032

    I have used Titegroup exclusively in both my XDm and the 1911 I'm currently shooting. I had occasion to be out at my gunsmiths checking out a few things and he let me shoot some lead rounds loaded with VVN320 and they were AMAZINGLY soft compared to my rounds running 5.0 grains of Titegroup under a plated 165gr HP. Like so soft that at first I thought I might have had a squib. I'd guess the recoil to be 60% of what I feel with Titegroup.

    What I've discovered since is that the only thing harder to find right now than Titegroup....is VV320.

  7. One of the matches I do scoring for runs an AM/PM format. Frequently, shooters will shoot one division in the morning and another in the afternoon. Practiscore deals with this easily, but when I import the PS files into EZWS, it interprets these folks as re-entries. The shooters, of course, are expecting (particularly for classifiers) to get scored in each division. How do I (or can I) accommodate these folks?

  8. Thanks Kevin. My match was a "double whammy". First match after my injury, and I was also borrowing a friends Caspian 1911 instead of shooting my XDm (shorter/lighter trigger on the 1911). My finger did just fine on the trigger, but it's still too sensitive/weak to run the mag release, so I'm having to do it with my middle finger. That's taking some getting used to. Also, the gun didn't like the ammo I brought at all, so after being plagued with malfunctions for 5 stages, I packed it in.

    Looking forward to getting back out there this weekend.

  9. Ok, I'm making progress. From the practiscore export files, I've imported my registration (shooter info), my matches, and now I need to import my scores. The problem I'm having is that I'm getting an error about a shooter with ID "-1" and the import is stopping. Looking at the Scores_P file, it looks like ALL of the shooter entries have a shooter ID of -1. How do I deal with this?

  10. According to Practiscore, in order to import PS scores into EZWinScore you need to be running EZWS version 4.0.8 or later. That's a problem considering that the lastest version available on CD is 4.00 and the latest patch update is 4.0.5. The practiscore page giving instructions for importing registration from PS into EZWS don't jive with 4.0.5 but I'll be damned if I can find 4.0.8. What am I missing?

  11. I shot a few rounds through a beautiful Caspian .40S&W this weekend. I definitely couldn't do a whole match right now, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. In our world of instant gratification, it sure is hard to wait for my body to do what it needs to do. It's been great to hear from guys who have been through similar and know that it's going to "get better". Shooting is my passion and I was pretty bummed out for awhile after this happened. I know that I'll be back on the range soon enough.

  12. Thanks John. It's healing up pretty well. Here's a picture of it 44 days post-accident. I have an app't with the plastic surgeon on the 30th. We'll see if he wants to do anything with it.


    Still a fair amount of swelling, especially if I do a lot of walking and such. I've been RO'ing matches my son shoots at and it really sucks not shooting, but it's still sore to the point that pulling a trigger is uncomfortable. It's a little better every day though and I hope to be shooting in a month or two depending on what the doc does.

  13. A co-worker of mine broke his ankle considerably worse than that (broke both tibia and fibula) riding his bike across a parking lot. He was down for 8 months and still has lots of stiffness in it a year later. My sis-in-law on the other hand broke hers almost identically to yours playing on a trampoline, and a couple of months later she was back up and at it. I'm sure you'll be shooting again soon.

  14. Merle Eddington was a prominent GM a few years back who had the same problem (not sure if it antedated his shooting career). Didn't slow him down a bit.

    And, yes, he had the same problems with RO's thinking what was missing was inside the trigger guard.

    When you're well, come back and shoot. Like any injury, rehab and adjustment will be needed, but you can and will get back to where you were, and beyond, if that's your goal.

    Good luck.

    Thanks Kevin. I will be shooting again ASAP. It's what I do, and this isn't going to stop me. A friend told me about Merle when this first happened. 1994 Open Nationals Champ as I understand it.

  15. Thanks for the kind words guys. I do think I'll still be able to use it to shoot with. The joint is perfectly functional, the finger is just going to be a tad shorter. The first thing that went through my mind the instant it happened was "crap..I can't undo that."

    Lifeislarge, I was adjusting the caliper on the front disc brake. I spun the front tire to see if the pads were rubbing on the disc and my finger slipped into the one of the openings in the disc. The action of the disc spinning through the caliper was like one of those cutters you use to take the tip off of a cigar.

    And yeah, it hurt. :)

  16. I was working on a mountain bike and long story short I took off the tip of my "shooting" finger at about the base of the nail. Accident happened on July 2nd. It's healing nicely and the joint itself is in tact. The amputation missed the tendon attachments to the distal phalanx. Some of the nail is growing back and the doc says in 2 to 4 weeks he'll be able to close up what's left of the open wound. God willing I'll still be able to shoot with it. I hope to get a match or two in before the end of the year, but this came at a bad time given the upcoming A8 championships and Limited Nationals.

    Rather than attach a pic, I'll provide a link for anyone with a morid curiosity. Kinda graphic.


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