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Posts posted by skdmrklcy

  1. Received a reply to my original E-Mail and they want me to send it in. I just printed my call tag so I will drop it off with UPS sometime tomorrow.

    I think this will be better than trying to mess with it, I am sure they will make it right. Hopefully it comes back in time, but I am thinking pretty hard about just adding something else to the mix while I wait.

    Sure the wife will love that :P

  2. I have found with 9mm 1911 mags, who knows what will work for you and your gun.

    I have had great luck with Wilson ETM 10RD mags up till my Trojan. Though it does have some other issues so they may still work... fingers crossed.

    I had bad luck with metalform in the past myself. I am planning to try some Tripps at some point.

  3. I called and they offered to send out a new slide stop, but I can't seem to find my calipers... They suggested just keeping it oiled to prevent rust in the mag well, but I did not press the issue.

    I went ahead and just ordered a EGW Slide Stop 9/38 (.200) and a new plunger assembly. Also got a DP IDPA legal extended mag catch just cause. If I can get it working I will be happy. I figure push comes to shove I am out $60 bucks, and can fall back on the warranty if I fail. I will not modify anything in the frame or link.

    I know if I send it in I will end up with an extreme dislike of it.. I am odd I know this. The extractor seems to be working as it should and the tension is good. I am hoping this gets it going pretty good, then I will be thrilled.

  4. You just want to shoot it!

    If push comes to shove I will run my Glock 19 for a bit. That will be not fun but is totally doable.

    I am debating if I should just order a replacement and see if I can fix it myself, if I can't then it is wasted money on a gun I am not having positive vibes with atm.

    If I can I hoping I will grow to love and appreciate it... Cause if I pass it along I am sure I will loose a ton.

  5. It would be nice if Dan Wesson would make more of the 9mm PM9 guns. I have seen a few but they seem to go as fast as they are up for sale.

    I sent off an E-Mail with everything to STI as suggested from the vendor. Waiting to see what they say, I was hoping to use this in May for a few classes and maybe a small match in April. Looks like that may not happen now, so I will have to see what kind of backup I can come up with. I do not want to pay for a bunch of .45 or use my Glock 19.. hmmm.

  6. The mag thing out of the box was an issue and the finish spot is an issue. Now if I fix the slide stop and it does not work with Wilson ETM mags.. it is really not an issue with the gun. Some combos just don't work, but I would like it to work.

    Now I was able to tweak it so the slide stop works fine with a stock mag, but it is still not right. It is also not what I would call a major deal. I am sure they will send me one, or offer to take care of it. I can spend the $50 on a new tool steal 10-8 or Harrison Slide Stop, and it is an upgrade.

    The finish and gunk thing I have no idea what happened, but I am sure that is not the norm. Not sure what they could do to take care of that one, but it is in the mag well so who really cares. It does worry me a little if I went to sell it, that would not go over too well with most buyers.

    No company is 100% all of the time. So am I disappointed that it is not perfect and 100% out of the box... well yeah. Would I buy another STI, I am sure I would. I want a 2011 at some point and I am sure it will be an STI.

    If I replace the slide stop and can't get it to work with Wilsons that is not the guns problem really. I will either try new followers or sell them and get some others.

  7. Took some photos of the slide stop were you can see it is not square to the frame and it has a gap.


    Here is one from the crud that I had to get out you can see how it is either hardened onto the frame or prevented the bluing from bonding. Not sure which it is smooth now after using a lot of CLP and several dozen paper towels/patches and shop rags. Still looks quite nasty.



  8. I believe the "crud" was probably cosmoline, which is normal when a firearm is put in storage for a while.

    You've never bought a Mosin, I see :)

    Several actually I live not far from AIMSurplus and we used to go up every other week and buy some new old rifle. This is when they were all super cheap. Great fun to clean that stuff out.

    This was something else that had hardened somewhat, it is out now so that is no big deal.

    I think I found most of the problem last night, the slide stop is not square. The pin part that goes though frame is at a very slight angle to the rest. I am not sure how I missed it till now. It is forcing a gap b/t the frame and the slide stop (small) that has everything working at a slight angle and binding. I am going to order a new slide stop and plunger assembly and go from there.

    I am sure if I call they will send me one, but I may as well switch to a tool steal part while I am at it.

  9. With the slide off they will both push it up all the way, but it seems it does move up with more force with the stock mag. Which is funny as the springs are much stiffer on the Wilsons.

    Now if I leave the thumb safety off with the plungers and spring out the Wilsons will work fine every time.

    I have already taken all the tension I can out of the spring without it not doing the job it is supposed to.

  10. Well I just picked up my new 9mm Trojan that I was hoping to start using in USPSA/IDPA. It is sadly not going all that smooth...

    When I ordered it I went ahead and picked up 4 more Wilson ETM mags to go with the 2 I had from when I had a Kimber 9mm. If the Wilson ETM mags are in the gun it will only lock the slide back some of the time. It pushes up the slide stop a tiny bit but if you breath on it the slide drops. If I use the mag it came with it does work better. The funny thing is the factory mag will not eject as it gets hung up in the factory mag-well. Just can't win.

    I have tried reducing the tension on the slide stop plunger and it works better but it is still not right. The slide stop itself is rather poorly finished with some nice machine marks on it. I did what I could without removing any materiel with no effect.

    I am at a loss, I e-mailed the vendor and STI in hopes of some other idea but not sure what else it could be. Both styles of mags come up to the ejector but do not hit it, and they seem to be held as far up as is really possible so the mag catch seems fine.

    I see a lot of people have good luck with trip mags, but I already have 6 of the Wilson ETM mag. I still need to buy some mag pouches and a holster. I do not have the funds to buy more mags, these should work..

    Would it be possible that a change of the slide stop and a new plunger pin assembly do the trick? Or if I want this to work I have to spend $200 on 6 more mags?

    I am really aggravated right now, I wanted to really like this pistol as my first STI.. but this has not been positive. It didn’t help that out of the sealed factory bag it had some sort of crud all over the bottom of the grips and inside the mag well. I can only assume it was Loctite as it looked like it was coming from the grip screw bushing. It took an hour or so of rubbing in the mag well to get it out and the finish was all goofed up in the mag well. Not that it matters much you do not see it but still.

    Took a pic of it in an effort to try to bond with it still.


  11. Define made in USA.

    NM Springfields are assembled here, parts are not made here.

    I know Colts are all US Made, as are I think Smith and Wesson.

    I would guess Kimber is, but no idea of the source of there forgings.

    In your price range I would find a Springfield NM or an STI.

  12. Just picked it up today!


    I also got two +8/10 base pads today as well as a late birthday gift from the father-in-law... of all the things to pick from the wish list.

    I can not wait to try it out and then try and run it!

    Can the Gen 4s use the "-" connectors? Or do I need different trigger gear?

  13. I will have to see what I can come up with. I should have it by the end of the week. If I really like the idea I may convert this into a more game oriented gun, and send in my 19 for the work as well.

  14. Would that not be Limited? :)

    When I have the thing in hand I will post some pictures but it is just a One Source Tactical setup. I got it for what I think is a fair price, and I could move it along if I do not like it for not much out of pocket.

  15. I have a Glock 17 with an RMR setup coming my way as an experiment with this concept as mostly a defensive handgun.

    I was thinking I could play a little with shooting Open in USPSA and a Local Steel Match.

    Can I use just normal 17 round mags or some 17+5s to start or do I have to get the 170mm gear. I mostly just want to see how it runs and for some fun etc.. if I like it I will build a more traditional open gun. How many mags etc do I need to get started? The Steel match I assume the smaller mags will not matter at all as nothing I have seen has been more than 10 shots before a mandatory reload.

    I fully know I will get my butt kicked but I just want to try it. Anything else I NEED to try this?

  16. I have a 19 with it, I just happened to find one when I was looking to buy a normal 19. It was only $20 more so I got it. The finish seems to be holding up fine still looks as new. I like the old Glock black finish though as well. I do not care for the finish on the newer ones which is a more standard mate park than the old gloss black job.

    I know my hates grease, I just toss a few drops of oil in it and it runs great.

  17. I have a few e-mails out to see if anyone else is willing/can do it. I have used a company called CCR which does a park finish which I have been thinking about as well.

    It just worries me that if they think removing the barrel can crack the frame, should I really shoot it that much.

    If nothing else I forgot about cold blue that would be an option.

  18. I have a Colt Series 70 reissue and I am starting to get it setup for use in IDPA/USPSA. I am leaning toward some Bo-mar style sights.

    Anyone you would recommend for this work that has a decent turn around time? I want to get a lot more done in the future but these sights are killing me.

  19. Well bummer, I just got an E-Mail from S&W they actually will not work on it because it is too old. They can do a tune up and check it all out for me, for free actually, but they will not refinish it. They say it could crack the frame.

    I am not sure now if I should send it off to someone else, or just keep it dripping oil and not shoot it much. Invest in a newer revolver for sporting purposes. I was going to use it at a local steel match but guess that is out.

  20. I have a Smith and Wesson Model 14-1 6" that I received from Aunt in-law. It is a very nice shooter, and will do sub 1" groups with ease. Someone has worked on the trigger at some point and it is very light, it works every time though.

    The issue is the finish was not taken care of all that well and is mostly gone, to keep rust at bay I have to keep it covered in oil and do not like to take it out. It has seen a home done re-blue at some point as well. I was thinking of sending it off to get it refinished at S&W but was wondering if anyone had any other recommendations. I really just want it checked over and then refinished, no pitting has occurred it just had some minor surface rust when I first got it.

    Is the S&W Custom shop my best bet?

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