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Posts posted by TommyC

  1. "Have you bought the book yet?"

    I bought a copy long before I discovered the web sight and forum!  I need to buy anothr copy though, since I loaned mine out and forgot who I loaned it to!

  2. I'm posting this here because I don't know where it should be.  Feel free to move it if necessary!  :)

    I have spent the last few weeks since finding this forum, reading almost every post and reply.  Once the spinning sensation stops I will go back and read most of them again several times!  I am a complete newbie at this, but you guys and girls Amaze me!  Not just the level of knowledge (which is almost Scary) but the willingness to share and help those of us whom you have never even met!  I will admit to being somewhat overwhelmed, but I think ultimately the info overload will give way to a seriously accellerated learning curve over doing it alone.  The main thing I want to say is Thank You to all of you for the time and effort you put into this!  It is an awsome resource and those of us without a clue truly appreciate it!  

  3. I couldn't decide whether to post this question as a reply here or as a new topic, but since it seems to fit I decided to post it here:

    When I was involved in competitive indoor archery I reached a point where practice was almost monotonous and would almost Always do better in tournaments.  I just seemed to focus better when "it counted"  I shot quite a few 300/60x scores in tournaments, but only a few in practice.  Have any of you experienced this.  

  4. After spending Days absorbing Great info on here, I went back to sqare one at the range today.  I spent the afternoon shooting at a blank paper from a good sandbagged rest and really concentrating on what it felt like when the trigger tripped.  It was an amazing feeling.  I was amazed at how much you can feel if you are really concentrating.  Of course some of the people at the range look at you kinda funny when you spend a couple of hours shooting at a blank sheet of paper!!  I think this exercise along with my every night draw and dry fire practice will be my new focus for a little while.  Thoughts?

  5. Ok, after almost getting killed Twice today by drivers who completelly ignore the "Yield to Ramp" sign I am ready to get in my dad's Hummer and ram a few of them!!!!!  Do people just not realize that cars exiting the freeway have the right of way over the cars on the service road or all the all just A**holes who want to piss me off!!!!!?????

  6. Well, on my trip to the range this morning I met up with an old friend and his nice new S&W 696 .44 spl.  I haven't shot a revolver in Years and I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it!  I'm thinking instead of buying a new auto for next season, I may pick up a 625 and try revolver shooting for a while.  Any guidelines as to what to look for.  Barrel length, etc?  I've seen quite a few 625s around at gun shows in 4" and 5", and even a 6" a few weeks ago, so I think finding one should be fairly easy.  I'm only interested in IPSC right now, so the new 4" limit in IDPA shouldn't matter, right?  As always, thanks for the help!!

  7. Well, if I receive approval from the family CFO (wife) I will be buying an STI Edge in .40S&W next week.  (Nice Christmas Present, huh?) :)  I am buying it for IPSC Limited but if it is legal I would also like to use it in IDPA.  Oppinions?  As always, Thanks!!

  8. Hi all.  A friend of my dad's is getting out of Limited Class and devoting his efforts to Open Class and has offered me his STI Edge in .40 S&W for a decent price ($1100.00).  He has used it for all of this year but knowing him as well as I do, I know it is in as good condition as possible!  Anyone have experience with this gun.  I've shot several SVI guns, but haven't shot an STI.  As always, Thanks!!

  9. Hi all.  I come from a background of competitive indoor archery.  I competed for almost 20 years untill problems with my sholder caused me to "retire"  The thing that made the biggest difference in my scores was when I felt what a properly executed shot Felt like for the first time.  It was almost magical the first time everything came together and I shot my first 60X 300.  What stuck with me the most was that after releasing Every shot I had control of the bow without even thinking about it.  All I had to think about was holding my aim until the arrow was in the target.  I would Love to develope that kind of feeling with my pistol shooting, I'm just not sure where to start.  Is there a Correct follow thru with a handgun?  I think it is obvious that lerning good trigger control is paramount, but when I practice I tend ot get overwhelmed!  I'll admit to being very new to this, but I Reallly want to do as well as possible at it.  Thanks for a great forum and learning tool!

  10. I wouldn't.  I was asking for a guy I work with.  His .400 is the only gun he owns and he can't afford another right now.  He plans to get something else as soon as he can.

    (Edited by TommyC at 4:36 pm on Dec. 7, 2002)

  11. I am an absolute newbie when it comes to IPSC competition.  I have a grand total of 2 matches and completely walked the first one on the recommendation of the RO.  Having two kids in college is the only thing keeping me from getting more involved right now.  (Tuition is expensive, tuitionX2 just plain sucks!)  As for my gun, it is a stock Combat Commander.  I plan to get much more involved this spring, so I will say thanks in advance for the help that this forum obviously provides to us newbies!

  12. Hmmm...  Let's look at this from all perspectives...

    From the Literal perspective: I would have to say the Person shoots, as has been proven by a post of the dictionary definition.

    From the Zen perspective: It is not who shoots, but the shooting that matters.

    From the targets perspective:  Who the hell cares?  I'm about to be perforated AGAIN!

    And from My perspective: after all the dropped shots on my last round... You call THAT shooting??!!

  13. While shooting this morning I had a series of malfunctions that I couldn't explain and when I changed mags, they stopped.  Being the Genius that I am, I decided the mag must have been causing the problems!  Bright guy, huh?  Anyway... When I unloaded the final few rounds from the mag, the follower did not come all the way up.  When I took the follower out, the spring came out in two pieces.  Anyone ever seen this before?  It was an older CMC Shooting Star mag, btw.  Possible causes?  As always, thanks for such a great forum!

  14. ... when I show up at pretty much Any match with my "box stock" Combat Commander.  The most common comments are "Can't afford a 'Real' gun?" and "What's the point if That is all you have to shoot with?".  First, with Two kids in college, I probably Can't afford what most would call a "real" gun, and second, I shoot for fun and to improve my skill so what does it matter to anyone else what I shoot?  

    Thanks for the Vent space and for a Great forum!

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