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Posts posted by THS

  1. I grew up not far from where you are going to be.


    Check out the matches at Dunbarton NH.   The have a level 2 every year, and the monthlies can be 100 plus shooters on 7 stages.   


    SIG academy will be about an hour from you as well.   They have steel challenge and outdoor USPSA on weekends, and some indoor USPSA as well.


    Berwick is a long ride, but they had the Area shoot last year.


    There are others, but those are what comes to mind.



  2. Which brand are you talking about?


    I bought 2 universal 45 degree offset mounts for AR's, and they came with a pile of different screws and pins.   The pins were in different lengths and diameters for a specific dot.  Same for the screws.  


    I'd think anything for a milled slide would be similar, but a dot reciprocating on a slide is taking more shock that one on an AR upper so the design may have to be all steel to work.

  3. Ron A designed the one at the VA state shoot.    I shot with the RO’s and he made it a point to tell them to be CLOSE to the shooter for the second beep.  

    I don’t wear double hearing pro nor electronics so I was concerned about hearing the second beep too.  

  4. On 10/10/2023 at 4:15 PM, Racinready300ex said:

    Weren't we just talking on here about how the shooting isn't nearly as hard as it used to be? They must of heard us as even old timers are saying that was the hardest match they've ever shot. 



    My part of the discussion- that scoring favors Speed over Accuracy- touched on this.   This nationals certainly seemed to be a different test than the locals I see.   


    That leads me to another aspect of change= good or bad I dont know, just change.   I looked at the Indiana sectional match book someone posted a link to.   About half of the stages were 32 rounds (minumum) and one was 33(?).   Stage design like this involves lots of movement, and therefore time, thus weighting that part of the game.


    Where we do not have the IPSC 3-2-1 stage mix requirement we have gravitated to lots of shots (which is fun for sure.)  Should Match directors be encouraged to have more Speed Shoots and Short Courses?  Do those balance the movement part of the "speed" variable?   They count for less points overall as well so they have lots of weight in the overall too.


    Just a thought, but I think this has been evolving over time and now is the norm.

  5. Virginia state was a good time!

    The stages were varied, including one that was a cardio test ha ha.


    My goal was not to shoot any misses or no shoots. And I did that except I forgot to shoot one target on “retreat” after changing my plan at the “make ready command .”   So looking at it positively, I didn’t actually SHOOT any misses or no shoots, but I got one , and an FTE.  Ha ha.


    My second goal is to place in the top third of my division. We’ll see how that goal shakes out after everybody shoots Sunday.

    The lunch from Bobby’s Q was great. It was good to see old friends.


    I got too greedy on the fixed time field course and tried to shoot six targets instead of the four I felt I could’ve shot two alphas each in control.   Ended up with 20 points, not a good stage. 

    More moving back up Range, and side to side, than I remember from the past. All of which makes you focus very closely on muzzle direction or a DQ for sure!

    The weather is supposed to be great this weekend. We had drizzle a couple times, but never shot with the bags on.


    Thanks to everyone who works to put this on. Allan Meek and the rest of the Fredericksburg staff did a great job!

  6. Rowdy,   Production going to 15 is overdue and I’m looking forward to it.    Might even invest in a 34 for it.     

    Assuming it goes to production 15 this is my prediction:

    Production  15 is the new entry-level point.

    carry optic and Limited optic become the two biggest divisions.
    Open remains the racers place to go like F1.

    Sadly the rest of them fade even more.

  7. If the weather cooperates (yes this is supposed to be fun and trashing my gear is no longer fun) I will shoot the VA State Championships on Friday and the Ruger Aiming for Zero (Sectional?) in New Hampshire on Sunday.


    The VA state looks to be around 230 rounds, with NH being 280ish.   My goal is to be more aggressive than the last few locals and try to move more smoothly.  I looked at cell phone video and my footwork was / is horrible, and along with stepping over fault lines and having to back up, forgetting to reload, and taking the "safe" tactic on a few stages I have been about mid-pack.  


    VA State has an interesting stage- Fixed time field course.  I'm assuming any shot more than .30 sec over time will result in removal of an A, even if the target shot at has a highest scoring value of a C.   I sure hope I can hear the timer and the RO is close with it.


    NH has a shoot house, which makes for some vision changes as the inside is darker than outside.  


    Should be a good time at both places.

  8. Konkapot-  I wasn't going to even put that it was EP as I did not want single out any one person.    It was just a good example to show how focused on time the sport has become.

    7 minutes ago, konkapot said:

    The run felt smooth, but was not fast.

    To me any EP under 6.00 would be smoking.  Probably mental, but I can do it on demand in training but never for a classifier.  Perfect example of how your mind EXPECTS to be faster and your perception of what is slow is based on that.

    11 minutes ago, konkapot said:

    Current shooters now are probably better than the state of shooters in 2002, just like shooters in 2033 will be better than the current crop. 

    No doubt about this!  

  9. 9 minutes ago, Racinready300ex said:

    All this adds up to much better shooters today than even just 5 or 10 years ago


    I would edit this to say "much better gun handlers today than..."   The game today is not about the shooting (Accuracy) as much as it is about getting to the shooting, be that movement, reloads, transitions, entries and exits, etc. as that is where HF is made or lost.


  10. 9 minutes ago, Racinready300ex said:

    because our divisions don't really reflect the guns that people have

    Winner Winner!  Could not agree more.


    Limited is no longer what every cop carried- high cap .40 plastic gun.   Now more and more agencies are back to 9mm, many with optics approved, and lord knows the popularity of Staccato et al amongst LE circles.   


    Aligning divisions seems like a smart move, not to "save" limited, but to more closely match what our shooters bring in a fair and equitable way.



    Just saw your other post.   I was thinking of gear as in holsters and mag pouches etc.   I was shooting a Tasco PDP2 back in 1992, so optics have been around for a while, and there were guys trying slide ride stuff in the 2002ish time period too.  


    In that respect the rise of the dot has taken the element of sight alignment out of the equation, allowing people to focus on other things and improve faster.  


    I also think the proliferation of You Tube etc. has made things advance way faster- You can get some great tips in seconds now.   You might also have to sort some BS out, but that gets easier to see the more you shoot ha-ha.


  11. 10 minutes ago, barry said:

    Well having started when there were no divisions an it was run what ya brung. 

     I do think there way to many divisions, mostly because it has le to way to many nationals

    Yep,  it was pretty simple then.


    I also don't understand the need for so many Nationals.  I get that the top guys want to shoot each one, and some Nationals cred can go a long way to making someone a "professional instructor" but why not 2 nationals.   Optics and Irons.  Period. 


    Is it a range capacity issue?   Time it would take to get 1000 shooters through each?  Cost to the organization?  RO volunteers willing to stay that long?  Should we really have course designs so disparate that it is too easy for an Open dot or too hard for a Revo guy?  Some say the Iron sight nationals was to have less challenging target presentations due to irons and guys with 8 or 10 in the gun.   Isn't that contrary to the rules?


    I've never earned a slot to the USPSA nationals- Until a few months ago I did not know there was open entry.  I thought every slot was earned in a Sectional or something similar.   That said I have shot and run other National shooting events and I'd expect the logistics is similar.



  12. 1 minute ago, whan said:

    my bet is that the top shooters today are just as accurate as in the past, but faster. In most cases with USPSA, once you hit 92-94% of points scored (major/minor champs are around this), you get a lot more benefit from focusing on getting faster vs. further increasing accuracy. 



    You make the perfect argument for more, longer shots.   That would not impact the ACCURATE shooters anywhere as much as the SPEEDy ones.   Yes the dot proliferation makes the sight alignment part of the game moot, but without trigger control 35 yard Classics become kryptonite to some.


    I looked at some events in PS.  Predictably it reads almost exactly 1 though 50 in placement as total time.   There are some wrinkles- fast shooter burns a NS or two, but the ones I looked at seem to have 8 out of ten in a time order.  Nothing scientific in that look-  just an observation.


    7 minutes ago, whan said:

    shooting the same points % but getting faster, it'd mean that shooters aren't necessarily sacrificing accuracy for speed, they're just gaining more speed in general.

    Agree again.   Gear hasn't really changed that much since I left in early 2000's, but performance expectations are higher. 


    Brian's book talks about Limit of Human Function.   If memory serves, his thought was a 2 second Bill Drill was pretty near as fast as a human could go (circa 1989) but Bill Drills today are commonly faster.   We see that performance and then realize it is attainable, then use our minds to achieve it.   Maybe it is like the 4 min mile mental barrier- but watching a local guy reload in less than a sec opens your eyes to the fact you too could do that with effort and work.


    I've changed my approach to being faster too.   Taking risk by moving when it isn't really comfortable with respect to thit probability, things like that.   So far I have a lot to work on, but it sure is fun.

  13. 62% of the HHF?   National HHF doesn't matter.   The sample was to illustrate the point. 


    Speed (of movement) is even more important across field courses, and they make up 90% of what we see.   


    It is no longer "how long does it take for you to be accurate", it is now "can you get enough points going as fast as you can go."


    It is not right or wrong.   The game has changed, evolved, devolved, pick your adjective.  I'm back after nearly 20 years out of this game and it still makes me smile to have a good run!   It is still a lot of fun and has some good gun-handling skill requirements that translate to other parts of life like CCW.   

  14. Two things:   Accuracy is REALLY undervalued in today's game.   Right or Wrong it just is.   At a recent local we shot El Prez.   The Winner (open)  had 3 A, 7 C, and 2 D in about 5.58.    Second (LO) was 9 A, 3 C in 7.05.   I would argue that the winner lacked Accuracy, with only 25% A hits!  I doubt we are going to change it, but the sport is "accuracy, SPEED, power" now.


    When 40 was what EVERY law enforcement guy shot and was plentiful in brass and ammo it was a good limited round.   I shot many thousands of them.  As the LE community has moved to 9mm again, and the military has stayed there, it has become the easiest things to find and load for.  It is a cycle of life thing, in my observation.


    Politics is out as it brings out the worst in people.  We dont talk the politics of the sport, much less the Nation;  you wont change that here.

  15. I recall Schumann (the inventor as I recall) saying it was best for Iron sights as the sight doesn't track back and forth, making it easier to stay focused there.   I'm dating myself, but I have a Caspian / Schumann flyer from the 90"s touting the advantage.   No one uses sight focus at the hoser distances we see now,  so other than popple holes or the cool factor what is the need?


    I dont know if there is any advantage, or how much of one there is, with the lighter slide reciprocating on an Island barrel  limited Optics gun.

  16. This is a twisted web when considering the lawsuit as well.


    If I understand the premise there, USPSA Bylaws were changed by the board at a time when there was no corporation.  Those changes would be null and void, and whatever the bylaws were, at the time of dissolution, would be the last relevant set.   


    That begs the question "Did USPSA re- incorporate or get reinstated after paying the past due amounts?"   Does the board have any authority to remove the accused if it is not a viable body?


    Seems to me we could be starting over now, and I propose the following:

    1.  Add recall as an option to any BOD or Executive staff position.

    2. Empower the President to set the adgenda for the board (if not already.)

    3. Create elections for critical positions (DNROI is a perfect example.)

    4.  Define a list of "immediate expulsion" events.   (RO's cheating, others)

    5.  By Law changes approved by the membership.


    As to the allegation in the email.  If he did in fact berate a competitor during an event that amounts to interference in the operation of the event, and he should be suspended or expelled.  


    10.6.2    Other persons may be expelled from the range for conduct which a Range Officer deems to be unacceptable.  Examples of unacceptable conduct include, but are not limited to, failing to comply with the reasonable
    directions of a Match Official, interference with the operation of a course of fire and/or a competitor’s attempt thereof, and any other behavior likely to bring the sport into disrepute.


    It would be bad enough to act like that after the event, but seeking out a person in the conduct of the competition to cause a confrontation would get any other competitor expelled- right?



  17. I have an old mark IV I still use for nostalgia haha.   


    I swapped to the CED Chrono after I realized they were "Standard" (with IR bulbs) at large match chrono stations.  I dont know if PACT reads differently than CED, but I figured be on the safe side.  I also appreciate CEDs ease of use / packing, as well as the 4 foot long bar I used for arrows out of my compound.


    Has anyone compared LabRadar to CED velocity wise?   What is the "standard" at the nationals?



  18. Montpelier has a well run shoot now.   I dont IDPA- nothing worse that some tactical timmy who has never heard a shot fired in anger tell me "failed to use cover" or some other crap 'procedural' about my tactics.   


    As for the weather- you will have all 4 seasons here, but the snow will be gone in a week or so after it hits, even in big blizzards.   There is very little snow moving equipment so plan on that complicating things.   Average winter day is high around 40 and low in the upper 20s.   Summer gets hot and humid!


    C Ville used to be a really nice place.   Downtown walking area has the Omni resort, the Whiskey Jar (Great bourbon selection) and a host of other shops.  Used to be a great place to take your wife and walk around.  Sadly it is now a LOT of homeless and people looking for handouts.   After the guy drove his car into protesters 6(?) years ago it has been a flashpoint for both sides.   Seemingly they go there just to create friction- each side with their own objectives.


    The traffic comment is spot on!   In a few years I will also leave F-Burg and traffic is HUGE reason.   The flip side to that is salaries are comensurate with the hassle.   Add in that there are no "public" ranges and you are waiting to get a membership slot at a club just to practice.   


    Do your research on the area you are looking at.  There are 2 clubs I know of near C ViIle.   One is south and has Trap, Skeet and an indoor range.   One is NE a little and has shotgun stuff, but I don't know about handgun.

  19. I've lived in VA for well over 20 years.


    I'm in Fredericksburg area.   C-Ville is a leftist stronghold   If you like wine it will be OK.   If you are conservative you will be in the minority and an outcast.


    That said:   Fredericksburg Rod and gun has expanded their monthly to 2 days and it fills.  

    Montpelier, west of Richmond fills up every month.

    NVGC is only 2 squads, 4 stages, and full within minutes.

    NRA HQ in fairfax has shoots- I think both mid-week and weekends.

    Quantico sometimes does USPSA, some PCSL.

    Black Creek, northeast of Richmond, might still be active.


    I dont know when Joe4d was talking about as I took time off from the game, but in the late 90's and early 2000's we had the Nationals at F burg, and I could shoot every weekend driving less than an hour.   York PA, Black Creek (Richmond), Quantico, Fredericksburg, and Waldorf MD all ran good shoots.   If that is a black hole then I guess only Rio Salado with weekly's is going to be good enough.

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