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Steve Anderson

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Posts posted by Steve Anderson

  1. "This tells me that I need to pay more attention to perfect technique right now as opposed to chasing a par timer in dry fire drills."

    I'm not sure which drills you're using, but mine all require an "acceptable" sight picture.

    It takes a while for shooters to learn what that means.

    Don't ever "slow down" as its own solution, instead "see more."

  2. I just take my current weakness (or area of desired improvement) and design drills around them.

    Usually something I can't do, or can't do well. My last practice session was shooting while moving sideways at 15 yards, two steel and one paper. 4 shots for the whole drill. You can do that a bunch with 200 rds.


  3. Low round ct high instensity drills are my favorite.

    Make sure you are learning something with every shot, otherwise you are wasting time and money.

    Also, regular short sessions are way better than long infrequent sessions.

  4. Some of it is because I try to replicate that run consciously.

    There's that pesky word: try

    Sounds like there's a lot of emotion/judging going on and that will definitely cause self image problems.

    Why don't you shoot your next match with the ONLY goal of calling every shot. Let go of any/all expectations and just call every shot.

    Lemme know what happens.

  5. I keep meaning to write an article about "The potential perils of pass/fail practice."

    Basically, when practicing on steel, your shots are either pass or fail.

    This is not strict enough for USPSA shooting.

    Shooting on steel can help when you are learning to call your shots, but you gotta shoot some paper too.

    If you only have access to steel, make the shots difficult.


  6. It's important to remember that I was OBSESSED with making GM in Open, and the first book was written around the drills I used to achieve that goal. The book only exists because I got tired of going to Kinko's and copying them to give away... So I don't mean to sound cocky, but the book only exists because it works so well.

    Thanks to everyone for the kind words!


  7. Accuracy IS Speed.

    Why would you pull the trigger without an acceptable sight picture? What exactly does that accomplish?

    Would it be faster to call 6 shots on six poppers or pull the trigger 6 times realy quickly?

    And I agree with post above. Most slow times have very little to do with the splits.

  8. Our new PCSI model basically puts one person in charge of each stage, all the way from design to construction. As shooters arrive they are signed in immediately and sent to their first stage to help build it. It has been working very well. The added bonus is that we get stages that are radically different from eachother, much more so than when one person designs all the stages... good luck!

  9. I burn the cadence in during the "walkthrough."

    I think being a musician helps here. I'm not predisposed to odd-meter music (Pink Floyd's "Money" is the most famous example) so I have to count those out until I get the feel down.

    This classifier is the same. I just count it until I don't have to anymore.

    And again... I shot 100% on this "that one time" until Flexmoney robbed me. :)

    It's not my fault I can put 5 into one hole at speed. :)


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