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Posts posted by SteveZ

  1. I'm a member of the Marysville Rifle Club...which happens to be the same club that Lisa Munson is a member of. In this months club newsletter there was a story about Lisa winning the Ladies SSC (beating Kippi by 6 match points)...and went on to mention that Lisa is the ONLY Ladies Master in Limited. So apparently this isn't true anymore?

  2. About 5.0grs makes major for me with a 180gr MasterBlaster bullet.

    Seems a bit "blasty" as compared to N320 due to the % nitro content.

    Tom...how would you compare the "smoke factor" between Universal and N320 using the same MasterBlaster bullet?

  3. Folks,

    We are closing the match to new registrations - we are full.

    To get on a waiting list, please send an email directly to

    Mike Wirth, Registrar

    We *Might* (no promises) open one more squad for all day friday



    Congradulations Tim....I can't recall the last time that an Area 1 Championship was FULL. Looking forward to a great match and looking forward to meeting a bunch of great people. Say "HI" when swinging through Stage 6 ... Package Deal...because RickB and myself will be workin' it.

  4. If you fly, you're limited by the 11# rule.

    This is an airline by airline thing...not a TSA rule. Alaska Air allows you to pack as much ammo you can into a 50lb suitcase.

    I'm flying on Alaska! :bow:

  5. I'd recommend shooting L10. I shot L10 for years and about 3 years ago, made the switch from L10 to Limited. As you know in L10 you pretty much reload when you move....that is embedded into your mind. It took about 3 months for me to reprogram my head so I wasn't dropping magazines with 10 rounds left in them....I'd have to FORCE myself to not do a reload when leaving a shooting position.

  6. was set up exactly like the diagram and JOHN SAID: SINCE SHOOTER HAS CONTROL OF THE PORT THEY ARE DISAPPEARING.

    The issue isn't about the targets being "non-disappearing" (FYI, disappearing targets are DEFINED by the rulebook as activated and moving targets which after they complete their movement are not available for engagement. The targets behind the ports weren't activated...and they didn't move)....the issue is rule 4.2.5 and App. B3. Once those ports shut (and assuming the shooter couldn't reopen those ports or go to an alternate port) the A-zone of non-engaged targets is gone....and that violates 4.2.5 and App B3.

  7. While I don't have one yet...I'm ready and waiting to pull the the trigger on getting two Iphones...one for my wife and one for myself. I've been following the Iphone rumor mill for about the last 4 months....the current thinking is that Apple will be releasing a new Iphone in the June/July time frame. Look for a new display, better camera, more memory and possibly lower costs. If you'rr not in a hurry .... I'd suggest waiting.

    Jailbreaking a phone means you get around Apple's stranglehold as to what applications you can run. Unlocking the phone means you can switch carriers from ATT to something else (like T-Mobile). A lot of technogeeks jailbreak their Iphones so they can run apps that Apple doesn't seem fit to support. Up until recently, Apple didn't have much to say about jailbreaking the Iphone...until last week that is. Apple said its now illegal to jailbreak a phone (which is nuts...you bought it...you should be able to do what you want on it. It's the same thing as buying a TV and having the manufacture say "you can only watch channels 4, 5 and 7" or Microsoft saying "you can only run Internet Explorer".

    You also have to be careful if you jailbreak your phone and then attempt to update it when Apple comes out with a firmware upgrade. You need to either wait for the jailbreaked update....or un-jailbreak your phone...upgrade and then jailbreak it again. If you're not careful, you may brick your phone (however from what I've heard, thats recoverable).

  8. This is funny....

    I didn't think you could mike a classifier and STILL get 100%.

    50pts. / 5.10sec

    (I was down 5 + the mike for 20pts down total)

    Weird.... :unsure:

    Steve Z also got 100% on this sucker today.

    As 3 of us walked into the bay I said, "allright, let's all get 100% on this one!". 2/3 ain't bad....

    Tom told me to go 150% on the classifier.....I went 105% (Ok ...so I'm dyslectic. 66pts, 6.37 seconds. Started with the center target and went right, on the left side, started with the rear target and went forward.)...when it was Tom's turn, I told him to go 150%....he did! :cheers: If Tom didn't have the miss...it would have been about a 130% run.....crazy fast!

  9. I tried running AA #5 for the first time on my 550B to load up some 9mm and found I was having problems with the power bar becoming very "sticky" after as few as 10 rounds loaded...after 100 rounds, the powder bar was really sticking. It appeared that the power (which is very fine and flat) was slipping between the power bar and spacer. I called up Dillon and found that they don't recommend AA #5....the tech guy nearly described the problem before I was able to explain what I was experiencing.

  10. Look at what most of the top shooters are shooting....not that what they have works for everybody but it makes you wonder.

    Its interesting...if you look at the guns that the top shooters in Europe are using....they tend to be full length dust cover guns (aka Edge profile). Are they behind the curve or did they not jump on the "lighter is better" bandwagon?

  11. Edgerat -- if you're really new to competition shooting....we're going to be holding a Beginning Practical Shooting 101 Class out of Renton on the 4th weekend of April (2 day class). You might consider going that route. The class will be taught by experiened shooters (GM/M/A class). It will not only discuss the safety/rules issues pertaining to USPSA but will also get into techniques. The class hasn't been "formally" announced yet. When it does, it will probably show up on the NWS webpage.

  12. So your theory then is that the shotgunner's don't use as much lead shot and therefore the prices for shot have dropped....but the prices for bullets hasn't....or is it that manufactures are just out to make a buck easier off those who shoot pistols/rifles?

  13. Thank you Duane! I sent an email to Gary Wall a few days ago but haven't heard back just yet.

    Gary should get around to answering your email...or he'll make me do it. :rolleyes:

    The NWS is probably one of the most competitive sections. There are many GM's and M's shooting all the divisions....expect competition to be stiff in any division you chose to compete in. Many of the clubs in the section take a break over the winter...but all of them are up and running again in February.

  14. ...and then you have this little problem. Virginia Count must use paper targets exclusively, and must

    only be used for Standard Exercises, Classifiers or Short


    The stage was scored Virginia....it wasn't a short course, it certainly wasn't a classifier and it wasn't run as a Standard Exercise (eg multiple strings).

    Another nail in the coffin.

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