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Freddie the Swede

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Posts posted by Freddie the Swede

  1. I'd check the ejectors as the cutout in the main pin (or leg) was a bit on the tight side on mine when I got it.

    To conclude it, fit it as well and you won't regret it when you need to replace it.


    If i order the ejector from SVI is there much to the fitting? The ones in the picture on their site make it look like they are ready to go (looks exactly the same shape as the one in my gun).


    Probably not much fitting involved to get them installed. Tuning them for the proper ejection angle is what might take a little more time. I think Bob's site has a good section on tuning ejectors if I remember correctly....it's worth a look. R,

  2. Thanks a lot, Now I can go ahead and talk to my smith about fitting the barrel.

    As this is a long time project I will keep my eyes open for another barrel but if I don't find one I will go ahead and fit the one I have.

    As I have five ports I think that my velocity will be a little lower but that will be not be an issue as the PF in IPSC is 160 and not 165 as in USPSA.

    Many thanks for the info and I do appriciate your time and data.

    If i get to many problems with the 9 major project I can always ream out the chamber to 38 super. :yawn:


    the powder choice is Vitavhouri of some sort. (can't get much else here).

    I know that I have limited myself a bit when I got the 5 port Schuemann barrel but the price was soo right that I could not resist.

    I have a Bedell Ti comp on the end of the 5.5" barrel as well. Will cut of the last side port of neccesary.

    Anyone who has experience of this barrel comp combo with Vitavhori Powders??

    I thinking loading the rounds pretty long and using a little freebore to keep the pressure down.



    My gun is not identical to your's (I have Schuemann 4 port barrel with 3 chamber progressive comp with an extra hole on each side of the comp into the last chamber) but here is my load.

    I run 9 Major loads utilizing 124 gr MG JHP with VV N-350 (around 7.5 gr) and now using Winchester Small Pistol Magnum Primers. The OAL is 1.195" and velocity earlier today was around 1376 fps (170.6 PF). Temperature was 58 degrees F and elevation is about 120' above sea level.

    In the past I always used small rifle primers but those are impossible to find. To see if they would work, I loaded some rounds with small pistol primers and saw no indications of primer smearing or signs of gas blowing past the primer. Then I was unable to find small pistol primers and decided to try small pistol magnum primers. Lots of those available and I was able to pickup 20K. With the magnum primers all appears to be working well.


  3. the powder choice is Vitavhouri of some sort. (can't get much else here).

    I know that I have limited myself a bit when I got the 5 port Schuemann barrel but the price was soo right that I could not resist.

    I have a Bedell Ti comp on the end of the 5.5" barrel as well. Will cut of the last side port of neccesary.

    Anyone who has experience of this barrel comp combo with Vitavhori Powders??

    I thinking loading the rounds pretty long and using a little freebore to keep the pressure down.



  4. The reason for me asking this is that what I have at hand in parts.

    My idea is to combine the comp with the barrel either or to remove some ports from the comp.

    Is the five port barrel overkill?

    My powder of choice will be one of Withavuoris 3N37, 3N38 or N350

    Has anyone tried this combo before?

    PS. PF should be 160 as I shoot in Europe under IPSC rules and not the USPSA rules

    Many thanks for you input if you have any experience of this combo.


  5. Hi guys,

    As I already have an 38 super I will reuse some of the parts, e.g. the frame and the slide as they fit nice and tight already.

    • SPS frame (from the 38 super gun), I have a Scott grip on the gun right now.
    • Caspian 5" slide (from the 38 super gun)
    • Schuemann 5 port threaded bull barrel (new)
    • Bedell 7 port Titanium compensator (Bought it used here in the classified)
    • 1 short 126 mm mag for prone shooting (from the 38 super gun)
    • 2 140 mm mags for normal shooting (from the 38 super gun)
    • 1 170 mm BIG stick for the long couarses. (from the 38 super gun)
    • C-More with either a Quinn or a Barry mount. (Have a serendipity on it right now)

    I will use Vithavouri powder and 124 grains fmj:s for matches and 145 grain lead bullet for practice (got them cheap)

    Remember that we use PF 160 when shooting OPEN in IPSC where I live.

    What are your thoughts about this, will it be a nice 9 major blaster or...... :bow: ?


  6. As I'm collecting parts for my 9 major project on my 2011 frame I'm interested in what mount you are using for your 9 Majors.

    I have read several posts here and all say that brass ejection CAN be a problem when changing from 38 super to 9 major.

    So I have read all but none seems to take the mount in consideration.

    So far I have found that a single sided mount seems to be that way to go.

    But which one?

    Brand: Allchin, Brazos, STI, Shooters Connection or.......

    Placement: Off center or normal??

    Sight horizontal or canted??

    New designs as Barrys or Quinn???

    What are your thoughts??? :bow:

    What do I think? I'm thinking a Quinn with a C-more slide ride or a CPMI and an Aimpoint Comp XD.


  7. When I do my safeties I always do it with the grip safety removed.

    With it removed you can see the engagement points of the safety and where it gets in contact with the sear.

    It's not that tricky but be careful and remove small portions of the safety and test it before you shoot it.

    I just read the Brazos instructions and they are pretty good but don't show how it looks on the inside.

    If you take of the grip safety you will see it clearly.

    Good luck.


    PS. If you feel the least unsure leave it to the smith. Bad safeties are really dangerous.

  8. Hi Tzygä,

    I hope to find a good gunsmith in some of the Nordic countries (Sweden, Finland and Norway).

    If I can't find one I will look in the EU.

    Do you have any suggestions?

    I guess that you live in Finland as your name suggests? But I can be wrong.

    Where are you from?


    Fredrik are you going to install new barrel and comp by yourself?
  9. I found a Schuemann five hole hyrbricomp barrel with a Clark/Para ramp in the classifieds for the Sweet price of $125 (can you beat that?).

    I didn't look for a hybrid barrel but the price was right so I bought it right away.

    I have a Wilson cut frame but I read that you can cut it to match the W/N ramp in the frame.

    Still wanna keep my Nowlin 38 barrel som I can swap between barrels/calibers.

    What do you think about combinating this with a Bedell Titanium comp?

    Please remember that PF in IPSC is only 160 and I'm using Vitavouri 3N37 or 3N38 for powder.

    Bullets will be 124 grainers and I will use a long OAL in my SPS mags.

    The barrel is a generic .355 that needs to be cut. What are your recommendations for freebore (if any)?


    Does anybody have pics for MC Derek's new comp?
  10. I have a 38 super today with a four chamber comp without any poppleholes and I like it. It's light and flat.

    Now I'm thinking of getting on the 9 major train som I need a new barrel and need some opinions.

    I saw this Schuemann tribrid and it looks kinda interesting to have a combo of hyrbrid holes and compensator chambers directly in the barrel.

    How does it recoil/kick, is it flat or not?

    I really like the idea of a light gun with both ports and a comp.

    Should I go this way or should I get a hybrid barrel and a separate comp or just a comp.

    I shoot 124 g bullets with Vitavouri 3N37 or 3N38 powder and federal small pistol primers. (IPSC minimum is 120 grains for bullets).

    I do also have 145 g lead bullets that I train with in my 38 super. Would the lead bullets work in 9mm major?

    Whats your thoughts?




  11. I ask for I have a nice S_I gun with a nice fitting 38 super slide and came across a 40 S&W slide.

    The problem is that the 40S&W slide is really sloppy on the frame and I don't want to do anything to the frame.

    Is there a simple way if tightning the slide or must I leave it to a smith?

    My biggest problem is that there is almost no pistolsmiths in Sweden (Europe) where I live.

    Any thoughts??


  12. In Europe and the rest of the world we have the Modified division which I think is a pretty cool gun type.

    You are allowed to use ports, comps and opticals sight but the gun has to fit in a box.

    I shoot OPEN at the moment but have thoughts to change class to modified.

    //Fredrik Lundbeck

    IPSC Sweden

  13. Stage 1 in a local match many years ago a friend of mine lost his compensator in a funny way.

    It turnes out that he had a bushing barrel with a screw on comp that he had tightned a little tooo much.

    So he draws, fires and fires again, but now he has twice the recoil in the gun and a VERY surpised face.... :goof:

    Comp leaves the barrel in a rush and lands in the dirt a couple of feet in front of him.

    After inspection the local CSI team (us) finds that the comp has bumpmarks in the backside and the shooter comfirms that he MIGHT have screwed on the comp a turn or two too much.

    Lesson learned: Check that gap between the slide and comp..

    Cost: A new barrel

    Laughs: Many, many toghether with some friendly advice.


    Fredrik Lundbeck

    IPSC Sweden

  14. Whats your choice of mags?

    If you had them tuned who did it and what did they do?

    I think it's rather strange that high cap guns seems to need mag tuning. My older guns never needed this.

    And why are they soooo expensive????

    Whats your thoughts?

    My SPS mags run great and I have no problems with them.

    Best regards

    Fredrik Lundbeck

    IPSC Sweden

  15. I know that STI made the 2011 first but.......

    STI = Strayer Tripp International

    SVI = Strayer Voigt International

    SPS = European copy of STI ??

    I shoot an SPS / Caspian combo as I got a real nice price on the SPS frame here in Europe.

    But when I look inside the plastic grip there is a Patent number inside stating European patent #..........

    Is it so that SPS has the European patent?

    This could only be if STI never patented the frame in Europe or?

    Does anyone know?

    Why are there three different companies diong the same gun?

    Why are no SPS guns sold in the US? and why are SVI and STI selling guns in Europe if SPS has the European patent???

    I really dont get it.

    Who has the inside story and what gunmaker makes the better product??

    Best regards

    Fredrik Lundbeck

    IPSC Sweden

  16. Well I have.


    Draw, fire, start running, more targets, run a little more, reload......."what the heck"?

    Fumbling around the belt and realize the mags are in the bag.......

    Holster gun, turn around and run back as fast as I can to the start of the stage and retrieve my mags.

    Found them but lost around ten seconds in that field course...... :wacko:

    Ever done the same?

    It's good fun to laugh at it when I think back though.

    Later dudes

    Fredrik Lundbeck

  17. My first Colt Goverment was a 9mm and I soon changed it to 45 acp.

    I got a used commander slide and a Wilson LE accucomp with a bushing.

    Since there where no gunsmiths here in Sweden doing pistolwork (all did rifles in 1986).

    I Fitted the barrel with handfiles and the Kuhnhausen book as my aide. Then I and a friend did a very nice melted Bo-Mar with a drill press. Yes, It's kinda dum but we didn't have a milling machine and we took it really slow and the result was supernice. That gun ran really sweet and i shot several thousand rounds through it with great pleasure.

    Then I got bitten by the 38 super bug and bough a Clark 38 super ramped barrel.

    I had a friend mill the ramp cut in the frame and then I made my first dual chamber comp in my friends lathe.

    I made it from two separate parts that we then soldered together.

    To make the chambers we had to cut a cutter at angle to reach inside the comp.

    As it turned out the comp looked like shit but worked really good. Acutally several US gunsmiths had a look at it and agreed that the look was bad but the function was good.

    My next gun was built from scratch and from brand new Caspian parts that the Caspian sales manager Gary Smith gave me a super deal for at the 1991 Desert Classic.

    This time I had Frank Glenn from Accurcy Unlimited i Arizona fit the barrel. But the rest of the job I did myself.

    My last and current gun is a mixed breed of a SPS frame, Caspian slide and a Nowlin barrel.

    Again Frank Glenn from Accurcy Unlimited i Arizona did the barrel and myself the rest of the gun.

    I must say that is a really sweet feeling when someone ask you, "who made your gun"? and I can say "I did it myself". B)

    Best regards


    IPSC Sweden

  18. What makes us wanna tinker with our guns?

    What's your day job and other hobbies?

    Answering this might tell you why we are so interested in our guns technically speaking.

    I'm first since I popped the question.

    Work: Marketing assistant / Desktop publisher

    Other hobbies: Motocross/Enduro, Hunting, plastic scale models (tanks, military wehicles, airplanes and such),

    Hobby gunsmithing, movies, traveling and of couarse my lovely girlfriend Anna and my little 1 year old son Ivan.

    Started shooting in 1985 and am still doing it.

    Best regards

    Fredrik Lundbeck

    IPSC Tyresö


  19. This story might be interesting or it might not.

    I do feel that it must be told since I met som many wonderful people in my shooting life.

    Well it all started in 1984 when I went to my local magazine store to buy the monthly plastic modelling magazine and found out that it was sold out. In the magazine rack next to it there was a magazine called American Handgunner that I had never seen before, nor was I interested in guns at the time.

    Since I had a long train trip ahead of me (Doing my military service) I thoght that it might be interesting to read something else than the regular stuff you read on trains so I bought it.

    On the cover there was a guy called Robert Leatham doing a running reload which looked rather cool.

    I read the magazine from front cover to back several times during the following weeks up in the northern parts of Sweden where I did my military service.

    After my service in 1985 I took up pistol shooting and in 1987 IPSC shooting.

    After talking to some shooting friends at the Swedish nationals in 1988 I got the telephone number to Arnt Myhre who was supposed to be a real nice guy who could help me out if I decided to fly over to the US to shoot.

    The good thing is that Arnt as a native Norweigan more or less speaks the same language as me who's Swedish.

    Well I called the Arnt up and told him that I wanted to come to the US and shoot a match or two.

    He told that there where no big matches when I planned to come but we could go the SHOT show instead if I where interested?

    Arnt and I become friends instantly, funny thing really. Well it turned out that Arnt was friends with the guy on the American Handgun cover from 1984.

    Hell, I even did ask Robert Leatham for an autograph at the SHOT show. I was kinda embarrassed to do so but the guy where my shooting idol since I bought that magazine in 1984.

    Many trips later I got to met Robbie and his family. My longtime friend Arnt and I where invited to his house for dinner and I felt really strange.

    You see, it was like having dinner with Tiger Woods if you are a golfer, or Micheal Jordan if you are into basketball.

    There I am having dinner with my idol and chatting about this and that.

    It turned out that Robbie was really nice and friendly and he could shoot for sure...!!!!!

    Thanks for the dinner Robbie and do give Kippie my best if you read this.

    Since then I have been over the ocean many times and I consider Arnt Myhre as one of my best friends.

    Do you have a simular story?

    My warmest regards :)

    Fredrik Lundbeck

    IPSC Tyresö



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