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Posts posted by GWelborn

  1. Match registration will occur on Feb 16th at 9:00 PM. When the updated Match Register Link is completed the info will be posted here.

    9:30 PM Eastern Time. . .same as the last 3 years.

    Gary - Please correct the time on your subtitle for the topic. Trying to avoid the commute times (5 - 6 PM) for Pacific Time people.

    Linda Chico

    9:30 PM it is.. I'll get it changed. I wanted to get the word out asap. When the main notice is posted this one should fade away. I'm looking forward to working with you again.

  2. All of this discontent is how matches implode. Its amazing how, more than any other group, we absolutely eat our own without hesitation. That coupled with the fact that everything written on the Internet always sounds 100 times worse and more harsh than it was intended to be, and it's a recipe for disaster.

    Jessie is very vocal, and when its in support of something like a certain brand of watch or his latest sponsors its an awesome thing to behold. The thing is, human beings don't typically have "off switches" so when an otherwise outspoken person is unsatisfied or feels things aren't right...guess what?

    As far as Taran being gracious, of course he is, what else could he do? Its not like stomping his feet and yelling would have helped, and I suspect that trying to somehow insist on getting a specific prize would not have gone well either. That is why they are prize tables, not first prize, second prize, etc.

    The problem is that there was not one big problem like an utter failure of the scoring process that a person can point to, it was the proverbial death of a thousand cuts. No swag bag, it's no big deal. No side matches or reduced Pro clinics we can do without them. Vendor row really thin - yeah its the economy... A $10 "sponsored" dinner *was* a rude shock for anyone that was not prepared to need cash, but even that isn't a deal breaker.

    And since most of us in this sport are good friends, it's human nature to let the little things slide, and since they are admittedly most all little things, the impulse is to defend our friends, minimize the defects, and in some cases even address anyone who complains directly. Then you are left with all of the baggage of animosity.

    I think we should just agree to disagree and remain friends.

    Holy crap never in a million years would I have pegged myself as being the voice of moderation

    Well Said Barry,,, I spelled you name correct this time.

  3. Thanks Tyler. I was beginning to wonder if the match I attended this past weekend was the same one on this thread. I was there from Monday through Sunday night and talked with hundreds of happy shooters.

    I listened to their comments and criticisms and appreciate them all from old friends and new. Guys you don’t have to go home and post anonymous negatives two or three day after the match. We are right there and listening. I guess I’m old fashion but prefer face to face discussions. If your interest is to improve the match/sport that is the most effective means.

    The match/Rockcastle staff are a tight bunch most of which come back every year. I did not witness a major dust-up or notice major tension as we gathered at the library each evening. I must admit my perceptions may have gotten a little dull.

    The pro match finished early on Saturday again this year with most squads shooting an extra Sunday morning stage on Saturday.

    We did get behind Friday on AM2 but think we ended the stage ~30 minutes behind. See Berry’s post. We have a bunch of shooters and not much time. It is going to happen.

    The new MGM flashers worked great. I think they have a winner there. They are effective and inexpensive. If you didn’t get a chance to see them at the match check-em out on line. The yellow backer and black plates we used were highly visible. I only heard one negative there. If you read Jesse’s post on color blind shooters unable to see orange you know his advice was to not care. I am not willing to trash 8 percent (his number) of our paid entries or 8 percent of his sponsors customers.

    Jesse I must admit I don’t usually read/view your videos/comments on enos but feel obligated to read everything on the ProAm. The only thing you said that I support is your promise not to return to Rockcastle but it is not my place to say that.

    Whether or not I work the ProAm next year, best wishes to all.

  4. Remember to check your rifle ammo with a magnet. If a magnet sticks to you rifle bullet it is a match DQ. Some of the FMJ Bullets have a bi-medal jacket but look the same as non-medal bullets. The ROs on the stages with rifle steel will have magnets. If you want to chek your bullets before the match look me up and I'll check them.

    The Pro shooters will need a sling, 3 slugs and 3 buckshot. See you at the Rock.

  5. Bah, if it isn't raining it isn't 3 gun... If you wanted 70 degrees and no chance of rain, you could run an indoor 3 gun match (yes, I would go to that).

    Otherwise, inclement weather is part of the challenge. I have shot in 105 degree heat with 95% humidity, I have shot in inch an hour downpours, I have shot when it was 4 below zero and when the range got 4 inches of snow immediately prior to the match. I have had sunburns so bad that they needed to be medically debrieded (hence the reason that most of you would never recognize me without the hat), I have even broken my leg, at a match, while under time, shooting a stage. I welcome all challenges, including the worst mother nature can throw at me... I really do. If you cannot shoot under stress, you cannot shoot as well as you think you can.

    I have to agree with you Barry. And I have shot my fair share of poor weather matches. 23 degrees in the snow... done that. Rainfest at TFD 2014(had to have been there).... done that. All were great experiences. My weather comment had a twist of sarcasm. But in all honesty since some of us will be shooting 2 days and then working 3 more days, I am hopefull for some decent cool weather.

    70 and sunny would be great.

  6. Gary,

    On the pro stage requiring a sling, it said "over the shoulder". Should I interpret that as muzzle up as in a traditional hunting sling, or is a tactical two point sling that holds the rifle across the chest acceptable? I can rig the rifle either way, and both go "over the shoulder" so to speak. Not trying to be obtuse, but never had to sling my rifle in 3gun before. Just guide me as to what you want and I'll happily come prepared to do it.

    Either system is fine as long as the muzzle is up or down. My intend is to allow any safe commonly used double or singe attachment sling system. The fewer rules the better.

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