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Neil Beverley

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Posts posted by Neil Beverley

  1. Please find below various piccys from Bali


    I know I've posted this elsewhere but I like it!


    I mentioned the free beer (once or twice) but forgot to mention the girls!


    Me and Jerome


    Jerome receives his well deserved trophy (which unfortunately didn't include one of the girls)


    Luca - The dragon is back!


    The Range



    Mike Voigt checks out competitor's gun.


    Part of my squad - the guys from Hong Kong are unfortunately missing.

  2. Well jerome did some good job for a first timer !

    Well done buddy :D

    As I think I have said earlier, Jerome is a real nice guy. He shot an excellent match and even more significantly had a great time in the process.

    I've got some more pictures, including some of Jerome, and I'll post them later in the Gallery. Anyone else who was there as well can add to my little collection or start their own.

    For the record there were 19 Regions represented in the shotgun match. I'm sure we will see a steady rise in the frequency and attendance at IPSC Shotgun matches.

  3. My best compliments to forum members Neil Beverley and Jerome Poiret for winning their respective divisions.

    WAY TO GUYS!!!! :)  :)  :)

    Now, Neil, I have to ask: was Luciano really the SG match RM ?????  :blink:

    No! Luciano wasn't the RM, Myro was. Luciano ran a stage on the Thursday.

    Perhaps the result could have been different for me but my gun broke on the 3rd stage out of 16. I then had to continue the match with a borrowed gun which didn’t feel, handle or shoot the same. As a result I picked up a 10 point penalty on the very first stage I shot with the borrowed gun and cut myself quite badly on it towards the end of the first day (2 day match). I was certainly off my normal pace. I ended up just 6 points behind the winner.

    On the other hand I'm taking nothing away from Narongsak who won because he was cleary capable of some quality shooting.

    I liked this photograph, it looks like I meant it!


  4. Final Result Indonesian Shotgun 2004

    Open Division:

    Michael Voigt (USA) 1110.3162 points

    Evgeny Efimov (RSA) 919.8053 points

    Ralph Aredondo (USA) 885.9190 points

    Standard Division:

    Narongsak Kae Muangpet (THA) 1043.4356 points

    Neil Beverley (GBR) 1037.1184 points

    Marian Vysny (SVK) 1002.0978 points

    Standard Manual Division:

    Jerome Poiret (FRA) 1016.3896 points

    Jackson Yuqimpo (PHI) 984.5073 points

    Konstantinos Souma Leuris (GRE) 777.2677 points

  5. Update .................... Thursday

    First day of shotgun match completed.

    Stages OK. My gun broke after 3 stages, someone else was using it but finished the stage. It is not fixable despite the many spares I brought with me. Another shooter from UK is letting me use his but it shoots slower and is a dog to load. I've sliced open my finger and thumb on the damm thing but I'm grateful that I'm still shooting. I'm off my normal pace with the gun particularly with the loading and I got myself a penalty target. :(:(

    On the plus side there are a lot of new shooters trying SG for the first time and they are having a lot of fun. Very hungry for knowledge. Some interesting stuff in Open Division.

    Weather kind to us today - overcast, breezy and some showers - a real relief after the HG match.

    I don't know how Mike V got on - he changed squad because he's shooting Open. Jerome seems to be shooting well and always smiling but he's padded his shoulder like a football player! :D

    Met Rainman today and Vince has met Mai.

    Phil, Animal had a lucky escape yesterday concerning a potential DQ. I'll let your guys tell you about it.

    More soon.

  6. Seriously folks, I don't have too much to report just now.

    The HG match finished about 1 hour ago and the 2 day SG event starts tomorrow.

    It's bl**dy hot! It's bl**dy humid. There are a lot of lobster coloured shooters and ROs and they are coming back to the hotel absolutely knackered but just in time for the free beer (have I ever mentioned the free beer).

    No arbitrations but there have been a small number of DQs. Eric Grauffel picked up 1 mike that I'm aware of on the first day.

    A lot of moving targets, some very tough particularly some nasty bobbing 6" round plates - I've seen 3 mags emptied at those.

    Mike Voigt seemed fairly happy but he's mostly quite positive. I'm squadded with him for the SG match so I'm looking forward to that.

    I've seen Angus - the first time in many years and we spent some days talking over some of the old days. I've met Jerome - a real nice guy and I'm sure he's made a lot of new friends.

    Phil's crowd from NZ are all good guys. I know I'm missing out on a couple of other names from the forums so far.

    I haven't spent much time with Vince but we've both had stuff to do.

    I must say all the Balinese people are great. Very friendly, very welcoming. I would definitely love to come back again on vacation.

    Oh yeah, and I guess the massage was OK. And the free beer. The pool. The pool bar (swim up to).

    If I get some results I'll try to post them when I can but I've got a meeting to attend at 20.00.

    More soon. Pictures in due course.


  7. Hi All

    For those you who didn't make it ................ and not being one to gloat ...............

    You wouldn't have like it anyway .............

    Hotel on the beach

    Free beer

    Swimming pools (2)

    Bars (lots)

    Restaurants (lots)

    Free beer

    Back to back HG & SG matches

    Did I mention free beer?

    Loads of IPSC shooters together in one hotel

    There is absolutely nothing going for this match. You wouldn't have like it.

    And it would be completely wrong to mention free beer, wouldn't it?


    I'm sorry you couldn't make it. A b*mmer. I met some of your guys this morning over breakfast. Next time !!!!!!


  8. In fact 90% of what I was taught in my brief earier experience in this game (at the Bob Dunkley Practical Shooting Academy [not familiar to many here I'm sure]) is now no longer applicable. Kevin

    <Thread drift>


    I did my basic HG course with Bob as well (1986). He's still alive and well and still shooting, but that's a different story.

    Actually the last time I spoke to hime he wanted a load of balloons for a fun shoot he was organising.

    We must have been on the circuit together? What was your club. I shot with Basildon.

    <Thread drift off>

  9. In the UK we use different percentage ranges and these were determined by analysing the annual average results over a number of years. The last time we modified the percentages was around 1990.

    We tried to create a reasonable spread of competitors in each grade i.e fairly even numbers.

    We are currently thinking we may have to review them. Originally the UKPSA was dominated by HG shooters and the percentages, and therefore the grades were established around them. The shotgunners had to live with it because we didn't want 2 systems. But now of course we've lost handguns! :(

    With shotgun you will find that the overall range of results is different to HG with more higher percentages and very little at the low end of the scale particularly compared to HG. The UKPSA is becoming a little top heavy with A grade shooters and B grade is light. Therefore there may be a change. The current UKPSA grades are:

    M - 92% +

    A - 75.00% - 91.99%

    B - 65.00% - 74.99%

    C - 55.00% - 64.99%

    D - 00.00% - 54.99%

    O - No grade yet

  10. A little old couple walked slowly into a McDonalds one cold winter evening. They looked out of place amid the young families and young couples eating there that night. Some of the customers looked admiringly at them. You could tell what the admirers were thinking. "Look, there's a couple who've been through a lot together, probably for 60 years or more!"

    The little old man walked up to the counter, placed his order with no hesitation and then paid for their meal. The couple took a table near the back wall and started taking food off of the tray.

    There was one hamburger, one order of chips and one drink. The little old man unwrapped the plain hamburger and carefully cut it in half. He placed one half in front of his wife. Then he carefully counted out the chips, divided them in two piles and neatly placed one pile in front of his wife. He took a sip of the drink, and then his wife took a sip as the man began to eat his few bites. Again, you could tell what people around the old couple were thinking. "That poor old couple."

    As the man began to eat his chips, one young man stood and came over to the old couple's table. He politely offered to buy another meal. The old man replied that they were just fine. They were used to sharing everything.

    Then the crowd noticed that the little old lady hadn't eaten a thing. She just sat there watching her husband eat and occasionally sipped some of the drink. Again, the young man came over and begged them to let him buy them something to eat. This time, the lady explained that no, they were used to sharing.

    As the little old man finished eating and was wiping his face neatly with a napkin, the young man could stand it no longer and asked again. After being politely refused again, he finally asked the little old lady, "Excuse me, why aren't you eating? You said that you share everything. What is it that you're waiting for?" She answered:

    "The teeth."

  11. I was starting to think that I was a grumpy old bastard who alone hated what I often refer to as "Coney Island" targets, but you've restored my faith that there are others out there in IPSC-land who know the difference between a good COF and a Ferris Wheel with Frisbees.

    You are a grumpy old bastard :D . But you are absolutely correct (as are the others in agreement), target setups like this have no place in IPSC shooting.

    Fun shoots - fine. Carnivals - fine. But not IPSC.

  12. I wouldn't have any problem calling out "Not Clear". This is covered under 8.6.1 and is no different to calling out "Muzzle" if someone looks like they are about to break the 90. It doesn't need a special range command.

    James, one day you'll have to tell me his name, it's likely I know him.

  13. Not from me... except maybe on a 'getting up as a required part of the COF', in which case spectators and other non-bullet-resistant riff-raff can be cleared out of the way in advance (this is a "predictable" 180 break and can be managed in advance)

    (minor rant-- what's with moving all the spectators even 20 yards back out of the way on every turn-n-draw? Are we expecting the shooters to break the 180?)

    Safe these holstered pistols are.. within reason, but nothing is 100% safe. Who wants to volunteer to throw a loaded locked-in-the holster gun into an operating clothes dryer for a while? I sure don't want to be around when somebody's quick-off holster comes unscrewed and dumps the whole loaded shebang on the ground.

    Belt-n-suspenders safety-- have to break two rules to hurt something. We don't know that you haven't been emery-boarding your sear in the hotel room such that a minor impact will release it, so we sure don't want to find out when you fall on your face (and holster) at a match.

    We don't overturn 180 DQ's on the grounds that "the shooters finger was off the trigger, or the gun didn't go bang, so therefore it was safe" do we?


    Well said. Yours is a better example than the one I posted earlier.

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