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Posts posted by trodrig

  1. I'd use caution in taking someone else's 9mm major ammo and running it through your gun. No disrespect to your friend but what may be "major" in his gun may be WAY major in yours! You mentioned trying your own reloads. You might try working up the powder charge on your own loads and use a chronograph to see where you're at with respect to power factor.

    Just my 2 pennys....


  2. Yeah, you were right Alamo. He had every intention of getting us in at the end of May but, well, "stuff" happens!

    I'll take pictures of the loading room when I get it set up. Actually, I'm probably going to have to set up temporarily in the garage just because I don't have time with everything else going on to do the inside room proper. But, I want to SHOOT damnit so I gotta get some ammo loaded! Right before we moved I got a shipment of 2000 pieces of brand new Starline brass that needs to be filled up!


  3. We finally got moved into our new house! We moved in LAST weekend but it doesn't feel like we were completely moved in until just yesterday. We moved out of our old house on May 27th and had been staying at my parent's place until the new house was ready. That wasn't bad at all especially since they live on 55acres and I was able to shoot a little bit after work! :) But, with the Dillon packed up, I was limited to the 22 after all my super comp ammo was expended.

    After unloading the Uhaul we almost immediately began work on the fence to contain Abbey and Ranger, our two Brittany's. That was 3 and a half days in the 100+ Texas heat for me and my dad but we're finally done!! There's still a TON to be done but now we can at least pace ourselves. And, more importantly, I've got a dedicated indoor room for reloading that I can start setting up and get my butt back out to some matches!!


  4. Thank you SOOO much for all of the support folks! The prayers all helped!! We were able to bring Ranger home late last night. The blood work showed that his clotting times and other indicators were all normal. Little bit of an infection but some antibiotics should knock that out! I think he/we were very lucky in that he didn't get as bad a strike as he could've. Right on his nose there was one good sized puncture wound and one VERY small little pin-prick. I think he maybe got some distance from the snake just in the nick of time and didn't get the full dose of venom! I just hope that this whole experience was enough to squelch his interest in those damn reptiles!! Even still, I'm not taking a chance and am on the hunt for a nearby "de-snakeing" clinic. Both of my dogs have had this done in the past but, obviously they need a refresher!! I wish I could share some pictures of them both but, since we're in between houses right now, all of our stuff is packed up! I found the camera so I'll get some up soon though!

    Now we're off to our regular vet for a final check up and a shot of the rattlesnake vaccine! I don't know if it's completely effective, but it can't hurt!!

    Thanks again for the support and prayers everyone! Ranger thanks you too! :cheers:


  5. I hate snakes! Last night the youngest of my 2 Brittanys (Ranger) was struck in the nose by a snake despite snake avoidance training!! It was most likely a Copperhead or a Rattlesnake. We didn't see it happen so we don't know which. He's at the emergency pet hospital right now and we're awaiting the next blood test at 4pm to see how he's responding to the antivenin. Fortunately, the strike wasn't as bad as it could've been and his swelling was not nearly as bad as some stories I've heard. I hate those freaking critters!!! It's not like this happened out while we were running around in the open field! This happened in the fenced in, mowed grass backyard not 30 feet from the back patio! It could've easily been a kid or other person out there! Our dogs are like our 2nd and 3rd children so if he doesn't pull through, this is going to be quite devastating.

    The worst part about it is knowing that he's sitting in some unfamiliar kennel all alone with a big cone over his head and tubes stuck into him. I already told my wife that if he looks like he's not going to make it, we're gonna go get him and bring him back out to the ranch where it happened and let him pass doing what he loved best, running around hunting in the open country.

    Please send good vibs and a prayer to San Antonio, Tx for Ranger!


  6. Today I ran a minor load for the first time in a match using a 9 pound spring. That's the same spring that I use for major as well and I didn't have a single malfunction for the whole match! Load was 5grains of N320 under a 115 MG JHP. This load comes out to ~138pf in my Trubore.


  7. I ended up switching to Precision 200 grain SWC's for 45. I've got a ton of these loaded up and they run fine but they lead the crap out of the barrel in my Kimber. I've talked to others with the same experience in Kimbers......


  8. Hmmm...something still seems strange on mine. Either that or I'm missing something. My average is still shown as 56.99% but when I average the scores by hand I come up with 60.68%. Is it possible that they haven't updated the average and High Percentages yet?


  9. I have a few videos up of stage 1 -2 -6 -9 -10 -11 I manged to mangle some in the transfer to my computer and lost the some. If some one wants to post a link for me that would be nice = or go to You Tube and search under AlamoShooter Double Tap

    Thomas did great in his first big match And he placed in C Class to bring home a trophy Congrats

    Thanks Jamie and thanks for taking the video of me as well! :cheers:

    I really enjoyed the match! Having the video to look at is really helping me identify some things to improve upon!

    Thanks again!


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