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Why do I push my shots low left!?


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The classic answer to your problem is that you're doing what's called "crushing the gun," i.e. when your index finger curls to pull the trigger the other fingers curl, as well. Basically you're making a fist every time you pull the trigger. This of course, for a right handed shooter, pushes all shots to the left, usually low left, and for a left handed shooter things go low right.

What you have here is a failure to disassociate your trigger finger from the rest of your hand. When the trigger finger moves, no other part of the master hand should move. Just the trigger finger, back and forth. Lots of dry fire can help. It also helps, with nothing in your hand, just to put your hand out, fingers curled as if you were holding a gun butt. Move your index finger back and forth as if pulling a trigger. Watch the other fingers. I'll bet you see them moving. Just keep doing that, over the weeks and months, until you can do it without the other fingers moving at all.

Also what will help is LOTS of dry fire practice. You may say, "'That doesn't happen when I dry fire, it only happens when I live fire." That just means you haven't dry fired enough. It's not enough to do the normal, slow "squeeeeeze the trigger" drill, you need to begin pulling the trigger at the speed you would when shooting fast. Turn your eyesight up, watch what the front sight does. If you're pulling low left in live fire, when you turn up the speed in dry fire, and turn up your eyesight, you'll probably see the sight moving low left as well.

Superb !!!! :bow:

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Provided that the ammo is consistent, the firearm is consistent in other words the combo will shoot a consistent group. The group size doesn't matter, because all guns will shoot a group. Some 1 inch at 15 yds, some 1 ft at 15yds, and yes, fliers count as part of the group if gun/ammo related.

If shots are found to be outside of the group as defined by that gun/ammo capabilty with that shooter at that distance, then the probable cause is inadequate fire control. In other words, something happened during the trigger manipulation process which caused the bore to be not where it was prior to trigger manipulation. PERIOD.

It doesn't matter whether you crush the grip, heel the grip, hold the gun upside down, sideways, between your legs or shoot via a mirror, pull the trigger with your tongue and hold the gun between your knees. If the gun can be held on target, and the trigger manipulated in a manner that will cause the gun to fire without disrupting the bore, it will be as good a shot as is capable for the eqquipment and shooter's hold. Yes the groups size might very with the between the knees hold!

The FBI has taken steps to absolutely prove this beyond any doubt. One piece of equipment that they have is a handun set up with a solenoid or plunger to activate the trigger remotely. Since most shooters do not believe they they ever jerk the trigger, this peice of equipment absolutely proves that they do. Some severe, some not so severe. It works like this.

The shooter holds the gun, but he/she has no control over the trigger. The instructor can activate the trigger "puller" remotely. In all cases, the shooter will shoot a round group. Yes, group size varies, but the group is basically round given enough shots to disperse as the shots are fired without any conscious input by the gun holder.

As has been mentioend the charts are OK, but not for everyone, even not when reveresed for the other hand shooters. Some of us willl jerk shots up, some left, some right, some down when the trigger is yanked on. Most however will jerk most shots low and left for the righty, and low and right for the lefty. Hold the gun upside down and shoot and you'll get the opposite result in most cases. ...and yes there are mechanical/anatomical reasons for this too.

T R I G G E R control is the hardest part to learn about accuracy shooting, especially with the handgun. Ask any true precision shooter, the answer will not vary.

MJ :cheers:

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