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ITRC Anyone Going?


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Just found the site a few weeks ago. Great site.

Just wondering if anyone here is going to the D&L's IRTC?

I'm going for my first time and was just looking for advice. I did read the review of the shoot from this site. It was a big help.


Tactical Solutions

Boise, Idaho

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ITRC = Int'l Tac'l Rifle-- Championship

In any case, yes, there are a bunch of us here who head up and shoot it.

If you've read my 2004 report, that should reasonably prepare you. Bring extra ammo and guns that work.

Make sure your carbine shooter can make hits out to about 400 yards, and your rifle shooter to about 750.


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Bring gear that works. At matches I've seen scopes break, scope mounts come loose, bipods break, sling studs pull loose, bolt handles come off (heard about that one on multiple occasions, didn't see it), ARs double, Rem 700s fire on closing the bolt, AR gas blocks shoot loose, etc, etc. Part of Dave's match is torture test, bring reliable stuff.

Talked to Dave, there will probably be some minor changes this year.

The high volume carbine course will most likely be a separate stage from the shoothouse, to allow competitors with suboptimal time management the opportunity to have fun in the shoothouse.

The rules allow a different (beater) carbine for the high volume course, so we aren't smoking 400 rds through a JP or Krieger barrel in 20 minutes.

Dave is trying to make sure there is time this year for the Golden Egg shoot and the Shoot-Offs, so expect the long courses to be tighter on time. Sounds like the majority of shooters (if not all) will have a hard time getting to the last station under time. Just rack up the points as fast as you can.

Best advice is to shoot efficiently.

It's great fun, hope to see you there. Send me a PM with any other questions, I'll be happy to give you my phone number.

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Zack and John,

Thanks for the info. Zack your posting from last year was a big help.

We are less then 2 weeks away and I'm getting excited. It's been 100° here in Idaho and it's hard to get trigger time in.

It's somewhat hard to prepair for with out shooting it.

Here's a couple of questains:

Do we need more ammo then what Dave recomends on his site?

How many long range rounds will I need for one day? I only have 350 rounds of brass. Just wondering if I need to get more coming.

Will a standard bipod be tall enough for the shoot or do I need something like shooting sticks?

I read somewhere that a 9 isn't enough power for some of the shoot?

Are you guys staying at the range or going back to town? What's the best option?

If you need anything that I make please let me know. www.tacticalsol.com



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Yes, bring more ammo. You should be safe with a case of carbine & pistol ammo, and 400 bolt rifle rounds. Last year I think we shot less than 250 rifle??

I plan on bringing about 120 per stage for the bolt rifle, more depending on the stage briefing.

Based on DL's rifle, I doubt you'll need shooting sticks.

9x is probably technically enough, but 10-15x helps.

Unless you want to camp, stay in town. It's still 40-50 minutes away from the ranges.

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I think Dave's ammo recommendations are generally pretty good. If you get eliminated early in the shoot-offs, you'll save ammo! :P

I've never used shooting sticks. I think a 9" bipod is OK, if you need more elevation you can generally shift around or use your pack.

Stay in town. I'm lucky because Gillette is my home town, and I get to sleep in my own bed! :)

The field courses are at various ranches, so you will still end up driving 30 minutes between stages, even if you stay at the range. With the August dust and heat, I'd spring for the hotel room in a heartbeat.

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Around the perimeter of the shoothouse Dave has a crapload of MGM econo-droppers. Basically a big steel plate that rests on a metal stake. If you hit the plate in the head with a 9mm, most of the time it will go down. If you hit the plate center mass or below with a 9mm, most of the time it will not go down.

I think last year if it didn't fall you could just nail it 4 times and move on. I was shooting my STI Limited gun in .40, and that takes them down lickety-cut.

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I found your picture page(s).

I seen that you shot the MGM. That's my neck of the woods.

I don't know if you had the chance to meet Daniel Horner. But, the day after the MGM I went shooting with him.

Well, guys I guess we will meet up next week.

We ended up booking at the National 9 motel in Gillette. $56 a night.


from the Tom and Rory team. But he calls it the Rory and Tom team.

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