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Super 1050 Casefeed Adapter

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First off let me apologize in advance if this topic has already been covered, the search engine didn't want to play tonight.

I bought a mildly used Super 1050 that came from the factory set-up for 38 Supercomp and has never been converted to any other caliber. From day 1 the casefeeder never fed quite right: approx 5-20 cases per hundred would be fed by the casefeed plunger too much to the right (cases were offset within the plunger to the right) and therefore would not feed correctly, if at all, into the shellplate. Numerous calls to Dillon ended up fruitless :unsure:

On a whim I double checked the caliber conversion chart, and noticed that my press had a green casefeed adapter (38 Super style) but the cases had a lot of room within the adapter to move around (not good), so I called them to see if this was the right adapter for Supercomp, they said "No, you need the white 380 adapter due to the rim diameter of the Supercomp." So I go ahead and buy the white adapter, got it today, excitedly installed it, and voila the casefeeder won't feed at all now because the adapter is longer and the Supercomps are too tall to feed through it <_<

Ultimately I think the white adapter's smaller internal diameter will center the case better and fix my casefeeding issues, but only if I modify the adapter by shortening it.

Is there a better solution? What works for you?

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I had the exactly same issue last week. I changed my 1050 from .40 to 38 supercomp. Despite of what Dillon told me I watch the case not going in because the white adaptor was too long. I was already getting really frustrated so I decided to cut the adaptor. I cut like .25 inch from the bottom of the adaptor, trimmed all the left over from the inside out. Since then I have loaded 400 rounds and haven’t had one case not going in to the shell plate. It worked for me. If you decide to do the same make sure you are prepared to buy a new adaptor in case it doesn’t work for you. Hope it helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...

White casefeed adapter did not fix the issue :(

Spoke with a 1050 guru at Dillon who said I need to either bevel my 223 shellplate or spend $54 + $9 shipping for a 9mm shellplate :o

The quest continues....

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