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Two Dogs in Michigan Need a Home

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I can across this heartbreaking story on Sig Forum: Two Dogs Need a Home

I really hope someone can give these pups a good home. I can't even imagine being in this situation knowing how important my dogs are to me. There are pics at the link, but here is the text:

"I love my dogs dearly. Going through this is heart breaking but I have no choice. I don't care how far I have to drive, I will do what it takes to make sure they have a good home.

So, I hope that a good family is found.

I would like them to stay together but them being apart from one another is better than them being put to sleep. "AJ" would have the most difficulty if that happened. He is the camera shy one. I also would not want them in a cage for a long period of time. That would be no life for them. They are used to and trained to have their specific place when we are not home and at bed time though.

I am happy to share my email address. It is :tflange1363@gmail.com.

If asked why they need a new home, it is because of health issues. I had to sell my house about a year ago as it was too much for me to care for (I have Lupus, systemic kind). I live in an apartment and although it is a large apartment, they are cooped up too much.

I recently had two surgeries which limits my ability to take them for the walks like they need to have. My neighbor in my apartment is not happy that I have these big dogs and my apartment complex association is not very patient.

Synopsis: These two dogs have been together since birth they have never been separated. If I take one for a walk and not the other they are miserable until the other returns. They love each other.

Many times when in a field and let to run free they will run side by side for a while and they look to see where the other is when they separate. If in familiar territory they do their own thing. They like to go outside but they are inside dogs, especially at night. They are not accustomed to being left out in cold weather.

"AJ" ...is black, and looks like he is wearing a tuxedo. He weighs 80# and is very healthy. He is potty trained and neutered. AJ loves to be touched. He will put his head under your hand or stand next to you and rub his head or body just to get pet. He loves attention. He is very sensitive and more of a docile dog (not the hyper type) unless he sees a squirrel. He is not much for bringing a stick back if you throw it but he does catch birds and is fascinated by them. Although I have no small children when we go for walks and children come up to pet him he likes that. He likes to chew Nyla bones. He eats Purina Lamb and Rice (about 6-8 oz) twice a day and likes Beggin Strips for a treat. He sits, shakes, lies down and know commands such as "stop", "go the other way", "no sniff", "no eating grass" etc.

He plays very well with other dogs although if the dog is very small and puffy I think he thinks its more of a play toy. Although I do not own one I would assume he would not get along with cats because he will go after a squirrel or other small animal. He does well at dog parks, camping, and going to the vet. When I have family or friends over he is excited for about the first 5 minutes then calms down and lays nearby. If a guest comes over and AJ barks at the person, if the person turns around he stops and calms.

He is a lover.

"Lucas" ... is the blond and also weighs about 80#. He is potty trained and neutered. Lucas likes to be petted, and will initiate sometimes but once you start he is your best buddy and becomes mush.

Lucas is not sensive and sometimes looks and acts as though he is very proud of himself. He is cute and he knows it. Lucas likes to investigate other small animals like squirrels and such but loses interest quickly. When he was about 8 months old we had a group of kids in our neighborhood that thought is was fun to hurt dogs. Unfortunately Lucas was one of the dogs on our street that was injured. His hip was crushed by a "two by four" and he was also struck in the head. He had a concussion and also surgery on his hip. The acatabulum was cut off and the femur naturally reattached to his hip bone. He is fine now and is able to run, play, walk and go up and down stairs. He sometimes limps if he over does it, or the house is damp and I give him a pain pill. Over the past year I would say he has needed maybe 8 pain pills.

He is very strong and healthy. He has pulled me on a sled at my old house in the back yard!

Lucas will run after a stick but once he gets it is no longer interested. He likes walks and rough plays with my son sometimes (my son puts a blanket over himself and growls, then Lucas gets playful and jumps and plays with him). Lucas does not seek for pets from strangers when walking but will allow it.

His preference for some reason seems to be upper elementary age boys and girls and he is playful with them (those are the only ones that I have seen him actively seek for attention, otherwise he ignores strangers unless they approach, then he walks away unless they press in a friendly manner to engage him). He likes to chew Nyla bones. He eats Purina Lamb and Rice (about 6-8 oz) twice a day and likes Beggin Strips for a treat. Lucas will sit and lay down on command. He will stop and turn and walk in the other direction if asked. He will not shake but I assume this is because of his hip maybe.

When walking, Lucas will look back at you to make sure you are coming. Unless he sees a squirrel. He plays very well with other dogs. He does well at dog parks, camping, and going to the vet. When I have family or friends over he is excited for about the first 5 minutes then calms down and lays nearby.If a guest comes over and Lucas barks at the person, if the person turns around he stops and calms. He is curious and very communicative with his eyes.

Please help me find a good home for these two wonderful dogs. Theresa Flange: tflange1363@gmail.com"

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