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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Crews working downrange


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I'm fortunate enough to live on the farm and have a back yard range. I can safely shoot in three directions, but prefer to shoot to the West because I have a 1.5 mile sight range and another half mile past that before you get to a highway or house (and those are on a small ridge and behind a few hundred yards of woods). The only time I can't shoot to the west is the handful of days my neighbor is planting, harvesting or spraying the farm just past mine.

So it's been a good year, and I reward myself with a plate rack. Naturally, it arrives at the peak of my busiest season, and it sits a couple of weeks in the shop until I have time to set it up and/or shoot. Middle of last week, we finally get time to take it to the house and set it up, and I get one afternoon to put a few hundred rounds on it. Then the drainage district decides to work on the ditch a mile or so down range, and there's a dragline directly downrange all weekend. This week, the dragline moves far enough up the ditch to make shooting safe again, and the electric co-op brings in a crew to work on replacing a power line running just close enough to downrange to make shooting a bad idea. I asked the foreman if his guys would mind wearing kevlar til they got further away from my house, but he mumbled something about union rules and started edging away.

How am I supposed to get better if all I can do is look at my plate rack?

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