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Posts posted by eboos

  1. On 5/19/2023 at 6:20 PM, haydn123456789 said:

    No issues with your JG shoe so far? Does the back of the trigger safety catch on the frame?

    No issues with the JG shoe at all. The trigger safety disengages just as it should.

  2. I initially had trouble with the Timney trigger. The issues were at first user installation errors. I wasn't getting the sear housing deep enough into the ejector housing and the sear wouldn't release the striker. Once I realized this I was able to fix it. Then I had some failure to return to battery and light strikes. This was with a 13lbs recoil spring and a 4.5lbs striker spring. It turned out that the striker spring was over powering the recoil spring and not allowing the slide to return to battery reliably. The light strikes were a result of the slide being slightly out of battery. I added a 4lbs spring (which actually measured closer to 4.5) and this cured the problem. The gun had been 100% reliable ever since. I added the JG shoe before I even installed it.

  3. On 9/13/2022 at 7:08 PM, LowSpeedHighDrag said:

    Got in my JG trigger shoe for the Timney trigger.  Tried to remove the Timney trigger shoe but couldn't get it off.  Used a punch from both sides of the shoe, but no movement at all, just bent the punch.  FWIW I've removed a regular Glock trigger shoe before with no problem.

    Okay, what am I missing here?


    Lol! I broke a punch and stabbed the broken end into my finger getting the Timney shoe off. Took the bloody broken punch to my grinder and dressed it and then was able to get the pin to move.

  4. I measured a few different striker springs using a Lyman digital trigger pull gauge. With the slide off the frame I set the trigger pull gauge on the striker extension and pulled it back until the striker was at the point where it would be when released by the sear. With a 4.5lbs spring in the gun that was causing out of battery issues with the 13lbs recoil spring I got a pull weight of 4lbs 11oz. A new 4.5 spring produced similar results. With a new 4lbs spring I got a measurement of 4lbs 6 oz. After putting the slide back on the frame I checked to see if there was any hesitation to go into battery - so far there is none. Will live fire test tomorrow.

  5. On 4/12/2023 at 6:03 PM, LowSpeedHighDrag said:

    Okay, stupid question - why would you need to use a reduced striker spring with the Timney trigger?  With the standard Glock setup, yes, but the Timney resets so the striker spring is already fully compressed.


    Due to the balance between the recoil spring and the striker spring working against each other. If you need a reduced power recoil spring to cycle lighter loads than a stock striker spring could prevent the slide from returning to battery. This problem is magnified by the Timney having the striker spring fully compressed.



    21 hours ago, Braxton1 said:

    I would agree with Aaron_K and eboos above. 


    A lot of the issues with this trigger have been caused by the Lower Lug of the OEM Firing Pin dragging on the Timney trigger bar, absorbing some of the energy of the strike.


    Timney used to sell an aftermarket Firing Pin whose Lower Lug was flat on the bottom, compared to the rounded radius of the OEM part.  This greatly reduced that drag, plus had the further advantage of a crisper trigger because the sear was releasing across a broad surface, rather than one whose engagement area gets narrower the farther down the sear moves along its travel.  AFAIK, they have discontinued their Firing Pin.  I have been modifying OEM pins to replicate this engagement.


    With the Timney unit and OEM ones that I have seen modified, nearly 100% engagement has been maintained.


    Did a check to see if there was any trigger bar interference. Took off back plate and pulled the trigger slowly until the striker was released. Holding the trigger at that release point I rode the striker forward and there was no contact between the striker and the trigger bar. Any marks on the trigger bar must be during reset.

    So what I have is simply an imbalance between the recoil spring and the striker spring. The light strikes were a symptom of not fully returning to battery. This imbalance is magnified by the Timney system’s “cocked” striker. Currently running 13lbs recoil spring and 4.5 striker spring. Ordered 4lbs striker spring and 15lbs recoil spring to try different combos. Already using a light weight striker. My present spring combo always set off the rounds, but occasionally I had issues returning to battery.

  6. On 2/15/2023 at 11:44 AM, GigG said:

    I've had some primers not go pop lately and I'm about 99.9% sure they aren't high primers.  I think the root cause is a combination of the Timney trigger and a worn striker spring.

    Is it possible you are not returning fully into battery?


    I have a Gen 4 G34 with a pure tungsten extended guide rod and a 13lbs spring and a 4.5lbs striker spring along with a Zev lightweight striker. I am still trouble shooting this setup since I just got a Timney trigger. Never had light strikes before installing the Timney, but on recoil spring testing the gun was hanging up when slowly riding the slide forward while holding the gun vertically. This was repeated with a stainless steel guide rod and 13lbs flat spring - same results. In live fire testing I did get one light strike and a few instances where the gun was not returning to battery fully. I've ordered a 4lbs striker spring and a 15lbs recoil spring in order to try a couple of different combinations. Of course, there is no problem returning to battery with the stock recoil spring, but that will not reliably cycle my loads (147gr over 3.2gr WST, 134pf). CCI primers.


    Other things I am going to try is polishing the striker channel, cups and spring. I will also play around with checking striker interference on the Timney trigger bar using an armorer's plate and the striker spring removed.

  7. During a classifer yesterday (among other problems) I had a round go "pthish" and no recoil. I dropped the mag and cleared the chamber. Unexpectedly, a full round ejected. Turns out the primer was seated sort of sideways, but was barely noticeable. I remember when I was loading these rounds that one primer sort of crunched its way in and I was surprised it didn't detonate. Visual inspection of that session's loads looked fine.

  8. I just started shooting IDPA this year after being away from shooting sports entirely since the Area 7 UPSPA championship in 2017. I needed to do a classifier so I could register for regionals. Using a new slide and SRO on my G34, I shot it for the first time on Wednesday and did a practice 5x5. Having never done one before, and having never practiced Bill Drills, I shot a respectable raw time of 20:03 although I dropped 10 shots for a 30:03 score. I didn't sweat it though as I was sure that I would do much better after Sunday's match. I was wrong!


    Being only my second IDPA match, I was struggling with the lack of rigidity in my holster (Bladetech Classic w/Techlock and NexBelt, Bladetech mag pouches), but I was also surprisingly having trouble finding the dot. This wasn't a problem previously during dryfire, but on Sunday I just wasn't presenting to target very well at all. Times were slow but accuracy was mostly there. In all but two stages I maybe dropped one or two shots, but the two stages where I messed up I really messed up. After the match and clean up it was time to record a classifier.


    The first string I was a second slower than my time on Wednesday and my accuracy was terrible. I was all over the place. The second string was equally slow and terrible. Third string I was grouping well, but I was grouping very high, -1 for nearly each shot just below the head. Forth string I was placing body shots in the head and the head shot was a miss. The only thing that I could think was "WTF!". To make matters worse (not like this would have saved my score) the time was about 4 seconds slower. I had an opportunity to reshoot so I went to go again. First stage: sucked, second: sucked, third: all my shots were well grouped in the head despite my aiming for the body. At that point I touched my site and found it flopping around. I didn't put any loctite on when I mounted it and the screws backed out nearly all the way. That would do it! I showed clear and packed it in. Threw some blue on it when I got home (did my carry gun as well). On the plus side, I doubt I will ever do any worse.

  9. Sorry for the thread necromancy, but:

    My Classic OWB fits my Gen 4 G34 and my Gen 5 G17 just fine. I just received a Signature OWB, and I have yet to confirm the fit of my G34, but it does not fit my Gen 5 G17 very well - particularly around the trigger guard. Mushy engagement and sticky on the draw.


    Just received this from BladeTech: "the Signature Holster for the Glock 34/35 is not designed to accommodate the Gen 5, so if you have the Gen 5 this could be an issue." Further reply from BladeTech: "The holster does not accommodate the ambidextrous slide releases."

  10. On 12/7/2022 at 5:47 AM, RangerTrace said:

    I had great luck with Blazer Brass 115s before I converted  my press to 9mm.  

    Going to run Blazer Brass 115s in an IDPA match this Sunday. My stock G17 doesn't like my competition loads and my G34 isn't setup yet for CO. 

    Glock 34, 5.31" barrel, 1167 fps average, 134pf

    Glock 17, 4.49" barrel, 1134 fps average, 130pf

  11. Using my 25+ year old Pact Mk IV. My dry fire practice is pretty basic and I am just using the par time function. It isn't registering the click (or maybe it is; doubt it, but I never checked), but since I am only getting one trigger pull per draw registering dryfire clicks didn't seem very useful.

  12. On 1/8/2023 at 11:13 PM, clw42 said:


    Even if they come in at $1,500 (totally made up by me), it's a game changer.  All in my opinion of course.

    That price is looking more and more likely. When introduced, if I remember correctly, the price was going to be $1100. Then with the name change they also increased the price to $1200. For what this press is, compared to the competition this is a steal. Just checked the FA website and they now do not list a price. In my mind, that only means one thing. Still a good price, but not the industry knock out price that $1100 or $1200 would have been.

  13. I have a G34 for production and a G17 MOS for carry. I ran my G17 in a few SC matches and I am likely going to convert my production gun into a CO gun so I am not tempted to start modding my carry. Major reason is that my carry with stock springs does not like my 130pf loads. Wish I bought a MOS model when I got the 34.

  14. 34 competition. 17MOS carry. Used to carry a 27, but I hated it. Was looking for a 19MOS but they were universally out of stock. Extremely happy I went with the 17. Kept it stock but ran a couple of SC matches with it. Going to get my 34 slide cut (or a replacement slide) so I am not tempted to mod my carry gun. Carry the 17 daily and I never felt that it was too big or sticking out too much (except one time where I didn't plan well for taking off a layer).

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