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Posts posted by AlphaCharis

  1. On 3/3/2022 at 2:51 PM, EEH said:

    Dam after all that there’s only one way UP.

    .... I thought so, too! lol, but apparently that wasn't the case lol.  ...I took on the USPSA Northwest Section Coordinator Position.  Then I got COVID.  Went full-throttle as soon as I felt better cause I was tired of being in bed and quarantined....  organized a community easter egg hunt in the woods/cleared trails.... then got sick again... had a few days of wellness and then I was go-go-go, again.... put on a  reception for a memorial service.... got sick again... sick going on 6 weeks.  On the tail end of that, still congested, I determined to "rest", but then decorated and built props for a Preschool Graduation til 1am before driving 9 hours to Idaho in the morning for Area 1.  Lol Got back and packed to move..... AGAIN....  into tents ⛺  lol. So I'm "homeless" for the next 6 months.   The house is JUUUUUST getting started!!  Now I need to pack tomorrow for Oregon State and I'm dry camping with no water/electricity..... I'm so not prepared lol


    Buuuut! tennis elbow is 90% gone!  And I dryfired.... at the safety table.... a few times.  ...I have not cleaned my gun; it somehow keeps functioning lol.  And I've kept shooting!!  :) I'm pretty sure now is the time things are lookin' up!

  2. March 3, 2022


    Been away for awhile!  Nice to see some people out there training :)

    I've been suffering from "shooter's elbow" the past year-ish.  There were several months it was too painful to dryfire and strong hand only classifiers HURT lol.  I could hardly raise and keep my gun up.  This year has been a lot better, I've been slacking on my exercises recently, so getting back on track with that to hopefully eliminate it completely!  What a pain.    


    Here's my most recent match a few weeks ago!  It was soooooo beautiful for a February day.  I'm basically the same as I have been the past couple years, if not a bit worse 😬  Buuuut... with the past couple years I've had, I've been using matches as a time to just relax and have fun.  It's difficult to not stress somewhat over not doing anything to improve, or at least maintain, but focusing on having some fun in my life has been good.   



    A few of my distractions this past year besides tennis elbow:  My house burned down (and roof recently collapsed with the weather we had https://www.instagram.com/p/CZtTrmxrBjQ/ 😮); husband cheated on me while I was at the Oregon State Championship 😠; I got divorced 🙃; went through a 16 week roller skating/derby program and made the Roller Derby team! 😍; I just moved into a temporary place since insurance isn't paying for housing anymore (and is now the 5th place me and my kids have lived in the last 12 months); and.... my contractor hasn't submitted permits for rebuilding, yet!  My house is taking forever! 🤪   Been quite the adventure lol  Here's to 2022!! 🍻 


    Goals for this month:

    • Get back to derby training (had taken a break and it's soooo hard getting back on schedule after taking two months off and now being unconditioned and out of shape)
    • Dryfire twice a week
    • Clean my gun..... when is the last time I cleaned it?!
    • Count calories every day (1200-1700/day)
    • Drink more water
    • Help build stages on March 12 for the PB match
    • Schedule a day for a livefire session next month
    • Check in with myself and do a follow-up post at the end of the month
    • And.... probably should do my shooter's elbow exercises 

    Okay, I'll start with that and see how it goes.




  3. 5/13/21


    Just finished Lo-Cap Nats!  I didn't have ANY expectations since I haven't been dryfiring or livefiring... and hardly shooting.  Been a crazy year.  Our weather has just been warming up and our shooting season basically just started here in WA.  I didn't go to Nats 2020 since I hadn't practiced then, either, but figured I needed to get out and away and have some fun.  Which I did!  


    But, I definitely could do better.   


    Back to the old goals of dryfire, livefire, and fitness:

    • I'm ready to get back to practicing.  Enough of a break has been had and things in life have calmed down a bit.  I reordered some dryfire targets cause my house burned down a few months ago, so I'm excited to get those this week! 
    • I did gain some of my 60 lbs I lost, so I'm back to paying more attention to what I eat, getting that weight I gained back off.    
    • Oh, and exercises for shooter's elbow.  


    A few stages from Nats:








  4. August 10, 2020


    This year has been so hard to get motivated to practice.  I have only been able to go to a few matches, and it's a little different cause we only have 6 man squads, so you don't have a much time to focus on your stage beforehand.  Instead of an off-season, it's more like an off-year for me :(  I miss shooting regularly!!     



  5. 01/03/20  Reviewing Past Matches


    I'm starting to get into a shooting mindset now that I've been making match videos from my July - December match footage.  


    In the 7/2 match, I thought I shot stage 3 fairly well.  I visualized and walked that stage a lot, and it went pretty much as planned, just minor hiccups.  Coulda been cleaned up a bit, but was pleased I didn't panic.  Stage 1.... I did not read the stage brief, OR count targets.... shame.  FTSA.  My friend actually made me a check list to review after every stage to make sure I stay focused and on track.  Stage 4 jam was awful, added a lot of time, just glad I threw an extra mag on the back barrel.  The WSB didn't specify which barrels could be used, so I stuck them in the port barrels so I didn't have to reach behind me for the reloads.  I can't remember if I had thought of it, or who's idea it was.  I was pretty happy with aiming on stage 5, lots of steel, some at a distance.  Not a super Production-friendly stage lol  


    IPSC Nationals... I did better than last year, but still find it difficult to shoot in this format.  I really like to walk stages, and you can't at this match.  Even though the stages aren't really hard stage-planning wise, I really like to feel prepared so I can be calm and more confident when I shoot the stage.  And it's sooo hard to shoot in Florida in JULY.  It is sooo hot.  I'm hoping with losing weight that I will do better in the heat.  I overheat so easily, and get really slow and it's hard to think.  The second half of one day, I was dumping water over my head and drenching my head and shirt.  I think I was already too overheated by then, should have started doing that earlier.  After shooting, it takes me an hour to cool off with full blast air conditioning in my car.


    I was Production 20th place out of 42, 57.31% of match winner, Ben Stoeger.  I usually place around 63-64% of Stoeger at USPSA Production Nationals, so I definitely don't do as well at the IPSC events.  Need to pay attention to calling my shots and not accepting so many charlies, dropping precious minor points.  Need to practice using the turtle targets more too, less alpha zone.


    Top 4 and the ladies above me:

    1 - Ben Stoeger

    2 - Sal Luna, 94.54%

    3 - Jacob Hetherington, 93.95%

    4 - Eric France, 86.78%

    11 - Justine Williams, 69.81%

    16 - Sara Taylor, 65.42%

    20 - Charis Denton, 57.31%





  6. 15 hours ago, Out of Ammo said:

    Wow, AlphaCharis, I think you're doing great with all the training.  Keep up the good work!  

    Thanks!  My goal is to be consistent this year.  I've been much better at making goals I can maintain, so need to continue adding more things in my life that I do that with (*ahem* dryfire *cough* livefire)

  7. 1/1/2020


    Well.... I met ONE goal this year.   I got under 200 lbs  :) Down 45 lbs in 2019.  Just about....  66 lbs to go.  Should help with practice this year.


    I haven't thought about this coming season beyond working and shooting the Area 1 match.  And fitness goals.  Continuing with 1200-1500 calories a day and am getting back into my M/W/F at the Y.  Got off schedule when 3 of my kids were in sports and they had practices every evening M-F, and 3 games EVERY Saturday for like 2 months.  It was horrendous.   


    So, this next month I will be thinking about my shooting goals/schedule for this year.

  8. 8/18/2019




    8/16    60 minutes

    Still on Refinement & Repetition Drill, numbered as the drill # in the book.

    1.  Sight Picture Confirmation -  20 @0.8

    2.  10-Yard Index - 20 @1.0, 20 @0.9

    3.  10-Yard Surrender Index - 10 @1.0, 10 @ 0.9

    4.  Turn and Draw - 10 @1.2, 10 @1.1

    5.  Strong Hand Index - 10 @1.1, 10 @1.0

    5.  Weak Hand Index - 10 @1.5, 10 @1.4

    7.  Burkett Reloads - 20 @1.0, 20 @0.9, 20 @0.8

    8.  6 Reload 6 - 15 @5.8, 10 @5.5, 5 @5.2, 5 @5.0, 5 @4.8

    15.  2 reload 2 - 5 @3.0, 25 @2.8

    16.  Bill Reload Drill - 10 @4.5

    17.  Headshot Sight Picture - 10 (no par)


    8/17    30 minutes

    2.  10-Yard Index - 10 @1.0, 20 @0.9

    3.  10-Yard Surrender Index - 10 @0.9

    7.  Burkett Reloads - 10 @0.9, 10@0.8

    8.  6 Reload 6 - 25 @4.8, 10 @4.5 - time left over at 4.8, but was making sure I got good sight pictures and didn't pull off target for reload early.  

    Practiced leaving position and entering position, getting gun up and sights on target ready to shoot as soon as first foot is touching inside box. 


    Just one more dryfire session before Tuesday!





    Yoga 60 min - worked core and legs a lot in this work out.  

    Weights.  Added a set to each of these, except rotator and newly added triceps press. 

         Rotator 4 sets of 20 reps, 40 lb (2 sets each side)   

         Leg Press 3 sets of 15 reps, 150 lbs

         Back Extension 3 sets 20 reps, 70 lb

         Chest Press 3 sets of 15 reps, 25 lb, 30 lb, 30 lb

         Row Sitting 3 sets, 15 reps, 90 lbs

         Reverse Flys 3 sets of 15 reps, 30 lbs

         Shoulder Press 3 sets 15 reps, 55 lbs    

         Triceps Press 2 sets 10 reps, 45 lbs


    8/17  1.5 Mile Run

    Jog/Walk Interval for 1.5 miles on track instead of app.  1/8 mile track.  Wanted to get a baseline for 1 mile and 1.5 mile run.  I realized my jogging pace is much faster than on the treadmill.  I think it's about 6.3 mph vs 5.3 on treadmill, but ended up walking more and only jogging in 30-60 seconds intervals.

    Laps 1-8, One mile:  1:11.96, 1:47.48; 1:39.73, 1:33.31, 1:32.17; 1:44.58, 1:46.44, 1:15.92 = 12:31.59  I jogged the whole first lap and 8th lap, others I jogged half, walked half.

    Laps 9-12, 1.5 mile:  2:06.48, 1:27.28, 1:50.79, 1:04.43 = 19:00.57  It was slightly under 19 min, I just couldn't press the lap button at the same time.  On my last lap I noticed I had a minute and a few seconds to get it under 19, so I jogged the the whole way with my side hurting, last corner I noticed I had only 10 seconds left and wasn't gonna make it, so I SPRINTED to the finish line and made it.  Then I almost threw up.  I'm looking forward to seeing my times for this a year from now!




    8/18    ~175 rounds

    Dot Torture targets for group shooting at 5, 10 and 15 yards, 45 rounds. Untimed

    Headshots at 10 yards, Groups at 25 yards, 24 rounds.  Untimed  


    Draw to One Shot, 10 yards, 12 rounds - all alpha except where noted

    1.37, 1.43, 1.45, 1.45, 1.45, 1.48, 1.48 D, 1.49, 1.52 C, 1.66, 1.73, 1.74


    Draw to One Shot, 7 yards, 12 rounds - all alpha except where noted

    1.10 C, 1.16, 1.20, 1.22, 1.22, 1.24, 1.29, 1.30, 1.34, 1.35 C, 1.44, 1.48


    Draw to Two Shots, 7 yards, 18 rounds

    1.36, 1.37, 1.38, 1.50, 1.51, 1.54, 160, 1.68, 2.13


    4 Aces, 7 yards, 64 rounds:  

    Total time - draw to first shot, split to second shot, reload to next shot, split to last shot

    3.96 - 1.58  0.40  1.75  0.23

    3.90 - 1.45  0.25  1.97  0.23

    4.24 - 1.63  0.22  2.17  0.22

    3.39 - 1.34  0.21  1.63  0.21

    3.38 - 1.21  0.18  1.79  0.20

    3.36 - 1.26  0.15  1.77  0.18

    3.29 - 1.25  0.16  1.68  0.20

    3.70 - 1.23  0.17  2.10  0.20

    3.64 - 1.28  0.15  1.98  0.23

    3.23 - 1.23  0.18  1.65  0.17  

    3.31 - 1.33  0.17  1.61  0.20

    3.88 - 1.26  0.17  1.90  0.55

    3.13 - 1.24  0.15  1.55  0.19 

    3.11 - 1.27  0.18  1.44  0.22  Fastest time, fastest reload

    3.60 - 1.17  0.15  2.09  0.19  

    3.35 - 1.15  0.15  1.88  0.17  Fastest first shot

  9. 8/16/2019



    Some basic drills last week.  Session 1 was 8/8, 30 min and Session 2 was 8/10, 45 min.  Indexed to various targets at different angles, so it wasn't always the same target and body position.  Session 2 did reloads and transitions off par time as well.  ...eek 6 days since my last dryfire?!


    Refinement & Repetition Drills

    1.  Sight picture confirmation - draw and establish acceptable sight picture on lower A zone, finger on trigger, don't pull trigger, 5 yards.  10 slow motion to start, practicing perfect reps. 

    Session 1:  10 @1.2 sec, 10 @1.0 sec, 40 @0.9, 20 @0.8

    2.  10-Yard Index - like drill #1, but at 10 yards.  Slow motion to start

    Session 1:  10 @1.2, 10 @1.1, 10 @1.0, 20 @0.9

    Session 2:  10 @1.1, 10 @ 1.0, 10 @0.9 

    3.  10-Yard Surrender Index - hands above shoulders, establish good sight picture on lower A zone, finger on trigger, but don't pull.  Start with slo-mo perfect reps.

    Session 1:  30 @0.9

    Session 2:  20 @0.9

    4.  Turn and Draw - hands above shoulders.  Start with 10, no par.  Worked on getting out of holster as soon as it would be safe to draw.  Started having a habit of turning completely around before drawing, after drawing a little early at a match last year (RO didn't see, but my video of the stage did!)

    Session 1:  10 @1.6, 10 @1.3, 10 @1.1

    5.  Strong Hand Index

    Session 1:  20 @1.1

    6.  Weak Hand Index - draw, transfer to left hand.  Felt this was getting a lot more smoother, getting sight picture quickly.

    Session 1:  10@1.5, 30 @1.4

    7.  Burkett Reloads - Gun on target in a freestyle position, drop mag while bringing up new mag, just tot he endge of the magwell.  Start with no par time, 10 reps.

    Session 1:  10 @1.0 - stopped after this drill as it was super late that night.  Need to start dryfire before midnight!

    Session 2:  20 @1.0, 10 @0.8




    Tracking calories, goal is 1200/day - usually eating around 1500.  I'm adding a lot on exercises to start so I have a record of my starting point to compare to later.  I'm using the 5K Runner app now, because the knockoff Couch to 5K one was messing up.  Started on Week 2, Day 1 because it was approximately the same times where I left off on the other one.  All sessions started with at least 5 minutes warm up and ended with 5 min + cool down.  Most days I also started the day with a Yoga class and/or weight training.


    7/31 & 8/2 & 8/5 - Strength training.  Forgot to add these on my last update.  I'm starting with machines, but would like to transition out of them once I get a routine firmly established.  I'm trying to get 2-3 sessions a week.  I am switching off the ab and rotator machine this week and doing ball exercises instead, I feel they do a lot more. 

    Rotator 2 sets of 15 reps, 40 lb 

    Leg Press 2 sets of 15 reps, 150 lbs

    Back Extension 2 sets 20 reps, 70 lb

    Chest Press 2 sets of 15 reps, 25 lb

    Row Sitting 2 sets, 15 reps, 90 lbs

    Reverse Flys 2 sets of 15 reps, 40 lbs, 35 lbs - I think I might lower this one to 35 or 30 lbs for both

    Abdominal Trainer 2 sets 20 reps at 25 lb

    Shoulder Press 2 sets 15 reps, 55 lbs    


    8/9 - W2/D2:  1.5 min Run (5.3) + 2 min walk x4 (3.4 mph), 1 min run + 1 min walk x2.  

    Hatha Yoga, 1 hour

    8/10 - Kayaying and swimming

    8/13 - W2/D3:  1.5 min Run + 2 min walk x5, 2 min Run + 1.5 min walk x1  I knew my next session I had to run 2.5 minutes, which I was pretty sure I was incapable of doing, so ended my last segment with a 2 minute run instead of the 1.5 min - and was surprised I did it.  Last time I ran for 2 minutes I'm pretty sure was 10th grade.  Walking part was 3.3 for first 3 runs, then switched between 3.1 and 3.2, depending on what I needed).

           - Cone drill (suicides):  2 sets of 15 touches - this was suuuuuper tiring.  Actual trying to RUN and be fast, not jog, was exhausting.  I got slower and slower each rep.  I want to add some agility exercises into my dryfire routine, like ladder drills and cone drills... but I've been procrastinating on this.  After I get dryfire solidified into my schedule, I think I will add these more often.     

           - Strength Training Circuit (same as above).  I think I will add a third set on 8/16.... I don't know if I'm supposed to be sore at all after this? because I'm not.

    8/14 - Hiking, 4.0 miles - climbing through Ape Cave! 

    8/15 - W3/D1:  1.5 run/1.5 walk + 2.5 run/2.5 walk + 2.5 run/2.5 walk + 1.5 run/1.5 walk.  All runs were at a 5.3 jogging pace, and all walking recovery time fluctuated between 3.1 and 3.3 mph.  The 2 1/2 minutes of jogging I was pretty sure was going to kill me, but I finished every second!     

           - Had check-in at the Y for weight training, took body measurements.  Added triceps press, 2 sets of 15, 45 lbs to my weight routine and ball exercises.



    Before this Tuesday's match:  3 dryfire sessions, 1 livefire session (and possibly a Steel match on Sunday).

    August Dryfire minimum 1 hour on Tues/Thur

    For this year:  Lose 15 more lbs before the end of the year!  (Will be under 200!)  Lost another pound this week :)  23 lbs down so far





  10. Your % earned on a classifier (at a local L1 match) is based on an individual classifier - and the % is based on the high hit factor for that particular classifier (it's a national standard, not based on performance at the match.)  You need 4 of these classifiers in the same division for an initial classification.  Most locals have one classifier per match.  You can look up your hit factor on the classifier calculator at the uspsa website if you login as a member and see what your % would be.  After scores are submitted to USPSA, it will show up on your classifier record on the USPSA.com website when you log in.  The Practiscore Competitor app also shows what the % of the classifier is.


    Here's the classifiers:



    You can also earn a classifier score based on how you do in your division overall at a major match (L2+).  Not every major match will be a classifier, as it depends on participation in your division, and how many GMs competed.  There must be at least 3 GMs, ending with division placement 90% or higher, and at least 50 competitors in your division for the match to be considered a classifier score.  This would count as 1 of the 4 classifiers you need to be classified.



  11. I wouldn't base the decision on what classifiers are the best right now.  Shoot the division you enjoy the most!  If you like shooting a dot, sounds like you would enjoy Carry Optics :)   I agree with Burgess, a dot can also help a lot with knowing what your sights are doing and how to correct it - helps make you a better irons shooter as well.  Pick a division that appeals to you the most and then stick with it; with a little dryfire and time behind the same gun, those classifier scores will rise.

  12. 8/9/2019


    Where has the year gone?!  I've been trying to more things with my kids this summer, camping, hiking, kayaking - so has been hard to be consistent with all the things I want to do.  Working on better dryfire habits now that summer is winding down!!


    #dryfire / #livefire

    I'm going through Steve Anderson's first book to start out dryfire session.  Three sessions in this week, need to update my log tonight with drill times.  Just finished a 3-day TPC class held up in Custer, WA a few weeks ago.  I had a certificate I had won from Berry's Steel Open so I finally got to use it!  Got some good livefire in during those three days, around 1200 rounds.  



    I really want to be in better shape and be faster.  I know I need to shoot sooner, too, which will happen with more dryfire/livefire, but also really would like to improve exits, running, etc.  I've been tracking calories for several months now and have gotten a lot better habits, now have started at the gym about a month ago.  Down 22 lbs since January :) 


    Doing some weight training and Yoga.  For cardio I'm doing a 5K timer app that gradually increases the amount you run.  5 minutes warm up, then the jog/walk intervals, and walking after for cool down.  These are the runs I did so far:   

    7/? :  60 sec run (5.0 mph), 90 sec walk (2.6 mph) x 8 -- I thought I was gonna die and had to add an extra 15 seconds of walking/15 seconds less of running a few of the rounds toward the end, and even rested on the handlebars of the treadmill a bit for the last 15 seconds of the last 3 sets.  Heart rate up to 180

    7/27:  60 sec run (5.1 mph), 90 sec walk (2.8 mph) x8  Finished everything!  Sweating like crazy = 8 MIN RUN

    7/30:  60 sec run (5.1 mph), 90 sec walk (3.0 mph) x8 = 8 MIN RUN

    8/2:  70 sec run (5.2 mph), 80 sec walk (3.2 mph) x8 = 9 MIN 20 SEC RUN

    8/5:  90 sec run (5.3 mph), 2 min walk (3.3 mph) x9 + 60 sec run (5.7 mph) - I had extra energy cause I was mad at the first app I was using not working, so I ran extra lol = 14.5 MIN RUN

    8/7:  90 sec run (5.4 mph) + 90 sec run (5.3 mph), 2 min walk (3.3 mph) x 3 + 60 sec run (5.3 mph), 60 sec walk x2 = 8 MIN RUN  I tried to bump up my speed to 5.4 mph, but I was feeling really worn out after the 90 seconds, bumped it back down to 5.3.  I was also feeling really tired that day and after the run.  Did a Pilates class right after and started feeling a better.


    Matches I uploaded since last time.  Also went to Area 1 and IPSC Nationals.  We have lost a lot of Production shooters to CO and PCC in our section, so the competition has been pretty slim.  :(   

    4-7-19 USPSA Shelton Series Match - Production Win

    4-14-19 USPSA PB - 4th Place

    4-16-19 MRS - 2nd Production

    4-28-19 Renton - 4th Production

    5-4-19 Jefferson - 3rd Overall

    5-7-19 MRS - Production Win

    5-11-19 PB - 5th Open [Production Win] BUMPED TO OPEN

    5-12-19 PB - Production Win

    5-21-19 MRS - Production Win

    6-1-19 Jefferson Series Match - 3rd Place

    6-4-19 MRS - Production Win

    6-8-19 PB - Production Win

    6-9-19 PB - Production Win


    Inland Empire Sectional


  13. Hey!  A local!  I shoot at PB as well.  We may have met but I'm really bad with names and faces, especially when people are in their range gear - so if we already met... or talked at the match...  sorry - takes a few times lol  Paul Bunyan is mostly my home range (along with Jefferson) even though it's an hour 15 minutes away for me.  I shoot at Jefferson, Renton, Marysville, Custer as well for USPSA.  Only shot a few IDPA matches, though.  Nice to see you go all in and dryfiring and getting some livefire in!  We have a lot of people in our area that practice, I know you've met a bunch of them already.  :)  You're doing very well for just starting out, welcome!



    Wow, that was a really long off-season for me!  It's been pretty much half the year.   I have only been shooting the occasional match and did not practice.... at all.  This week was the start of training - after a few false starts.  I gained 15 pounds Nov-Jan somehow, so spent January and February losing it, again.  I'm back to the weight I was before off-season, but I think less muscle mass.  Would like to lose another 15 before Area 1 and regain some muscle back, dang lazy winter.


    I just looked at my offseason goals I had in December... yeaaaaah... I didn't do any of them.  Still shooting factory.  Shot factory through my PCC and broke it during a stage, so...loading for the PCC now.  Still have some issues to work out with it.  



    Got a few sessions of dryfire in this week, been pretty hectic the last month.  I think I'm going to aim for an hour a day, broken into two sessions.  (Minimum of 15 min/day; 5 days a week.)  Also gonna be starting up livefire practice again now that the sun is out and it's not raining as much, or snowing.  70 DAYS TIL AREA 1!

    Apr 3  60 min

    Apr 4  30 min

    Apr 5  OFF

    Apr 6  Match + 15 min dryfire

    Apr 7  Match


    Matches this winter, and some of the videos:

    11-3-18 2nd Place Limited

    11-11-18 4th Production

    Vision-X Night Match Classic

    12-9-18 PB Outlaw Production Win

    1-5-19 Jefferson MATCH WIN #HOA

    1-13-19 Paul Bunyan 2nd Production

    2-2-19 Jefferson Fall

    2-10-19 Paul Bunayn 3rd Place

    2-23-19 IDPA 2nd ESP

    3-2-19 Jefferson 1st Production, 12th Overall

    3-10-19 Paul Bunyan PCC Last Place

    3-15-19 Safariland Expedition PCC Last Place

    3-15-19 Safariland Mike Voigt Memorial Match, 4th Production & High Lady

    3-19-19 MRS 2nd Production

    3-30-19 Paul Bunyan UML 2GUN Match, 22/47, 63.16%

    4-5-19 Jefferson 2nd Production, 5th/22 Overall

    4-6-19 Shelton Series Match Production Win









  15. 20 minutes ago, Gary Stevens said:

    If I read this correctly, you can no longer hold the top of a wall for support such as shooting strong or weak handed. Only the edge is legal now, correct?


    Yeah, it doesn't feel specific enough.  They never define "edge"... is it the whole side that's touching?  Can you still hook your foot on a wall?  



  16. 1 minute ago, MemphisMechanic said:


    There’s a difference between reading the rulebook and splitting it’s more obvious hairs.


    Only stand on things inbounds, including on fault lines, and you’re good. Just like you aways were. No RO is going to ding you for that. Just like things have always been.


    You just can’t stand on things out of bounds which happen to touch the shooting area anymore.


    I’m sorry you don’t like the way they phrased that, but stay inbounds while pulling triggers and nothing is gonna jump up and bite you.


    This isn’t hard.


    But it specifically says that supporting structures are "not part of the shooting area."  So, if you are touching one that lies fully inside the shooting area, are you technically faulting according to the rule? 


    We know what should be... but that's not how it's written. 

  17. 10/4/18

    I feel like this whole year has been a waste for any improvement.  And I fly out for Nationals in 16 days.


    12/16/18  QUICK UPDATE :)  



    LOL I logged in, and the above is what I started for a previous journal entry.   I think i was feeling ready for off-season right around September.  Even though I did not feel ready for Nats AT ALL, I went to Factory Gun and Limited Nationals in October and had a good time.  I did okay (about what I expected) -- I had low expectations since i had not been practicing.  I was happy that I was fairly consistent throughout the match, didn't have any huge errors, and ended up being just shy of 65%.  I shot Limited Nationals "for fun" and I had a great squad and really enjoyed getting to shoot with Hwansik Kim, Matt Hopkins, and Ben Stoeger.  How am I ever going to go back to my normal B class scrub squads?     



    I'm enjoying some off-season time just doing almost nothing.... though I have shot 4 matches since I came home from Nationals just before Halloween.  Shot the fun 2018 Vision-X Night Match a few weeks ago.  I'll probably hit some matches I don't normally shoot throughout the normal season:  some IDPA, maybe an ASI or Fun Steel or something.  I will also be catching up on match videos this winter, and looking at shooting goals for 2019, reviewing goals from 2018 - what improved and what is carrying over into the new year.  Another thing I'll be doing is dropping in my new hammer and disco for the Shadow 2 and seeing if I like that.  Replacing mag springs.  Testing a new load with my N320 and loading up on ammo.  I will also be dryfiring with my new toy.......


    #new toy

    Oh.... I got a new toy.  I bought a PCC and put the DPP I bought for Carry Optics onto the PCC instead.  I am thinking of shooting PCC in the off-season and then going to the UML Safariland match in Vegas in March before I start training for the new season with my Shadow 2.  Production Nats is so far away, I don't want to start too early and get burned out two months before Nationals.  Master class this year!?  So, depending on how I like it, I'll have to decide whether I am going to go to Optics Nationals, and then whether i want to shoot Carry Optics or PCC.  



  18. 4 hours ago, Lastcat said:


    NW01...ah, that's the magic word. I'll check that. Puyallup has been on my mind for a few years, look forward joining you guys. Thanks.


    Awesome!  Looks like DukeEB covered everything. ;)   You don't need to be a member of any of the ranges that hold USPSA matches in this area to shoot them.  And since you've shot USPSA before you can just show up day of to register and squad, no safety check needed.  (For new shooters, the MD likes to have them schedule a time to come the day before the match during setup for a safety brief.  I think people usually just schedule that through the WA State USPSA shooters Facebook group DukeEB was talking about.)  A few weeks before the match they should have the Practiscore registration available under NW01, as they have been doing online registration for most the summer.  Hope to see you up shooting at Paul Bunyan!  We have a good group and a lot of fun stages.

  19. 8/11/18  Columbia Cascade Sectional - 6th Production  |  2nd A Class


    I did a little better at this match at calling my shots, but still suffered occasionally on looking toward my next target before I was done with the one I was on.  I did a lot of popper stepping at this match!  I'm usually really good with steel, but I was just rushing off it today.  First stage was rough... my worst stage of the day.  Overall, the match was really enjoyable - especially since it ended up being overcast and the weather made it so much easier to shoot in!   


    Stage 6: 6th, 67.95%  Weak hand, terrible run!

    Stage 7: 6th, 77.33%  Unneeded pickup shot because I looked at the noshoot, saw a staple and thought I hit it cause I wasn't calling my shot

    Stage 8: 9th, 74.60%  Prone

    Stage 9: 5th, 92.09%  One charlie, needed to shoot faster - felt reaaaaally slow

    Stage 10: Stage Win!  Long distance, poppers from both sides of stage, liked my stage plan

    Stage 1: 8th, 73.84%  2 mikes on the headshot :(  just barely in the black!  If they were a mm and cm higher this would have been a stage win!

    Stage 2: 5th, 69.70%  Gun pickup, hardcover donut, swinger

    Stage 3: 2nd, 97.11%  Memory stage, going left then cutting across back to the middle, spent a lot of time day before timing 3 different stage plans (well, used Nick to time it) 

    Stage 4: 3rd, 84.02%  Running from front right corner to back left, inconvenient round counts for reloads

    Stage 5: 7th, 79.11%   3 per target, kneeling in last position





  20. 8/7/18  Mt.  Rainier Shadow Series Match - 2nd Production


    Stage 6 - 3rd, 76.80% (49.53% of PCC M)    What a DISASTER.  Shot at the swinger before it was even there.  That was a first.  I thought the swinger was faster than it was, and I was so ready to shoot it.  I should have passed off the score pad much earlier because I did not have this stage memorized.  The rest of the match I was sure to pass it off right before I was in the hole.

    Stage 1 - Stage Win (52.02% of Open A )    I forgot on my second reload that I shot to 10 twice on an unloaded start, was thinking I was going to have a round in the chamber on that reload and forgot to rack it right away.  Need to remind myself on unloaded starts that I only have 10 rounds.  I also missed my position and was a step back too far and had to waste time stepping forward and leaning to get the last target.

    Stage 2 - 4th, 77.16% (67.25% of CO A)   Weird trigger freeze and had to jump back in the shooting area.

    Stage 3 - Stage Win  (70.68% of PCC A)  This stage went pretty well.

    Stage 4 - 2nd, 94.85% (67.33% of PCC A)  Classifier "On the Move" - I never know how to shoot this one.  Had master time with not so great hits.  GRIP! 

    Stage 5 - Stage Win (62.04% of PCC MPickup on the headshot, almost ran the RO down, forgot to shoot the poppers from my other position cause I didn't want to shoot to 10, and ended up doing a standing reload.  Should have just reloaded and shot all of them straight across.



  21. 8/5/18  First GSSF Match!


    So, thought about this match a few days before, didn't realize I was going to be around for it.  Didn't really decide to go until the night before.  Got there about an hour early to test fire my G34 that I hadn't shot in over a year? and also my G19 which I had never shot.  I was pleasantly surprised with the stock trigger.  Entered 3 divisions:  Competition with my G34, the GlockGirls Side match with the G34, and Civilian with my G19.  Overall, besides the first stage, I was happy with my consistency and calling shots.  I was doing much better with calling shots than I have been doing lately, and will do some more drills this week with that.


    First stage I shot was "5 to Glock"

    I aimed on the first gun, Competition, dropped only two close charlies on the back target.  3 strings 7.83, 7.29, 7.94 +2.0 = 25.06 seconds.

    On my second gun I thought I could shoot faster because the first gun felt so tedious.  Also, they put new targets on and I didn't know where to shoot on the tombstone targets.  This was my

    Civilian G19 entry.  7.17, 7.88, 7.45 + 19.0 (7 charlie, 4 delta) = 41.50 seconds

    I think I was shooting too high on the target, so adjusted and shot more in the middle for my Lady entry with the G34.  6.94, 8.91, 8.17 +12.0 (6 charlie, 1 delta) = 33.02 seconds.  These were my worst runs. #aimhard #nopickupshotsallowed


    Second stage up was "Glock the Plates"

    I wanted to #aimhard after the first stage and not rush.  For aiming hard, I think I burned it down.  I think I only had 2 pickup shots for all the strings.  

    Competiton G34:  4.68, 3.57, 3.44, 3.42 = 15.11 seconds.

    Lady G34:  3.79, 3.30, 4.64, 3.43 = 15.16 seconds.   

    Civilian G19:  3.47, 3.48, 4.18, 4.28 = 15.41 seconds.  


    Last stage shot was "Glock 'm"

    Competition G34:  6.49, 6.79, 5.88 = 19.16 seconds  

    Lady G34:  5.91, 5.46, 5.64 + 4.0 (4C) = 21.01 seconds.   

    Civilian G19:  5.53, 6.13, 7.13 + 4.0 (1C, 1D) = 22.79 seconds.  



    Competition G34:  59.33 seconds -  First Place

    Lady G34:  69.19 seconds - First Place

    Civilian G19:  79.70 seconds - Second Place (lost first by 4.94 seconds!  If only I didn't have 19 seconds of penalties on stage 1 LOL) and High Lady




    I've had four dryfire sessions and one livefire session that I still need to add to my journal.

  22. 8/1/18    #livefire ~250 rounds


    I was really tired and didn't want to head out an hour to the range to practice, but I did anyway.  Planned on a shorter session and between 200-300 rounds.  I didn't plan what I was going to do - but will start planning for future sessions to get the most out of my practice.  It will be a lot more exciting and beneficial to target my weak areas.  Since general familiarity with the gun was what I needed, and confidence, I've just been doing basic stuff for my first three sessions.  


    My grip was really poor in this session, which seems to be a constant struggle if I don't keep on it.  Focusing on that in dryfire, and really making sure I don't loosen my grip too early before a reload, and make sure after a reload I am taking the time to get a proper grip.


    Seems overall, I'm getting comfortable with this gun and starting to love it.  Just sent in my CZ certificate for another Shadow 2! (paid the difference to upgrade).  I'll now have a backup gun or, if I get it soon enough, set it up for Carry Optics.  Will definitely have to stick with the CZ now that I will have two of them!


    Doubles (10 yards, Draw & shoot 2)  Goal:  1.3 seconds  

         7/20 Average:  2.06 

         7/24 Average:  1.71    

         8/01 Average:  1.57


    Draw to One Alpha (10 yards, Draw, one in Double Action)  Goal:  1.0 second? consistently

         7/20 Average:  1.33

         7/24 Average:  1.24  

         8/01 Average:  1.22

    1.18, 1.16, 1.42, 1.12, 1.20, 1.22, 1.32, 1.20, 1.16, 1.21.  I seemed to be more sloppy and not calling my shot when I was just shooting one round on the DA.  On some of the shots, it was 5 inches straight below where I was aiming, must have stopped looking as I pulled the trigger.  On Doubles, I seemed to pay attention better and see my hits.  I didn't have a problem at the last match I shot at, in Idaho - must have had better focus then.  Will be shooting the Call it and Leave it Drill on Saturday morning.  


    Blake Drill (10 yards, Draw and shoot 2A on 3 targets)  Goal:  2.2 seconds

         7/20 Average:  3.82

         7/24 Average:  3.58  

         8/01 Average:  2.70  

    I was kinda sloppy on my grip in this session and throwing quite a few charlies on Blake Drills.  I was faster, but slightly worse hits than the last session:  2.85, 2.56, 2.83, 2.69, 2.68, 2.94 (bad draw), 2.38, Average 2.70; taped and shot 3.09, 2.76, 3.06, 2.46, Average 2.84; taped them up cause they were kinda crappy hits and then focused more and shot 2.48, 2.51, 2.64, 2.39, 2.95, 2.48, 3.03, 2.60, 2.64, 2.72, 2.95, 2.43, Average 2.65Overall Average 2.70 seconds 


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