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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by YoMikey

  1. Much appreciative for the information! Thanks! Mike
  2. Howdy all, I'm currently a new USPSA member with all "U" classifications but would like to register for the next Area level match - for the competitive match experience - and would likely register as unclassified unless I can earn one before registration fills, which is months before the actual match. Question: What classification does USPSA consider at match time for results, registration declared or actual in the database system in the event a classification is actually earned between registration and match? I've Google-scoured but can't find any rule or mention. Thanks! Mike
  3. My first steel match the other night I walked into stage 4 of 4 with a 20 round COF with 2 strings and 2 mandatory reloads. I had 22 rounds in my mags, thinking, "Ok, I can do this just go slow, right?" tried to think this thru before loading mags, thinking execution, bla bla bla... walked away with one proceedural for making an early mag change for missing twice @ T4, a really slow stage time, but it was nice to have the slide lock open on string 2 right after hitting the second string T5 shot. Moral of the story: Seriously Mike, bring more rounds to the match! Ok,quit laughing out there
  4. Howdy, welcome aboard, great knowledge here! Mike
  5. Howdy! Welcome to the forum Mike
  6. Howdy! Welcome! I'm a newbie myself, having shot 3 steel matches since July but loving this sport more and more with every outing. This forum is a treasure trove of valuable information, I'm still looking around for tips and help. Good luck and happy shooting! Mike
  7. Thanks KSwift, my wife, daughter and I are now members at Rio and have been practicing at the main range, and it's nice they have lots of diversity in the matches they hold, lots of pistol, steel and combined paper and steel. I'm looking forward to it. Thanks mgardner! I've been starting with the Intro to Steel and passed the PSSC. I've been having fun already! Thanks FLSlim! I have taken the past 2 months of Intro to Steel and have been having fun with it, learning a lot along the way. I'm looking forward to coming out for Tuesday Night Steel as well to get lots of match practice. Thanks for the welcome all! YoMikey
  8. Howdy everyone! I'm Mike from Arizona, new pistol shooter who has an interest in USPSA and steel shooting. I love what I've learned from browsing the forum here, and dig that everyone is friendly and helpful! My first experience with firearms was a Hunter's Safety class my elementary school sponsored (you read that right) where we were taught utmost safety and were able to shoot many different types of firearms, but only until recently I have been immersing myself in many things shooting, learning and absorbing as much as I can to be a safe, and smiling competitor. Greetings! YoMikey
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